Third Ward Newsletter

September 2023

In this Issue

Third Ward Update

Important Announcements

September CAPS

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Dear Brian,

This weekend is Labor Day, and more than just a day off work, Labor Day means a lot to Chicago, its history, and its residents. As we hear more and more about fights to unionize huge companies like Starbucks and Amazon, this weekend I want us all to remember the power and importance of our nation's unions and the role they continue to play in improving the lives of all Americans - union or not.

Here in Chicago, unions have been at the forefront of major recent victories for workers, like the $15 minimum wage, paid sick leave, and many other new laws that I have supported. And they continue to push for better working conditions for union and non-union workers alike. Highlighted later in my newsletter, one of our local unions, the mail carriers, is advocating for better safety on their routes, which will not only benefit postal workers, but all Chicago residents as well. Just recently, workers at Loretto Hospital in the Austin neighborhood negotiated a tentative deal with management to not only increase wages, but to help alleviate the staffing crisis at the hospital. Better staffing can directly lead to better patient outcomes.

These are only a couple of the many examples of how all of us, directly and indirectly, can benefit from the hard work and advocacy of our unions. So over the long weekend, please join me in appreciation of our City's great history of union activism, and in thanking our union members for what they do everyday to improve all of our lives.

As always, the 3rd Ward Public Service Office staff and I are available to assist you by phone at 773-373-9273 or via email at Thank you for reading this newsletter. Please share it with a neighbor or friend.


Pat Dowell

Alderman, 3rd Ward

Third Ward Update

Alderman Dowell Hosts, Visits Local Back to School Events

To help neighborhood children and families get ready for the school year, Alderman Dowell hosted her annual Back to School Fair on Sunday, August 6th at the 3rd Ward Public Service Office. Staff transformed the parking lot into a fun fair filled with jumping jacks, games, face painting, and a video game truck. Attendees were able to get everything they needed to start the school year right, with backpacks, school supplies, and more given out to residents free of charge. Thank you to Educare, Commissioner Dennis Deer, CPS, White Castle, Jesse White Tumblers, and all the volunteers for making the event special despite the rain!

Alderman Dowell also attended a morning Back to School Event sponsored by Issues Salon, Acclivus, and Succezz, with a support from Commissioner Marcelino Garcia, Senator Mattie Hunter and the 3rd Ward Public Service Office. A great time was had by all! Thank you to the sponsors of this event, and to all the neighborhood organizations who step up to ensure our students are prepared for school.

Historic Bud Billiken Parades Through Bronzeville

There is nothing like the historic Bud Billiken Parade! Alderman Dowell was once again honored to participate in the parade, which runs down the famed King Drive in Bronzeville's 3rd Ward. A beautiful sunny day made sure that everyone who came out was able to enjoy this great tradition marking the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. The parade also serves to highlight Black opportunities and achievements - as important now as ever. Thank you Acclivus and Girls Like Me for supporting Alderman Dowell during the parade.

XS Tennis in the 3rd Ward Hosts CHA Senior Music Festival

A perfect summer's day welcomed nearly 800 seniors to the Chicago Housing Authority’s Senior Music Festival hosted by XS Tennis (5336 S. State St.) in the 3rd Ward! DJ Sam Chatman, and radio and celebrity personality Ramonski Luv kept everyone, including CHA staff, on the dance floor. Thank you to Kamau Murray of XS Tennis for letting the City borrow your beautiful venue, and to all the CHA staff who work tirelessly to serve our City's seniors.

Alderman Dowell Joins 11th Annual Bronzeville Jazz and Music Festival

The 11th annual Bronzeville Jazz and Music Festival brought live music, food trucks, a kid zone, a senior lounge, and more to the corner of 51st St. and King Drive on Saturday, August 5th. Thanks to Sandra Bivens of the 51st Street Business Association, and SSA 51 and 52 for putting on this great yearly event!

City Rolls-Out Successful New "Grid-Based" Tree Trimming System

Moving on from the outdated 3-1-1 driven tree trim process, the City has now implemented a "grid-based" tree trimming system. Under the old, outdated system, crews would only trim a tree on a block if it's entered into the 3-1-1 system due to a complaint by a resident, business, or aldermanic office, and they would trim that tree only. With the grid system, Department of Forestry crews schedule trims for entire sets of blocks at a time, making trimming both more efficient and more equitable.

Under the old system, for example, areas where residents are more densely populated or that call 3-1-1 more often got more trims than areas that were unable to log all the necessary 3-1-1 requests for service. Additionally, City tree trimming crews would have to jump from one area to another based on complaints, leaving blocks only partially completed, leading to less trees trimmed per day than if they stayed one area.

