Autumn Tree Lawn & Landscape will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023. In observance of Labor day.

As we begin to say our goodbyes to summer . . .

September is a good time to start to prepare for winter. Along with gathering outdoor toys and raking leaves remember to schedule your lawn aeration, over-seeding, fall lawn revive, and tree pruning. As we’ve seen in the past, storms with high winds, rain, hail, and early snowfall weaken branches which can cause some serious damage. It is highly recommended to prune young and mature trees as we roll into the dormant season.

Schedule Fall Jobs

Lawn will be working on wrapping up Lawn Fertilizer and Weed controls. Make sure you're on our list for fall aerations as they will start rolling those out soon.

PHC will be calling about deep root watering if we hit dry conditions, along with performing the last Japanese Beetle treatments. They will also be wrapping up Inspect and treats (IPM) for leaf feeding insects.

Our Lawn and PHC specialists have started working on Annual 2024 proposals that are custom tailored to your property. We will have them sent out in December.

Are you interested in getting an Annual Lawn and PHC proposal?

Ascochyta Leaf Blight

With all the rain this year in Colorado it's possible your lawn will show signs of Ascochyta Leaf Blight. It can cause bleached, dead, or straw-like irregular patches in the grass that may appear very quickly, even overnight. The straw-colored areas can resemble drought stress. While this disease looks very serious when outbreaks are widespread, it is actually quite harmless and will revive back to normal in a couple weeks.

A few things you can do if Ascochyta is present:

  • Keep length of grass between 2 1/2 - 3 "
  • Avoid watering at night
  • Sharpen mower blades.

If you see anything that doesn't look quite right, give us a call and our lawn specialist would be happy to help.

Our September star of the month is Tomas! He has been with Autumn Tree just over a year now. He told us his favorite part about being here is trimming all the different types of trees! In his free time he enjoys much deserved rest and time with his 6 year old son. Together they play soccer and have loved spending time at the pool this summer. Tomas' favorite tree is an Ash tree. He is truly extraordinary and is a cherished member of our Autumn tree family.

10% Winter Discount is back!

Autumn Tree Lawn & Landscape offers a 10% winter discount on pruning and removals, when authorized work will be scheduled between

 December 1st 2023 - March 1st 2024

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