In this edition: Food poisoning from fish, Botox, grapefruit juice, why onions make you cry, microplastics, and itch mites
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You should avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice iof you're on certain medicines. How can you find out if your medicines interact with grapefruit juice?
Ciguatera poisoning is caused by eating fish that have themselves eaten fish contaminated with a toxin called ciguatoxin. What are the symptoms of ciguatoxin poisoning?
Microplastics are common throughout our environment and are present in the air, food, and drinking water. Microplastics have also been found in the human body. Are they harmful?
Itch mite bites can cause intense itching and skin redness that can last for weeks. What are itch mites, and how can you treat the symptoms of their itchy bites?