Dear RBUSD Students & Families,

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! 

As the school year begins, we have been fortunate to see our school communities embrace the new school year with renewed energy and optimism. Our academic year is underway, and we are delighted to share that the positive energy in our schools is palpable, and our classrooms are buzzing with excitement.

We are hearing from many staff, teachers, students and families that this year is off to a seamless start, which speaks volumes about the potential we have this year. It’s clear that both students and families are excited to return to their routines and reconnect with our vibrant school community. In fact, we’ve seen more smiles at drop off and fewer tears this year, especially among our youngest learners in TK and Kindergarten.

Stay Connected

Whether your student is returning to the same school or starting at a new one, our goal is to help you stay connected with all the happenings in our district. We have several information resources available:

  • RBUSD Website: Our central hub for district information, news and announcements.
  • RBUSD Social Media: Follow us on our RBUSD social media accounts to stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and highlights. Follow us @RBUSD on Facebook and @redondobeachusd on Instagram.
  • Parent Square: Subscribe to your school-specific communications by signing up through ParentSquare and downloading the ParentSquare app. Click to download on an Android device, or an iOS device.
  • Monthly Superintendent Newsletter: In this monthly email, the district’s accomplishments, school highlights, and progress toward strategic goals are shared.
  • Bi-Monthly School Board Presentations: Stay informed about the decisions and discussions from our board meetings through the board meeting agendas, recorded meetings and presentations available on our website.
  • PTA/PTSA Emails: Keep an eye out for emails from your school's PTA or PTSA for information about school-specific events and volunteer opportunities.
  • School Year in Review: Be on the lookout for our 2023-24 School Year in Review, sent to all Redondo Beach residents. You can also preview it HERE.

RBUSD is committed to timely and transparent communication. We’re invested in student self advocacy, so parents and guardians (of upper grade and secondary students), when appropriate, please encourage your student to advocate for themselves first by speaking to their teacher, counselor, or administrator. If you feel you’d like to be more involved, please review the RBUSD Communications Guidelines document linked HERE for details on the best way to proceed. Each school site will also share their communication protocol with you via your Principal’s Weekly Newsletter.

We’re excited about the year ahead and look forward to working together to make it a memorable one for all of our students, staff, and families. Thank you for being an integral part of the RBUSD family. 

Let’s make this a year filled with passion, purpose, and positive memories!

Your Superintendent, 

Nikki Wesley, Ed.D.

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