Volume 23 | Issue 8 | September 2023


-Shop Steward Planning Day

-CSS Corner

-594 Continuing Education Scholarship

-Golf Tournament


-594 Christmas Party

-Shop Steward News


-New Members



Nathan Kraemer

Recording Secretary:

Ellen Foley


Kaleena Baulin

Negotiating Chairperson:

Ryan Shillingford

Maintenance V.P.:

Karl Dahle

Process V.P.:

Wade Schnell

Administration V.P.:

Kurt Haakensen (Interim)


Jamie Wolf

Chief Shop Steward:

Richard Exner

Information Officer:

Andrea Jordan (Interim)

Maintenance V.P. Assistant:

6 Month Trial: Garth Wendel


Brandon Mang

Sergeant at Arms:

Nic Skulski

Women's Advocate:

Lisa Taman


Amy Wisniewski 

Anton Skulski

Charles Brittner


Unifor 594 recently convened a Shop Steward Strategy Conference, uniting our shop stewards and union executives in a collaborative endeavor aimed at shaping our future path. This gathering reflects our commitment to fostering an environment of inclusive engagement, driven by the recognition that our members – comprised of a diverse group of disciplines and backgrounds –share common aspirations and face shared challenges.

During this assembly, we were introduced to Ryan Shillingford our newly elected negotiating chair, who brings a wealth of experience, perspective, and dedication to the table. Ryan's vision and ideas promise to invigorate our approach to upcoming negotiations, ensuring that we secure the best outcomes for our diverse membership. Along with the experience of the individuals he collaborates with, our negotiating team is wasting no time preparing for the responsibilities they face.

The group welcomed Lisa Taman as our new Women's Advocate, an essential position in our union's commitment to equity and inclusivity. Lisa, along with management representative Tasha Gieni, have been diligently training to provide essential support for employees facing the impacts of violence – whether it be at home or in the workplace, female or male. Studies have shown that having a woman in this role will make it more comfortable for those seeking help to come forward and that women are five times more likely to speak to someone they know when looking for help. It is essential to emphasize that these support resources are open to anyone experiencing the effects of a violent partner. They hope to spread the word about the support network they have access to, as well as increase general awareness of this resource.

In addition to our esteemed speakers mentioned earlier, our conference featured a range of voices from our union's leadership team who contributed invaluable insights to our gathering.

Karl Dahle, Maintenance VP, shared valuable advice on enhancing communication among coworkers.

Jamie Wolf, PDD VP, went over avenues to approach for assistance and understanding our chain of command.

Kurt Haakensen, Temporary Admin VP, underscored the importance of succession planning, an aspect crucial to our union's future.

Andrea Jordan, Information Officer, discussed the role played by the Conciliator newsletter as well as our social media and the direction we envision for it, sparking discussions on generating more ideas for articles and posts.

Wade Schnell, Process VP, delivered a compelling message on the necessity of familiarizing ourselves with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, highlighting why this knowledge is essential for effectively working within it.

Together, these leaders enriched our understanding of our roles and underscored their significance while enhancing the breadth and depth of our union's reach and value.

The conference was marked by department-specific group sessions, offering an ideal platform for members to engage with their respective vice presidents and articulate area-specific concerns. This initiative reflects our determination to empower all members, bridging the gap between all departments and areas.

Unifor 594's shop stewards are dedicated to enhancing member engagement and idea-sharing. We invite all members to contribute their valuable bargaining ideas and suggestions to strengthen our negotiations. In this spirit of unity, our collective voice will continue to advocate for fair and just labor practices, ensuring the welfare and aspirations of every member are at the forefront of our mission. Together, we move forward, forging a future that embraces diversity, empowers workers, and champions a fair and equitable workplace for all.

In Solidarity,

Mitch Bloos, Boilerhouse Shop Steward



Karla Hanson


Debbie Bourassa &

Mitch Bloos

Building Maintenance:

Garth Wendel


Mike Pelzer


Sam Seibel


Corey Strass

Fire & Safety:

Daryl Watch

Information Technology:

Cory Frederickson


Shane Thompson


Dave Mushynsky &

Jaret McCloy & Chris Szala


Brandon Mang


Andrea Jordan & Mike Fink


Karter Diewold

MRP: Jeff Folk

PDD Loading: Kevin Reis

PDD Warehouse: Vacant

PDD Office:

Christal Wisniewski


Jeremy Lukomski

& Dan Ross


Ryan Dzioba


Nelson Wagman

Section IA:

David George

Section IB:

Charles Brittner

Section II:

Jason Sharp

Section III:


Section IV:

Pat Pilot & Cam Parisien

Section V:

Andrew Murray


Nathan Fafard


Scott Wicklund


As the membership is aware, the shop stewards throughout the refinery got together on the 7th of September to discuss several wins from the past year and discuss some goals of the membership going forward. 