The new system has already been proven tremendously successful. As of July 31, city trimming crews had trimmed 34,262 trees across the city compared to only 9,342 trees trimmed during the same span in 2022. The new system will also help alleviate the backlog in trimming requests where Chicagoan's often waited a year or more to have their trims fulfilled.

For the 3rd Ward, 322 individual streets have had their trees trimmed this year, covering every neighborhood in the ward. The change to a grid-based trimming system occurred under Alderman Dowell's leadership of the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations as part of the FY2023 City of Chicago Budget.

Mayor Brandon Johnson Names Larry Snelling as Chicago Police Superintendent

Chicago Police Department Chief of Counterterrorism Larry Snelling was selected by Mayor Brandon Johnson to be Chicago's 64th Police Superintendent. His selection follows a 120-day nationwide search process conducted by the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, in which Chief Snelling was selected as once of three finalists who were submitted to the Mayor for his selection. Chief Snelling's appointment will now be heard by the City Council Committee on Police and Fire on Friday, September 8th, 2023 at 10 a.m. Members of the public can watch the meeting in-person in City Hall Council Chambers (121 N. LaSalle St., 2nd Fl.) or watch on the City Clerk's website. If approved by the committee, Chief Snelling's selection will then go to the full City Council for approval.

As stated by the Community Commission for Public Safety, Chief Snelling's remarkable career and long tenure with the Chicago Police Department make him an exceptional choice for the role of Superintendent. His proven leadership as chief of the bureau that focuses on criminal networks and narcotics, his dedication to cultivating robust community relations, and his fervent commitment to elevating professional standards within the Department set him apart as a proven leader.

To read the entire press release detailing Chief Snelling's selection, click here.

Alderman Dowell Stands with Mail Carriers for Better Protection While Working

The men and women who deliver your mail are under physical attack while delivering the mail and are saying “Enough is Enough.” They are seeking more protection and policy changes from the the United States Postal Service (USPS) and your advocacy with your elected officials would help the cause. Alderman Dowell stood with these proud union workers at the National Letter Carriers Branch 11 Union Hall at 3850 S. Wabash Ave. to demand these changes be made.

The United States Postal Service is a Federal agency. Alderman Dowell has long advocated for the rights of postal workers, but it's up to your Federal elected officials to enact the changes that are needed. To find your Congressman and Senator and their contact information, please go to, Anything you can do will help!

Alderman Dowell Attends Legends South Scholarship Event

Congrats to all the 2023 scholars of Legends South who received scholarships to support their college education thanks to the generosity of Michaels Education Foundation, which awarded $1.8 million in scholarships to students pursuing higher education nationwide. Kudos to Vorricia Harvey, Director of Resident and Community Services, and her team for organizing this annual celebration. Querrida Johnson, who is studying nursing, delivered remarks on behalf of the scholars

47th/King TIF District Opening

The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and SomerCor will roll out the Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) grant program for applications in the following TIF districts in September:

  • 47th/King (Grand Boulevard)

Applications open: 9 a.m. Friday, September 1st. Applications close: 5 p.m. Monday, October 2nd. Learn more and apply at

The SBIF program uses revenue from TIF districts to help owners of commercial and industrial properties to repair or remodel their facilities for their own business or on behalf of tenants. Tenant businesses are also eligible to apply on their own. Please note that residential projects are not eligible for the SBIF program, and residential developers should not apply.

Program participants can receive grants for 30 to 90 percent of project costs, with a maximum grant of $150,000 for commercial properties and $250,000 for industrial properties. The grants are administered by SomerCor on the City's behalf and do not have to be repaid.

Sewer Infrastructure Project - 29th St. from Michigan Ave. to Prairie Ave.

The sewer line rehabilitation work on 29th St. from Michigan Ave. to Prairie Ave. includes cleaning the sewers and the installation of CIPP (Cure in place pipe). The installation of CIPP consists of lining the existing sewers and generally does not require excavation except when repairs are required prior to lining of the sewer main, catch basin lateral connections, catch basin structures or manhole structures.


