Greetings to Our New Members
If you're reading a PTG member e-newsletter for the first time, welcome! If you need anything, please get in touch with your chapter president, Regional Vice President, or the PTG Home Office. Be sure to check out some of the great benefits of PTG membership. To all members, check out the list of new members in each month's Journal and see who's new in your area.
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Home Office Classes for Fall 2023
Grand Action Regulation in 37 Steps
October 12 - 14, 2023
An intensive three-day skills-based course, Grand Action Regulation in 37 Steps will help you polish your skills in grand regulation and ensure that your clients' grand pianos are performing at full potential. Based on curriculum from Yamaha's "The Little Red Schoolhouse," participants will benefit from personal pianos, small group instruction and individual feedback. Visit the GAR37 web page at for more information and to register.
Polyester & Lacquer Finish Touch Up Academy
October 27 & 28, 2023
Come spend two full days learning the secrets of how to perform professional repair and touch up to damaged polyester or lacquer finished pianos. Whether you wish to be totally safe touching up edges, light scratches, and small defects, or you are ambitious enough to take on a lacquer or polyester fill repair, discover how you can add more income to your service calls. This class is also a great opportunity for those who work with piano moving or sales. Visit the Polyester & Lacquer Finish class web page at for more information and to register.
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Tell Us Your Story Without Words
The PTG Marketing Committee is looking for your photos and videos from PTG conventions, chapter activities, regional conferences, and other events for an exciting, new project. We’d like you to share your photos of events, past and present, with us. We already have photos of award winners and leaders — we want the images that tell us about YOUR PTG experiences. Show us what YOU enjoyed, send us pictures of things that made an impact on YOU. To submit photos, please e-mail them to (We’d also love to hear about the photo(s) and why you’re sharing, but it’s not required.) We’re grateful for all submissions and while we can’t use all of them or pay for their use, know that all of the photos you send will be looked at and play an important part of helping us tell a story about PTG.
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New Journal Website
If you haven't visited the new Journal web area put it on your to-do list! It was constructed to make it easier to find the latest Journal and back issues, plus issues of previous piano tuner magazines dating back to 1913 in the Historic Archive. Try the Searchable Journal Index where you simply type in an author name or subject in the search bar to see a list of articles in the Journal that cover that topic. Find the article you need in seconds! Explore the TT&T (Tips, Tools & Techniques) items from past Journals. Want to submit an article or advertise in the Journal? This new Journal area is where you can find out how to do those things, too. In addition, please check out this video which details all the easy to use functions of both the new Journal web area and the constantly updated Education Hub.
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What's in the September 2023 Journal?
- Hammer Spring Cord Replacement with Standard Flanges
- A Woman’s Piano Tool Kit, Circa 1910
- The Practical Technician Streamlines Vertical Hammer Removal and Reinstallation
The Piano Technicians Journal is always available 24-7. Read the September issue here.
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PTG Council and Board Actions
Summer Board Meeting Updates/RVP Newsletters
The PTG Board of Directors and PTG Council held their annual summer meeting in Washington DC this past July. Read the RVP newsletter posted online at in your regional community for an overview of Board and Council actions, election results, award presentations, and a calendar of upcoming events and deadlines along with a message from your RVP. You can also view a list of committees and their charges at
Your Board of Directors encourages you to participate in your regional communities on You are automatically subscribed to your specific region community, but can change your Community Notification options under My Account in My Profile at In addition to monthly member e-newsletters, these communities are the conduit the Board uses to keep you informed. Your regional communities offer discussions on RFAs, strategic planning, committee work, and any other items that may come before the Board. The feedback you provide will give your RVP the information necessary to be able to properly represent you and your region.
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Attend NAMM 2024
NAMM and the PTG have again partnered to offer members a free registration to the January 25-28, 2024 NAMM Show in Anaheim, CA. Here’s how it works:
- You must be a PTG member.
You MUST send an e-mail to with your complete name and e-mail address by December 10, 2023. Please include NAMM NAME BADGE REQUEST in the subject line.
- That e-mail address will be shared with NAMM. You will receive an e-mail from NAMM with further instructions on how to complete the registration process. Once complete, you will receive confirmation from NAMM that your badge awaits you.
If you make it to the show, please make sure and say hello at the PTG booth. More information about the NAMM show is available at
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User Help for
Need help navigating Having trouble logging in to PTG websites? Have questions about posting to discussion groups or changing your email notifications? Find the answers to these and many other questions at Includes videos demonstrating common functions of the discussion forums along with explanations and instructions for using the different discussion group features. Answers to new questions added frequently.
Update Your Information
Go to and click on My Portal where you will be able to edit your profile, shop in the PTG Store, pay invoices online and more. Please remember to keep your profile updated so we can better serve you! If you have any questions, please contact us at
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Deadlines and Events
November 1, 2023 - Dues invoices for 2024 go out via email. Dues for 2024 are $348.00 and due by December 31.
November 26, 2023 - Bylaws Amendment Proposals due to Bylaws Committee for Winter Board Meeting. Send proposals to and copy to
December 16, 2023 - Request for Action (RFA), and All Reports Due for Winter 2024 Board meeting. Send to Download an RFA form. Download a report form.
December 31, 2023 - Award Nominations due for the Golden Hammer, Hall of Fame and Member of Note awards. Visit the Awards Committee page at to learn more. Download an awards nomination form and submit nominations online to
December 31, 2023 – Last day for 2024 dues payments.
January 30 - February 1, 2024 - Winter Board of Directors Meeting, Kansas City
February 1, 2024 - Nominations for PTG Board of Directors due. Positions include President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and Regional Vice Presidents. Visit the Nominating Committee page at to learn more. Submit nominations to
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