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Be Sure to Check Out These Digital Resources from the National Institute of Mental Health Above!

Start this school year off strong with educational resources that aim to strengthen students' mental wellbeing, develop healthy habits, and promote a healthy transition from summer vacation back to school. This toolkit offers students and their caregivers resources to help them have successful year both in school and out of school.

Teachers and other school professionals! Be sure to check out our educational activity books, library books, and posters in this toolkit which are available to order and borrow at no-cost.


Order Up To 50 Pamphlets Per Month | Order Up To 10 Posters Per Month (1 Poster Per Title) | Please Contact Staff For Additional Quantities

Success and Mental Wellbeing

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*Available in Spanish - Mindfulness: Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Staying Healthy

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*Available in Spanish - MyPlate: Do It Your Way

Also take a look at USDA's MyPlate Guides to School Breakfast and Lunch

For Caregivers

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*Available in Spanish - Parenting Corner: Encouraging Regular School Attendance

Activity Books, Library Books, and Posters

Activity Books

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Library Books

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View Entire Library Collection

Posters For The Classroom

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*Available in Spanish - What Is Harm Reduction? Want To Feel Stressed Out? All Are Welcome Here

*Available as a Bookmark: Change Your Words, Change Your Mindset

The Connecticut Clearinghouse is a statewide comprehensive library and resource center with a specialization in substance use, prevention and recovery, mental health disorders, wellness, and other related topics. We offer materials such as posters, and pamphlets, library books, and DVDs, and provide access to e-books, and streaming media. Our services and resources are available for professionals, students, and the general Connecticut public. We are funded by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

Has your email address changed? Would your co-worker like their own subscription? Click Here

Connecticut Clearinghouse | 860-793-9791 | |


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Connecticut Clearinghouse is funded by the Connecticut Department
of Mental Health and Addiction Services.