Typical work includes the following:

•       Main sewer cleaning and televising

•       Catch Basin (drainage structures on the curbside) cleaning, televising, and lining of the pipe connections to the main sewer

•       Catch Basin and Sewer Manhole structures lining

•       Main Sewer Lining immediately followed by the reinstatement of house drains services and catch basin pipe connections

•       The lined sewer will be televised to ensure that the work was done properly


The full schedule for the project will be released by the Department of Water Management shortly. Please note, work is performed in staggered stages, therefore DWM will not be on-site every day for the entire construction project. As they begin lining the main sewers, residents will be provided with a letter/flyers with notification of the work for each project location. No parking signs will be posted in the immediate area a workday prior to the start of any scheduled work. It will be necessary to close some lanes, but the streets will remain open to traffic.

Problem Business - Windy City Cigar Lounge (4310 S. Prairie Ave.)

On July 26. 2023 Windy City Cigar Lounge (4310 S. Prairie Ave.) was issued Cease and Desist Order by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection for the following violations: operating without the required Liquor-Outdoor Patio License, and failure to display the required license. The hearing on the Cease and Desist Order for have an outdoor patio with consumption of liquor without a license will on Friday, September 29, 2023 at 9:00 am at the Department of Administrative Hearings (400 W. Superior, Room 107). Questions regarding this case can be directed to the 3rd Ward Public Service Office at 773-373-9273.

Problem Business - MK Savvy (2036 S. Michigan Ave.)

On August 10. 2023 MK Savvy (2036 S. Michigan Ave.) was issued Cease and Desist Order by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection for the following violations: selling, serving and storing bottles of various liquor on premises for which a Liquor, Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity license is required. Questions regarding this case can be directed to the 3rd Ward Public Service Office at 773-373-9273.

Important Announcements

South Loop Event Parking Restrictions

Parking restrictions are in place for the South Loop from Roosevelt Road to Cermak Rd. from Lake Shore Drive to Clark St. during all Chicago Bears football games and many other Soldier Field events. Wintrust Arena events have been removed from the parking restrictions. Vehicles parked in the South Loop without a valid South Loop Event Parking Pass, South Loop Event Guest Pass or Residential Permit Parking pass (for Residential Permit Parking Streets ONLY) are subject to ticketing or towing.

For a complete list of Soldier Field events, please visit The 3rd Ward is providing the list below as a courtesy to residents and visitors and does not assume liability for the accuracy of the monthly list of South Loop events. All Soldier Field events are subject to change, including cancellation or the scheduling of additional events. It is your responsibility to adhere to the parking restrictions in place. 

Chicago Football Classic

Saturday, September 2nd at 3:00 pm

Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers

Sunday, September 10th at 3:25 pm

Karol G Manana Sera Bonito Tour

Friday, September 15th at 7:00 pm

Chicago Fire FC vs. New England Revolution

Saturday, September 23rd at 7:30 pm

US Women's National Team vs South Africa

Sunday, September 24th at 4:30 pm

2nd Police District DUI Saturation Patrol Results

The 2nd Police District conducted a DUI Saturation Patrol on August 26th and 27th. Officers issued a total of 42 citations, which included 18 unsafe vehicle violations, 9 vehicle violations, 6 insurance violations, 4 speed violations, 2 suspended/revoked license violations, 2 driver's license violations, and 1 distracted driving cellphone violation.

The purpose of this program is to saturate a pre-designated area with roving police officers that

continually monitor vehicular traffic for signs of impaired driving. Patrols also place emphasis on

speed, alcohol-related and safety belt violations. Police vehicles equipped for speed detection are

deployed to apprehend speeding violators. 

Secretary Giannoulias Launches Skip-the-Line Program at High-Volume DMVs 

Appointments and new extended hours are part of the new initiative to save customers’ time. 

To improve customer service and eliminate the unpredictability of wait times at Illinois DMVs, Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias has implemented the Skip-the-Line program today! 

  • Required appointments will reduce wait times. 
  • Extended hours offer more availability. 
  • offers a variety of services that do not require an in-person visit to a facility or office. 


The Skip-the-Line Program includes: 

Appointment scheduling — Customers are required to make appointments for in-person visits at 44 of the busiest DMVs. All Chicago and suburban locations and select central and downstate DMVs will require an appointment for REAL IDs, driver’s licenses and ID card services, and in-car driving tests. 

Vehicle-related services – such as titles, registrations or license plate renewals – do not require an appointment. 

Please visit or call (844) 817-4649 to schedule an appointment. 

New extended hours of operation — Every DMV is extending hours of operation beginning TODAY! Select facilities are open six days a week – Monday through Saturday. 

All DMVs will have hours of operation from Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 

15 DMVs will be open on Saturday, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

Simplified online services — Customers are encouraged to visit to take advantage of many online services, including renewals of driver’s licenses, ID cards and plate stickers. 

