“Creating a relatable narrative means digging deep, asking hard questions and potentially airing some uncomfortable truths.”
— Tobin
Social Justice Mediation Program
Vital Village is pleased to inform the community that our annual Social Justice Mediation Institute Application is open and encourages you to apply and also share the information with your network.
The Social Justice Mediation Institute (SJMI) is a two-week, 40 hour, training program designed and facilitated by Leah Wing and Deepika Marya. This mediation training takes into account power dynamics, the role of identity within conflict, and the importance of taking a social justice lens when approaching conflict. Participants of SJMI will become a part of the Vital Village Network Mediation Program and accepted members for this cohort will be offered the training cost-free.
Calling all advocates for children and families! Join us in Boston this October for the Vital Village Networks 2023 National Community Leadership Summit.
October 17th, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA
Network members' voices bring good news and share highlights from around our community
Our newest NOW Leadership Series Blog features an interview with Meyiya Coleman on Supporting Youth Leadership in Community Organizing.
Connect with Vital Village Networks at these upcoming events
Network Connection Meeting (NCM)
Vital Village Networks host its first Hybrid Network Connection Meeting since COVID and we had a great conversation with our co-host and panelists:
Our conversation was centered around Youth Leadership, Technology and Innovation.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our next Network Connection Meeting. Please Save the Date: 11/13/2023 at 5:30 p.m.
My 'Self' in the World: Children's Mental Health Storytimes
Live Virtual Event
Join us on Thursday, September 28th for our virtual Children's Mental Health Storytimes with Amy Loustau - hosted by the Vital Village Network Mental Health Committee and Boston Public Library.
Sessions are designed for families with children 3-8 years old, however, younger and older siblings are welcome to join the fun! At the end of our session, there will be an opportunity for Q&A and resource sharing with parents/caregivers.
Check out available resources relevant to children and families
All of Us Research Program Looking for more Participants
Wednesdays from 11:30 -1:30 pm, Thursdays from 11:30-1:30 pm
The All of Us Research Program is a historic effort to gather data from one million Americans to learn more about how individual differences in lifestyle, environment, and biological makeup can influence health and disease.
Boston Medical Center is an enrollment partner for All of Us New England. More than 7,700 participants at BMC have enrolled so far.
If you join All of Us and provide biosamples, like blood or saliva, you may choose to learn more about your DNA, including your genetic ancestry, risk for certain diseases, or reaction to certain medications.
To learn more, please contact Cheryl McCloud, communications and community engagement manager for All of Us at BMC, at Cheryl.mccloud@bmc.org or visit information tables on the Talbot Green, Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., and the Moakley Green, Thursdays from 11:30-1:30 p.m.
Boston Breastfeeding Coalition
Are you pregnant, nursing, or know someone who is? Come to one of our drop-in support groups around Boston! Our groups offer professional lactation counseling, fun playgroups for your young child, and support for anyone struggling with the ups and downs of parenting.
Learn more about events and resources by our partners and community organizations
CHEER Receives $6 Million Cooperative Agreement from the CDC
The Center for Health Equity, Education, and Research (CHEER) at BMC has received a $6 million cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The funds will support a Hospital-based Quality Improvement Collaborative to Improve Maternity Care Practices Supportive of Breastfeeding, with a goal of decreasing racial inequities in hospital breastfeeding rates, especially among African Americans. In collaboration with the CDC, CHEER will expand its CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices) model to enroll 100 hospitals nationwide. CHAMPS will bring together experienced partners specializing in racial equity, including ROSE (Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere), a nationally acclaimed organization promoting breastfeeding among African American families.
Cancer Awareness and Prevention
To support you and your family, below are some cancer awareness and prevention information, tools, and resources:
Frequency of cancer screening: Early detection is extremely important in improving cancer outcomes, so be sure you are up-to-date for cancer screenings, including cervical, breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer screenings. Please remember that the exact age and frequency may differ based on your personal situation and family history, so be sure to speak with your provider directly.
Determine if your preventive care is up to date: For members in the BMC employee medical plans, the Gaps in Care report from Health Plans, Inc. shows the current status of your recommended health screenings, along with immunizations and other preventive care services. To access your report, sign into your HPI My Plan account and scroll to the “Achieve Health Gaps in Care Report” under the “My Health and Wellness” header.
Scheduling your screening appointments:
If you are a patient at BMC, use this contact sheet for a listing of departments and phone numbers to call.
Do you know how to stay safe in heat emergencies this summer? Sign up for Alert Boston to be notified of heat emergencies, and visit boston.gov/heat for more information on heat safety tips.
Explore data from across the United States
Project Manager, Corporate Engagement
Vital Village Networks & Urban College: 2023 - 2024
The Project Manager for Corporate Engagement will play an integral role in developing and delivering successful, high-impact service projects engaging employees from Boston Cares corporate partners.
New MassHire Downtown Boston Young Adult Career Center Services
MassHire career coaches are available to help Boston residents, ages 18 to 24, with many different tasks, including exploring interests and careers, enrolling in job training programs, applying for jobs, and more. This comprehensive program offers a wide range of services tailored to young adults’ needs and aspirations.
Explore data from across the United States
2023 Summit Lightning Talk Program - A Call for Abstracts
Due September 29 at 11:59pm ET
This year’s Vital Village’s 2023 National Community Leadership Summit on October 17 will include a live, in-person, lightning talk series where data storytellers can share their work.
We are looking for presentations reporting (1) community leadership stories or 2) data storytelling work that highlight efforts to reimagine, strengthen, and restore healthcare, public health, education, legal, social, and other systems to promote children’s wellbeing and prevent trauma.
Data storytelling work can be research projects, community narratives, or community advocacy work which uses data to tell a story. While community leadership stories responding to do not have specific guidelines, we encourage presenters to use visual aids such as pictures, maps, or graphs.
Vital Village can provide technical support and guidance as you prepare your presentations. Community members are welcome to sign-up for our Data Storytelling Workshop Series and explore tools and frameworks for collecting, visualizing, and evaluating community-driven data.
We also invite you to register for optional 1:1 office hours if you would like tailored support on your abstract preparation, project, or lightning talk. You can register for the office hours here.
We are also accepting video, audio, and existing work sample submissions in place of a written abstract. Please click on the link below to learn more.
Have an event, job opportunity, or resource to share with the network?
Vital Village Networks is a network of residents and agencies committed to maximizing child, family, and community well-being.