Sarah Vaughan "September in the Rain"

September 2024 news

Create and use mailing lists

Run of show vs. categories and prices

Ten hut! How to better use the Help Desk

Tell us what you want in Wintix

Ticket printer suddenly not working correctly?

One ringy dingy - remember our Support Line extensions

Learn the different ways to create and use email or emailing lists

There are as many ways to create and use a mailing list as there are ways to write a letter.

  • Use them for myriad marketing purposes.
  • Create a list of inactive names so you can communicate with non-ticket buyers.
  • Assign them to groups so you can let patrons know about upcoming shows that interest them.
  • Make an email list, physical mailing list, or both.

Here are a few examples!

When do you use Run of Show prices and

when do you use Categories and Prices?

In general:

  • Use Run of show prices for standard prices that apply to ALL prices for ALL performances.
  • Use Categories and Prices when you have special prices for INDIVIDUAL performances.

How to add Run of Show prices

How to add Categories and Prices

Want to know how to get a

report on sale items?

There are a couple of ways to get a sale items report. It depends on whether you want a picture of how one item is doing at a particular point in time, or if you want a more complete look at all items during a run of show or during a single performance.
This Help Desk post gives you instructions on how to run this valuable report to see the information you need.

Tell us what you want and need in Wintix and Webtix

Is there a feature, report or other thing that would be helpful if it was in your Wintix or Webtix? Chances are good it's already available or we can help you figure out a way to do it. Let us know by filling out this short questionnaire and we will get back to you.

The best ways to find things on the Help Desk

Even though there are literally thousands of posts on our Help Desk to assist you, there are a few tips that can help you find what you are looking for simply and quickly.

On the Help Desk homepage, you will find brief tutorials to help you navigate and search in an efficient manner, and also how to use categories and tabs to find information if you aren't quite sure of the exact nature of your query.

Click here to learn more!

Has your ticket printer suddenly stopped working or is displaying strange behavior?

There is a problem happening for some of our customers. A ticket printer that's reliable will suddenly stop working, or it might spit out extra stock.

Microsoft sent out an unannounced update that change the printer settings for the ticket printer and the label printer. The report printer is not affected.

To check, go to File | Label and receipt | Printer defaults. Make sure each printer's paper size, source and orientation is correct. Click OK.

One ringy dingy! Is this the party to whom I am speaking?

Don't call the CIA! Call SUPPORT!



DAVID ext. 1

DJ ext. 2


PEGGY ext. 3