Rush South Loop

Located at 1411 S. Michigan Ave., the 40,000 square-foot center occupies two floors and has an innovative layout of 61 exam and procedure rooms. RUSH South Loop began seeing patients in October 2018, and employs 78 full time staff and 60 provides. RUSH South Loop offers routine and 3-D mammograms, X-rays, CT, MRI, cardiac echo, stress echo, ultrasound, pulmonary function testing, bone density testing and laboratory services. They also offer many specialty services including gastroenterology, pediatric primary care, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, cardiology and many more. Visit for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Canal Street Viaducts and Roadway Rehabilitation Improvements

The Chicago Department of Transportation is undertaking a multi-phase project to rehabilitate four viaducts of Canal St. between Taylor St. and Madison St. that serve both as a major commercial corridor and the roof of Chicago Union Station. Phase I of this project will be viaduct rehabilitation of Canal St. from Jackson Blvd. to Adams St. adjacent to Union Station. The full width of Canal St., including roadway and sidewalks, will be fully reconstructed. To facilitate completion of this work, Canal St. will be fully closed from Jackson to Adams for approximately 18 months. Access to Union Station will be maintained. For maps of construction, timelines, and pedestrian/traffic/station impacts, please go to

NHS Home Buyer Education Webinar

Learn about the home buying process such as the basics of budgeting, improving credit, understanding the closing process and down payment assistance programs. This is an eight-hour course delivered in two 4-hour sessions.

When: Wednesdays September 6th, 13th, 20th and 24th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (link to register); Saturdays September 9th and 16th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (link to register)

Committed Knitters Biweekly Meetups Return on September 6

Committed Knitters invites you to join the group for bi-weekly gatherings on Wednesdays at the Arts Incubator Flex Space in Washington Park from 11am-3pm. Learn the basics or use this as a refresher course on how to knit or crochet and make a project. If you already know how to knit or crochet, please join the group and share ideas. All supplies will be provided.

Where: Arts Incubator (301 E Garfield Blvd)

When: Wednesday September 6th and Wednesday, September 20th from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

SBIF Lunch and Learn

Join the Quad Community Development Corporation (QCDC) to learn more about city incentives for small businesses like the Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF). The workshop and lunch are free of charge.

Where: QCDC Office (4210 S. Berkeley Ave.)

When: Wednesday, September 6th from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Black Nurses in Chicago Project

Join Dr. Gwyneth Franck and Leora Mincer of University of Illinois Chicago as they discuss the Black Nurses in Chicago Project. This extensive project includes a physical exhibit and website that highlights the history of Black Nurses in Chicago through oral histories from retired and currently practicing Black nurses; archival photos; and background on the sites of Black healthcare in Chicago. The Black Nurses in Chicago Project is a collaboration of University of Illinois Chicago’s Midwest Nursing Research Center and the Black Metropolis Research Consortium.

Where: King Branch Library (3436 S. King Dr.)

When: Thursday, September 7th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Back to School Databases and Digital Resources for Kids and Parents

The library has more resources than just books to help with your school work. Learn about the digital resources available to you through Chicago Public Library that can help you complete your homework or find research for school papers. We also have online resources for watching movies, listening to music or reading magazines when you need a break from studying. This program is recommended for children ages 7 & up and their parents.

Where: King Branch Library (3436 S. King Dr.)

When: Saturday, September 9th from 11:00 am to noon

NHS Literacy Webinar

Whether you are planning to purchase a home or simply need to improve your finances, this webinar will

prepare you for financial security. Learn How To: develop a spending plan, reduce your debt, and increase your credit score.

When: Tuesday, September 12th at 6:00 pm (link to register)

2023 Technology Conference Summit

Learn, pivot, grow, scale and earn CEU credits. The 2023 Technology Conference Summit offers three tracks - AEC and facilities management, amplifying your message to scale your business, and chatGPT AI and working smarter. Register at

Where: Malcolm X College (1900 W Jackson Blvd.)

When: Thursday, September 14th from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm

Bright Horizons Curriculum Fair

Your child is like no other, their education should be too! Join Bright Star to hear about their hands-on Discovery Driven Learning approach, see their classrooms, connect with teachers and other families, and more. RSVP at

Where: A Bright Horizons Center Near You!

When: Thursday, September 14th

My Best Friend is Black-A Live Comedy Show

My Best Friend is Black is an all-Black comedy variety show based in Chicago giving a platform to new and established comedic performers. My Best Friend is Black is giving high paced hilarity with a night packed with stand-up, sketch, improv, games, and music.  Tickets can be purchased here.

