September 2024 - Vol 15, Issue 9

Woodlawn's September Newsletter

Have a Happy & Safe

Labor Day Weekend!

The Church Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, September 3rd.

Grief Share

Wednesdays from 9:30 - 11:45am

in the Youth/CR Building

The loss of a loved one can be such a painful and isolating experience. We believe that Christ offers us healing and hope in the midst of our pain and Grief Share is a wonderful place to navigate the pain of grief. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we would love to walk with you toward a future of healing. If you have questions, contact Cameron Winton

Divorce Care

Wednesdays from 5:30 - 7:30pm

in the Dot Wood Room

Dealing with the pain of a separation or divorce can be overwhelming. We invite you to connect with Divorce Care and find the support you need to receive true healing. Check out to see all of our care ministry options & let us know how we can walk with you. We hope to see you soon! If you have questions please email Carmen at

Woodlawn Kids News

Wednesdays from 5:15 - 7:00pm

in the Children's Building

WK's Wednesday night programming is designed for children in Preschool through 5th grade! Check-in each week in the Children's Building at 5:15pm, with supper being served ($2 donation requested). Pickup is at 7:00pm.

Please feel free to contact Kirstie at with any questions.

Crafts in the Park on Wednesday, September 18th at 10:00am. All are invited and welcome to invite a friend. Come and go as you please!

Bowling for Woodlawn Kids on Sunday, September 22nd. Kids will meet at Rock-It Lanes at 12:00pm for some bowling and pizza; $5.00 donations accepted. This is for preschool - elementary age kids only!

Woodlawn Students News

Wednesdays from 5:00 - 7:00pm

in the Youth/CR Bldg & cafe

We had a fantastic Open House in August. Huge shoutout to the parents and students for coming and being a part of our ministry!!

We have our 5th Quarter on Friday, September 13th from 7:00 - 11:00pm. We will be at the AHS football game, and then head to the Youth Building for food and games! The Youth Building will open at 8:30pm. The cost is $10 ($5 for football game & $5 for snacks at Woodlawn). Invite your friends!


September 22nd is Worship & Lunch. Join us at 10:15am for Worship & then lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. Bring money for lunch & make sure you have a signed waiver to ride in our church vehicles.

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or prayer requests by contacting me at

We Care Hours

Tuesdays, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Wednesdays, 9:30am - 11:30am

Thursdays, 9:30am - 11:30am

We Care is a ministry of Woodlawn Church!

The month of July was busy with 145 families, for a total of 344 people being served. The food pantry volunteers are grateful to our Woodlawn family for your generous donations and support, we could not operate without YOU! Our wish list for September includes: water, cereal, 16oz spaghetti sauce and canned fruit. We Care because YOU Care. Thank you!

Celebrate Recovery
Thursdays starting at 5:00pm for dinner
in the Youth/CR Building
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery (or CR) is to fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through the 12 steps and 8 Recovery Principles. This experience allows us to be changed. As we progress through the program, we discover our personal, loving, and forgiving Higher Power, Jesus Christ.

  • 5:00pm - Dinner (no charge)
  • 6:00pm - Worship & Teaching
  • 7:00pm - Open Share

Worship & Teaching can also be seen via Facebook. Contact the Woodlawn Church office at 850-234-3196 for further details.

Woodlawn Way

Sunday, September 29th from 9:45 - 11:45am at Sharky's & 11:30am - 1:30pm in room F105

The Woodlawn Way is an introduction to the life and membership of Woodlawn. Here's what we'll cover together:

  • Introduction to the ministry of Woodlawn Church & understanding faith in Christ & church membership.
  • Essential habits that every believer needs to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Discover your spiritual gifts in order to see how God combines them with your personality & passions for the best fit in ministry.
  • Connect you with ministries for service according to your personality, passions, & spiritual gifts as well as a discipleship group for spiritual growth & development.

For additional information on The Woodlawn Way, email Pastor Carmen at with any questions. Click here to sign-up for this meeting.

JOY Bible Study

starting Thursday, September 19th

9:30am in the Youth/CR Bldg & cafe

Ladies, you are invited to join JOY Bible Study as we explore The Gospel on the Ground for the Fall 2024 semester!

Come along with biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland as she unpacks the life of the early church in the book of Acts and shows us that the kingdom of God is always on the move, always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for true fulfillment and hope. Explore the call of Jesus to His disciples then and to us today. See how God's Word can sustain us even in the most difficult of times and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God in His kingdom of celebration. The registration deadline is September 11th with our study beginning on September 19th. We look forward to studying God’s Word with you!

To register, click here! 

