September 2023

We have some exciting updates as we head into a new academic year. Keep scrolling to learn more about:

  • Bro. Charles Kimeu, SM, Marianist Specialist-in-Training
  • Bro. Andy Kosmowski, SM’s travels in Marianist Scholarship
  • Bro. Tim Phillips, SM and formators in Eastern Africa
  • NACMS’ Program Administrator opening
  • And the latest news in NACMS Podcasting

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Introducing Bro. Charles Kimeu, SM - Marianist Specialist-in-Training

We are happy to welcome Bro. Charles Kimeu, SM, as he begins his yearlong training at NACMS to become a Marianist specialist.

Bro. Charles, with three brothers and two sisters, is the fourth child in a family of six. Originally from Mbiuni, Kenya, Charles learned of the Marianists through youth seminars, vocation magazines in Nairobi, and personal relationships with some Marianist brothers. What fascinated and glued him to the Marianists were the ideas that we are missionaries of Mary, the solid fervor for the mission, and that Marianists have one vocation, whether you are a brother or a priest. The sense of belonging to the Virgin Mary resonated well with Charles because he is from a family with a deep devotion to Mother Mary. His mother and grandparents strongly insisted their family belonged to the Virgin Mary, and Bro. Charles grew in this conviction and lives out his commitment daily to Mary.

As a Marianist Specialist-in-Training, Bro. Charles is engaging in a comprehensive experience of Marianist scholarship. This program includes participation in the Marianist History Course for novices, the Marianist Scholar Seminar, guided research in Marianist Studies, program development and delivery, apprenticeship with NACMS librarians, skill development alongside NACMS staff, and opportunities with the Marianist Family.

Travels in Marianist Scholarship with Bro. Andrew Kosmowski, SM

Bro. Andrew Kosmowski, SM, NACMS librarian, participated in an ongoing formation program in Spain with Deacon José Luis González, SM. Both men have been asked to serve as Marianist specialists for the Society of Mary in the United States. This year, the themes were missionaries in the current Church - presented by Fr. Lorenzo Amigo, SM - and Chaminade’s thoughts on faith and prayer and their ramifications for today, taught by Fr. Enrique Aguilera, SM.

Bro. Andrew then visited Marianist communities in Italy and Austria to find international books and materials for the NACMS library. He arranged to ship numerous boxes of materials that complement the already extensive collection at NACMS.

Top: Consuegra, Spain, taken from the windmills of Don Quixote

Middle: Deacon José Luis González, SM, Bro. Andrew Kosmowski, SM, Bro. José María Carpintero, SM, and Fr. Enrique Aguilera, SM, after Mass in the Church of St. James in Ciudad Real.

Bottom: Chapel of Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Prado, the Marianist school in Ciudad Real. The wooden plaque in the outline of the Diocese of Ciudad Real portrays the three Marianist martyrs from the diocese: Blesseds Jesús Hita, Carlos Eraña, and Fidel Fuidio. The skulls of Blesseds Jesús and Carlos are in the boxes.

Bro. Tim Phillips, SM, and Formators in Eastern Africa

Bro. Tim Phillips, SM, NACMS scholar-in-residence, traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, in mid-August to continue his work with the East African Center for Marianist Studies. He is part of a large group of Marianists conducting a ten-week program to train formators for their work in vocation ministry, aspirancy, novitiate, and the time of temporary profession. Bro. Tim will be presenting on Fr. Chaminade and Mary in relation to the French School of Spirituality, the System of Virtues, the Three Offices, and mixed composition. Toward the end of the program in October, he will be assisting Bro. Thomas Giardino, SM, in the topics of ministry and mission, as well as the Marianist apostolic method. In addition to these presentations for formators, Bro. Tim is also involved in teaching the novices Marianist topics, including the life of Fr. Chaminade and Marianist history. 

His work with NACMS continues in several ways, including virtual presentations for the Marianist History Course for the novices of the Province of the U.S. This experience provides an opportunity for the novices in Eastern Africa and the U.S. to interact virtually. Bro. Tim is set to return to Dayton, OH, in late November.

NACMS is hiring a Program Administrator to lead NACMS staff in planning, implementing, and evaluating our programming. A full job description is available here. If you're interested in being considered or have questions, please contact George Lisjak, [email protected].

Podcasting News

We have exciting plans in September to release two new episodes of our podcast, Sharing Our Marianist Stories. The first includes an interview with Bro. Jesse O’Neill, SM. The second episode features a panel of volunteers discussing the future of the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative as MSJC continues to celebrate its 25th anniversary this year. Stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram accounts for more information.

Episodes of Sharing Our Marianist Stories are now available on YouTube and most podcasting applications. See a complete list of our podcasts on our YouTube channel.

North American Center for Marianist Studies

Dayton, OH 45430-1083

NACMS Office Hours by appointment only until further notice.

To make an appointment please call 937.429.2521.