Issue Five | September 2023


Garden Club

Welcome to the September 2023 issue of the City of Brampton’s Backyard Garden Club e-newsletter!


In this issue, learn how to prepare for the end of the garden season by freezing your harvest and learn some fun facts about kale!

Have gardening questions? Email us.

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Preparing for cooler weather ahead! 

September is still a busy month for gardeners. This summer has been warm and wet, perfect climate for most vegetables to continue producing their special gems.

Looking to save some of your veggies? Zucchini and tomatoes can be frozen and used to make a sauce with your fresh garden products once colder weather hits. It is also a great opportunity to involve your little ones in pickling and making jams.

With cooler weather on the horizon, it is time to begin cleaning up the garden and other growing areas such as raised beds and containers. Be sure to empty everything to prevent ice and water damage.

If you kept a diary of your garden, it is a great time to review and make decisions about next year’s garden resolutions!  

Contributed by Asna Black, Chinguacousy Garden Club

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How to Freeze Your Garden Harvest

Plan ahead and learn how to freeze your harvest to ensure you have plenty of fresh produce to use throughout the winter months.

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Plant of the Month: Let’s Talk Kale!

  • Kale is a green, leafy, cruciferous vegetable that is rich in nutrients; it is great for adding fiber and antioxidants into diets through many savoury dishes, salads, and smoothies.
  • This vegetable keeps on producing until extensive frost hits our home gardens. Leaves from different varieties of kale can be harvested as the need arises.
  • If you are looking for a delicious healthy meal addition, try oven-dried kale leaves sprinkled with a bit of sea salt. It makes a great snack on its own and is a healthy alternative to potato chips.
  • Let your children have some fun and pick their own flavour from sweet to savoury to spicy; there is no shortage of kale opportunities! 

Bon Appetit!

Contributed by Asna Black, Chinguacousy Garden Club

Help Support Those In Need In Our Community

If you are a present or past participant in the Backyard Garden Program, please mention you are donating from the backyard garden program when dropping off produce at one of the food banks listed below.


253 Queen Street East (use south entrance marked as Regeneration Marketplace)

Hours of operation: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 3 pm

Knights Table

287 Glidden Road, Unit 4 (use back door)

Hours of operation: Monday - Sunday, 11 am - 6 pm

NOTE: please separate produce by type

Lifting the Fallen Church/Iglesia Pentecostal Levantando Al Caido

171 Advance Boulevard, Unit 14-15

Hours of operation: Friday, 10 am - 4 pm | Saturday, 5 - 8 pm | Sunday, 3 - 7 pm | Monday -Thursday by appointment only, call 905.499.0777

Heart Lake United Church's Community Cupboard

85 Sandalwood Parkway East

Hours of operation: Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:30pm by appointment only, call 905.846.4519