Women's Step Study

Beginning Tuesday, September 10th

from 5:30pm – 7:30pm in room F105

On September 10th we will be kicking off “The Journey Begins” for women. This study is the beginning of a road to freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Along this in-depth study, you will discover your foundational hurts that resulted in flawed thought processes (hang-ups) that led to your habits (methods of escape). This program follows Jesus Christ’s instructions in the Be Attitudes of Matthew Chapter 5. You will find freedom as you begin to forgive others and yourself. This study is a 6 – 8 month process with life changing impacts on you and all your relationships. If you are interested, contact Michael (pronounced Michele) by text on 386-843-2210 and/or Karman on 940-232-6548. 

If you have already completed "The Journey Begins" study, you are invited to begin "The Journey Continues" with us on Saturday, October 5th from 10:00am - 12:00pm in room F108. Perhaps God has revealed a new area in which you are seeking freedom. Text Therese on 850-238-6601 for more information.

3085 Thrive

Monday, September 9th from 9:00 - 11:00am

in the Youth/CR Bldg cafe

3085 Thrive is a Parkinson's Support Group designed to meet your specific needs in living with PD! Our goal is to help every participant Thrive in life! If you have any questions/concerns contact Greg Ritscher at

 Emerald Coast Parkinson’s Educational Event

Tuesday, October 22nd from 9:00am - 2:00pm

in the Youth/CR Building & cafe

3085Thrive will be hosting the first ever, Emerald Coast Parkinson’s Educational Event on Tuesday, October 22nd from 9:00am to 2:00pm in the Youth/CR Building & cafe. The symposium will feature:

  • Vendors who offer products or services that assist people living with Parkinson’s
  • Three nationally known speakers: one on understanding grief associated with the disease
  • Care Partner Burn Out
  • A summary of the latest Parkinson’s research initiatives from a Movement Disorder Specialist.

The event will also be offered in a virtual webinar format with a Q&A format.

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, progressive, neurological disease that is the fastest growing and second most common neurodegenerative disease in the United States. Parkinson’s diminishes the body’s ability to make Dopamine, a neuro-transmitter critical for making smooth, coordinated motion. Currently, there is no known cause or cure but we are on the cusp of finding various biomarkers to help the medical community to properly diagnosed the disease.

One million of the world’s ten million people with Parkinson’s, live in the United State’s and over 66,000 Floridians currently are diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Every six minutes someone new is diagnosed with Parkinson’s which not only has motor symptoms but has non-motor symptoms as well; motor symptoms include tremor, rigidity, & slowness of motion, and non-motor symptoms include apathy/depression, drooling, & orthostatic hypotension.

Bay and Walton counties have approximately three thousand people with Parkinson’s in them; our closest Movement Disorder Specialist is located in Pensacola and Tallahassee. Panama City Beach has a Parkinson’s Support Group, started in 2021, called 3085Thrive. The name is derived from the Longitude and Latitude of Panama City Beach (30/85) and the word THRIVE, which we intend to do, despite having Parkinson’s (

Please contact Greg Ritscher, 3085Thrive support group leader, on 303-875-8117 or for more information.

Crafting For Christ

Monday, September 23rd

starting at 9:30am in the Dot Wood Room

Come enjoy fellowship while making cards for our shut-ins. Contact Vivian at 850-238-2874 or for more information.

Giving at Woodlawn is Simple & Secure

Whether you'd like to give a single gift, or schedule ongoing giving from either your credit card or bank account,

just click Online Giving to get started.

Woodlawn's August Tithes to Budget

Projected Tithes for August: $140,500.00

Received Tithes in August: $119,639.93

Woodlawn's Offerings to Legacy

Legacy Fund current balance: $583,895.95

September's Calendar of Events

Sunday Worship Services

September 1, September 8, September 15, September 22 & September 29:

 8:30am - W@W (Sharky’s Restaurant)

9:00am - Traditional Worship (Worship Center)

10:15am - Contemporary Worship (Youth/CR Bldg & café)

12:00pm - Beacon Light Worship (Youth/CR Bldg)

Children’s Church

  • Is for children in kindergarten - 5th grade.
  • Does not meet on the first Sunday of the month so that families can worship together.
  • Kids will be dismissed after worship for Children’s Church.
  • A nursery is available each week.

What is Happening at Woodlawn Church?