The day started with a quick introduction of the attending parties, and we quickly got underway with Ryan Shillingford starting with the hottest topic - the bargaining of our new contract!! Although a settlement hasn't been reached, Unifor National is meeting with Suncor on the 28th and 29th of September in Montreal for further discussions that we hope will produce a tentative agreement. Union president Nathan Kraemer will keep us up to date after these meetings take place. 

The next topic of the day was brought to us by our Chief Shop Steward, Richard Exner, currently we have 116 grievances in the backlog and have had 47 new cases as of 2023. Having recently been in a grievance meeting I can tell you that these matters are being looked at thoroughly and we have a great team on the issues. 

Here at the coop refinery, we have a bunch of teams and groups to aid us through tough times and or just be a friend to talk to. The Women's Advocate is just one of the many tools for the use of coop employees. This position is set up to help with abuse of all forms in the home or the workplace. If you are experiencing issues and you feel like you need some support, please feel free to reach out to Coops Domestic Violence and Abuse Committee, Lisa Taman is the union representative on the committee and she can get you in touch with the right people. 


After wrapping up the day in our work groups and brainstorming some potential goals for the future, it feels safe to say that we are heading in the right direction. As always if you want to contribute to union issues or join the many groups within the union, please let your steward know. 

In Solidarity,

Dan Ross, Pipefitter Shop Steward


Near the back of the collective agreement, you'll find Letter of Understanding 63 - Paid Education Leave and Canadian Community Fund. It's often overlooked due to the notoriety and importance of its booklet neighbours, LOU 61 Turnaround Work and LOU 65 Pension, but LOU 63 provides meaningful language and compensation for Unifor's education and social justice campaigns.


While LOU 63 goes into better detail regarding Paid Education Leave (PEL) there is only this small blurb about the Canadian Community Fund (CCF):


"Effective October 1, 2016, the Company will remit 3 cents ($0.03) for each full-time employee's regular hours of work to the Canadian Community Fund (“CCF”)."


It's not very specific, so we wanted to take this opportunity to describe the CCF, its role, and some of the initiatives that have been funded since its inception.


As part of Unifor’s broader social mandate, the Canadian Community Fund (CCF) supports projects to improve the lives of working people and those who are most vulnerable in Canada.


The CCF receives its funding from employer contributions negotiated by Unifor on behalf of members. There are currently 28 contributing employer partners, with the union working to increase that number in its ongoing collective bargaining process.


Since its inception in 2016, the CCF has donated almost $750,000 to multiple organizations to aid communities across the country.


In 2018, the fund donated a total of $125,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to provide emergency supplies and shelter in the aftermath of record flooding in New Brunswickdevastating wildfires in British Columbia, and destructive tornadoes in Quebec and Ontario.


The CCF is proof that when we all come together for the greater good, a little goes a long way.

In Solidarity,

Richard Exner, Chief Shop Steward


Up to 4 scholarships will be awarded annually to persons undertaking full-time post-secondary education at a University or Trade School. One scholarship is in memory of Shirley Reynolds for $1000.00. The remaining three scholarships will be $750.00 each.

Applications can be made by any member of the immediate family of a Unifor Local 594 member, or a member of the immediate family whose spouse was a member of Unifor Local 594 and employed by the complex at the time of their death. Immediate family shall include spouses, children, and stepchildren. If you have previously received a Unifor Local 594 scholarship, you are not eligible to apply for another. Applicants must currently be enrolled in a post-secondary program.

All scholarships awarded are at the discretion of the Finance Committee. Scholarship applications will be considered according to the following criteria. Please send a cover letter that includes the relationship to a Unifor 594 member and supporting documents that outline and describe:

Academic Achievement - Highschool, post-secondary transcripts (40% of scoring)

500 - 1000 Word Essay on "My Career Goals" (40% of scoring)

Secondary Teachers' Report - a letter of reference/recommendation (10% of scoring)

Extra-Curricular Activities - Volunteer, teams, clubs, boards, etc (10% of scoring)


    Unifor Local 594

    200 Hodsman Road

    Regina, Saskatchewan

    S4N 5X4


OR EMAILED TO: [email protected]

All applications must be postmarked by NOVEMBER 3, 2023


First thing, as always, this membership never fails to impress me! The overwhelming response of members who quickly signed up in droves, in a short, “chaotic” organization window in which we put together this golf tournament.