Where: Green Line Performing Arts Center (329 E. Garfield Blvd.)

When: Friday and Saturday, September 15th and 16th from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Urban Scavenger Hunt

Author-Illustrator team Fiona Cook and Jessica Roux will guide participants through an Autumn Equinox-inspired scavenger hunt based on their book "The Wheel of the Year." This multi-sensory activity is designed to arouse curiosity, hone observational skills, and encourage a connection to nature within an urban environment.

Where: Chicago Women's Park and Gardens (1801 S. Indiana Ave.)

When: Saturday, September 16th at 12:30 pm

An Evening with Nanette Frank's All Stars

Nanette Frank is a Chicago based vocalist, songwriter, vocal arranger, and producer with a long, successful international career. She has an impeccable five-octave vocal range giving her many commercial recording opportunities. While her success has crossed many areas of the music industry, her foundation is in jazz and her love and history of jazz is at the core of this wonderful new release, Nostalgia. This is a free event sponsored by the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Where: McCormick Tribune Campus Center (3201 S. State St., Ballroom)

When: Sunday, September 17th at 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm

L1 Creative Business Accelerator Fellowship, Artists-in-Residence, and Performance Residency Info Sessions

On September 20th, Arts + Public Life will host info sessions for the L1 Creative Business Accelerator Fellowship, Artists-In-Residence (AIRs) Program, and the Performance Residency. Interested artists and creative entrepreneurs are invited to the upcoming information sessions and hear directly from past participants about their experiences.  

Creative entrepreneurs, artists, and performers interested in fellowship and residency programs can attend Q+A sessions and hear from program leads and alumni at various locations on E. Garfield Blvd:

  • Creative Entrepreneurs: Meet fellowship lead, Fabiola Ramirez, at the L1 Retail store (319 E. Garfield Blvd)
  • Artists: Meet residency lead, Sheridan Tucker Anderson, at the Arts Incubator (301 E. Garfield Blvd)
  • Performers: Meet residency lead, Tony Santiago at the Green Line Performing Arts Center (329 E. Garfield Blvd)

Where: Green Line Performing Arts Center (329 E. Garfield Blvd.)

When: Wednesday, September 20th - 7:00 pm introduction, 8:00 pm breakout Q&A

CTSHealth Open House

You're invited to CTSHealth's open house. Drop in to meet staff, enjoy refreshments and celebrate their community of wellness professionals.

Where: CTSHealth (56 E. 47th St., Suite 100C)

When: Thursday, September 21st from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

CTA Small Business Educational Series for Professional Services

Industry professionals will teach participants how to procure CTA business opportunities, managing project budgets, cyber security and data protection, understanding CTA's procurement and contracting process I and II. Secure your attendance by completing the registration application here.

Where: CTA Headquarters (567 W. Lake St., 2nd Fl.)

When: Every Tuesday October 3rd through October 24th from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Expert Insights: Advancing Community Driven Projects with Opportunity Zones Investments

The Chicagoland Opportunity Zones Consortium is hosting a workshop on how to utilize opportunity zones to drive community development. At the event, participants will receive a policy update on Opportunity Zones, hear from a panel of local Opportunity Zones experts, and get an overview of the Pullman Park campus.

Where: U.S. Bank Building (1000 E. 111th St., 11th Floor Boardroom)

When: Thursday, October 5th from 10:00 am to 12:45 pm

September CAPS Meetings

Attending and participating in the Chicago Police's Community Policing Program (CAPS) is one of the best ways to address crime and quality of life issues in your neighborhood. By attending CAPS meetings, you can share important information with the police that will assist them in making arrests and preventing crime as well as receive valuable information about resources that promote homeowner and community safety. Visit to find out what district you live in and click on each district title to learn more about what is happening in your neighborhood.

1st District CAPS Meetings


Date: September 20th at 3:00 pm

Location: For Zoom information, please email or call


2nd District CAPS Meetings


Date: September 26th at 6:00 pm

Location: Our Lady of Africa - St. Elizabeth (44 E. 41st St.)

Beat: 221/223

Date: September 19th at 6:00 pm

Location: King Center (4314 S. Cottage Grove Ave.)

Beat: 224

Date: September 21st at 6:00 pm

Location: Taylor Park (39 W. 47th St.)

Beat: 231

Date: September 14th at 6:00 pm

Location: Good Shepherd Tower (55 E. Garfield Blvd.)

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