Sunday, September 1: Adult Sunday school class (ED114) - 9:00am; Cornerstone Sunday school class (F108) - 10:00am; Emmaus Sunday school class (Dot Wood Rm) - 10:00am; Life Sunday school class (Choir Rm) - 10:00am; Searchers Sunday school class (F105) - 10:00am


Monday, September 2: The Church Office is closed today! Weight Watchers (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Singers (Choir Rm) - 5:30pm 


Tuesday, September 3: Men’s Coffee at The Pour (The Pour) - 9:00am; Men at Noon Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 12:00pm


Wednesday, September 4: Grief Share (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 9:30am; Woodlawn Students (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Kid’s (Children’s Bldg) - 5:15pm; Adult Bible Study, “Acts” (F105) - 5:30pm; Divorce Care (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:30pm


Thursday, September 5: Men's Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 7:15am; Celebrate Recovery (Youth/CR Bldg) - 5:00pm/dinner, 6:00pm/worship, & 7:00pm/program; Created for a Purpose Bible Study, “David” (Dot Wood Rm) - 6:00pm


Sunday, September 8: Adult Sunday school class (ED114) - 9:00am; Cornerstone Sunday school class (F108) - 10:00am; Emmaus Sunday school class (Dot Wood Rm) - 10:00am; Life Sunday school class (Choir Rm) - 10:00am; Searchers Sunday school class (F105) - 10:00am


Monday, September 9: 3085 Thrive Parkinson’s Group (Youth/CR Bldg café) - 9:00am; Weight Watchers (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Singers (Choir Rm) - 5:30pm


Tuesday, September 10: Men’s Coffee at The Pour (The Pour) - 9:00am; Men at Noon Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 12:00pm; Faithful Sisterhood Bible study, “Gideon” (Dot Wood Rm) - 6:00pm


Wednesday, September 11: Grief Share (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 9:30am; Woodlawn Students (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Kid’s (Children’s Bldg) - 5:15pm; Adult Bible Study, “Acts” (F105) - 5:30pm; Divorce Care (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:30pm


Thursday, September 12: Men's Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 7:15am; Celebrate Recovery (Youth/CR Bldg) - 5:00pm/dinner, 6:00pm/worship, & 7:00pm/program; Created for a Purpose Bible Study, “David” (Dot Wood Rm) - 6:00pm


Sunday, September 15: Adult Sunday school class (ED114) - 9:00am; Cornerstone Sunday school class (F108) - 10:00am; Emmaus Sunday school class (Dot Wood Rm) - 10:00am; Life Sunday school class (Choir Rm) - 10:00am; Searchers Sunday school class (F105) - 10:00am


Monday, September 16: Weight Watchers (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Singers (Choir Rm) - 5:30pm


Tuesday, September 17: Men’s Coffee at The Pour (The Pour) - 9:00am; Men at Noon Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 12:00pm; Faithful Sisterhood Bible study, “Gideon” (Dot Wood Rm) - 6:00pm


Wednesday, September 18: Grief Share (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 9:30am; Woodlawn Students (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Kid’s (Children’s Bldg) - 5:15pm; Adult Bible Study, “Acts” (F105) - 5:30pm; Divorce Care (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:30pm


Thursday, September 19: Men's Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 7:15am; Celebrate Recovery (Youth/CR Bldg) - 5:00pm/dinner, 6:00pm/worship, & 7:00pm/program; Created for a Purpose Bible Study, “David” (Dot Wood Rm) - 6:00pm


Sunday, September 22: Adult Sunday school class (ED114) - 9:00am; Cornerstone Sunday school class (F108) - 10:00am; Emmaus Sunday school class (Dot Wood Rm) - 10:00am; Life Sunday school class (Choir Rm) - 10:00am; Searchers Sunday school class (F105) - 10:00am


Monday, September 23: Crafting for Christ (Dot Wood Rm) - 9:30am; Weight Watchers (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Singers (Choir Rm) - 5:30pm


Tuesday, September 24: Men’s Coffee at The Pour (The Pour) - 9:00am; Men at Noon Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 12:00pm; Faithful Sisterhood Bible study, “Gideon” (Dot Wood Rm) - 6:00pm


Wednesday, September 25: Grief Share (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 9:30am; Woodlawn Students (Youth/CR Bldg & café) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Kid’s (Children’s Bldg) - 5:15pm; Adult Bible Study, “Acts” (F105) - 5:30pm; Divorce Care (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:30pm


Thursday, September 26: Men's Bible Study (Dot Wood Rm) - 7:15am; Celebrate Recovery (Youth/CR Bldg) - 5:00pm/dinner, 6:00pm/worship, & 7:00pm/program; Created for a Purpose Bible Study, “David” (Dot Wood Rm) - 6:00pm


Sunday, September 29: Adult Sunday school class (ED114) - 9:00am; Woodlawn Way (Sharky’s) - 9:45am Cornerstone Sunday school class (F108) - 10:00am; Emmaus Sunday school class (Dot Wood Rm) - 10:00am; Life Sunday school class (Choir Rm) - 10:00am; Searchers Sunday school class (F105) - 10:00am; Woodlawn Way (F105) - 11:30am


Monday, September 30: Weight Watchers (Dot Wood Rm) - 5:00pm; Woodlawn Singers (Choir Rm) - 5:30pm  

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