Secondly, thanks to all the sponsors that supported us to make this event a huge success…

  • Bryan Dubord—Mortgage Specialist with TMG
  • Keith Britton—Realtor with 2% Realty
  • GRJ
  • JD Industrial (Skip)
  • Last Mountain Distillery
  • COBS Bread (Julia)
  • CEDA (Myles)
  • NDP (Kevin Petty)
  • Schmitty’s Smoked Meats and Catering
  • Golf Town
  • Unifor Local 594

The weather on September 22 was perfect to have members come out, golf, and socialize! Big Thanks to Deer Valley Golf Course who hosted us and organized the shotgun start to a “tee”! Holes and carts were ready to go and away we went. Due to the great turnout members met up at different tee boxes to once again laugh and have a great time. Finally, after 18 holes of some great (and maybe some not-so-great) golf we met at the clubhouse to have Beata and the Valleygirls Catering team serve us some delicious chicken and ribs. We had a few speeches, awards, and great raffle prize draws.

Special thanks go out to Andrea Jordan who managed all the registration. Thanks to Kaleena Baulin and Richard Exner for organizing our safe transportation and making sure the buses were loaded on the morning of golf. Lastly thank you to Nathan Kramer who helped register all the members that day! Thank you “mushly” to all!

A Gimme String fundraiser was a huge success raising $800 which is being donated to the Believe in the Gold: Childhood Cancer Foundation. Thanks, Ryan Morgan for making this happen.

The Unifor 594 Golf Tournament was a huge success! It was so great to see the members relaxed, enjoying the day with old and new friends. We hope to see you again next year out on the links.

Thank you from the entire social committee,

David Mushynsky

Female- Longest Drive: Kim Malko (Lab)

Prize Sponsor: Keith Britton- 2% Realty

Male- Longest Drive: Nolan Souchotte (Section 1A)

Prize Sponsor: Keith Britton- 2% Realty

Female- Closest to the Pin: Lisa Taman (Lab)

Prize Sponsor: Bryan Dubord—TMG Mortgage Specialist

Male- Closest to the Pin:Tyler Wilyman (Section 1B)

Prize Sponsor: Bryan Dubord—TMG Mortgage Specialist

  • Congratulations Josh Schultz (Pipeshop) and Jayden who welcomed daughter Clara James Schultz born July 19, 2023
  • Congratulations Jared Jones (Boilerhouse) and Sarah who welcomed daughter Rae Lenni Jones born August 1, 2023
  • Congratulations Dean Brothen (PDD Loading) and Willow who welcomed daughter Ozzy Rita Florence Brothen born September 1, 2023
  • Congratulations Ryan McPhee (Pipeshop) and Dani who welcomed son Henry James McPhee born September 3, 2023
  • Congratulations Jason Matheson (Section 4) and Jen who welcomed daughter Bridget Lakelyn Matheson born September 5, 2023
  • Congratulations Ashlyn Heintz (Laboratory) and Mark who welcomed daughter Halistyn Jude Hillmer born September 22, 2023

  • Congratulations to Ilandri (Claassen) Schnell (Laboratory) who married Nathan Schnell on September 9, 2023, in Regina.

  • The Pipeshop would like to Congratulate Tysen Piniach for being a Par Golfer at our 594 Tournament.

Please let us know of any noteworthy milestones at [email protected]


After a successful return of the Christmas party in 2022 we are very excited to announce that the 2023 Unifor 594 Christmas Party will be on Saturday, November 25, 2023, at the Turvey Centre.

Watch for more information this fall. We hope to see you all out there.


We will be hosting a 594 Shop Steward Training on November 22, 2023.

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in taking the course and have not done so in the past. This training is open to all members, not just current Shop Stewards. Please reach out if you are interested in becoming a steward or have any questions.

Currently, we are looking to add Shop Stewards in the following areas: PDD warehouse, PDD office, Section 1A, and Section 3.

Employee & Family Assistance Program
The Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is through Homewood Health and is available 24/7/365. Call 1-800-663-1142 or reach out to a trusted confident, friend or co-worker if you aren't feeling like yourself.

594 SWAG

Are you interested in sporting Unifor 594 Swag?

Check out our list of swag at:



For any new members, or if you know of new members not receiving Union Communications please talk to your Shop Steward or e-mail: [email protected]