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Westwood Public Library| September 2023

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The library will be closed September 2nd through 4th for Labor Day weekend.

chalkboard and school supplies with white lettering

Featured Events

blue background with fire gif to showcase firefighter book
Herbs on a brown background.
bloody handprints on a tan background
green background with off-white blocks of writing
orange and pink dahlias on a green background

Continuing Programs

Our continuing programs are always looking for new members, too!

Tan background with artsy images in the corners.
Movie theater style poster promoting Monday Matinees.
Mah jongg tiles on a white background.
Leaves on a white background promoting poetry.
Dull pink background with 2 golden retrievers.

Please check our website and calendar of events for up-to-date schedule changes.

View Our Calendar of Events

Book Club Picks

September book club picks for the Islington Branch Library.
tan background with book covers

Did You Know... | We Have a New Way to Receive Feedback?

Check out our Monthly Library Surveys to let us know what you hope to see happening at the library!

We'll leave the survey up for a month at a time and change the questions at the start of each new month. So answer at your leisure and let us know what we can do to help you.

computer survey on a white background

Digital Collection

yellow and red background with white lettering
teal background with white iPhone

Museum Passes

yellow and tan background with social media images

Featured Theme: Series Starters

book cover
book cover
book cover

Enjoy the cooler weather with a great series through our Series Starters LibGuide.

Find more book suggestions with our vast selection of LibGuides here!

Friends of the Westwood Public Library

white background with book bin and information
blue background with books

The annual Friends of the Library (FOL) community appeal is underway. The FOL provides funds for library programs not covered by the existing town budget. If you’d like to donate, please send your tax-deductible donation to the library (care of the FOL) or use the link below to make your donation. Thank you! 

Support the Friends of the Library
Friends of the Library logo

The FOL is now accepting books & puzzles!

The Friends of the Westwood Library currently welcomes for resale, donations of most gently used books. Donations may be dropped off in the vestibule of the Main Library. 

man carrying boxes

New and Notable Titles

A stack of books

General Fiction | Mystery | Romance | Science Fiction | Adventure

Nonfiction | Past & Present | Science & Nature | Lifestyles | Business

Children's Picture Books | Children's Chapter Books | Teens

Don't miss this week's bestsellers:

Hardcover Fiction | Paperback Fiction | Hardcover Nonfiction | Paperback Nonfiction

All library programs are free and open to the public thanks to generous support from the Friends of the Westwood Library.

About the Friends
Friends of the Westwood Library logo

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  • Book Buzz for quarterly book recommendations from Westwood library staff
  • Youth Services Newsletter
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