TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Dates
Sept 22: Board Meeting
Sept. 26: After School Activities Begin
Oct. 1: Auflauf Cook Off
Oct. 6: Picture Day
Oct. 19: Early Release Wednesday
Oct. 20-21: MEA Weekend
Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
Administrative Information
Welcome to our Exchange Students
Last night a group of 35 students and 4 teachers from Borghorst and Ochtrup, Germany, arrived in Minnesota! They will be here for sixteen days experiencing TCGIS and exploring the Twin Cities and Chicago. In May our 8th graders will visit these students in Germany for their final Capstone Trip. Click on the picture to enlarge it.
2016-2017 Parent Night on Tuesday, October 4
Elementary (K-4) 5:30-6:30pm
Middle School Curriculum Night (5-8) 6:45-7:45pm
Join us on Tuesday, October 4 for our Parent Night! Parent night gives our teachers the chance to share the essentials of what your children do here in school every day.
What is presented will vary based on how our teaching teams define the term "essential." Some items you might hear about: curricular topics, homework, grading, and positive behavior agreements, and even possibly some Q & A. |
K-8 Social Hour and Kaffeeklatsch
Join us next Friday, September 30 for our combined K-8 Social Hour and PTO Kaffeeklatsch!
- 7:50-8:15am - parents/guardians gather in classrooms to visit with teachers and interns
- 8:15-8:30am - adults quietly observe Morning Circle
- 8:30-9:30am - gather in the Commons for coffee and socializing!
We hope to see you there!
Reminder: October Order Window for Bus, Kinderclub, Lunch & Spiritwear is CLOSING Friday, 9/23!:
That's right - you can now order Spiritwear through our online store! Curious about what we offer? Click here to take a look through our products.
Log on to our online store
now and place your child(ren)'s Bus, Kinderclub, School Lunch/Milk and Spiritwear. All orders are due by midnight on
Friday, August 19
If your family is new to our online store, please
click here
for more information on our online store, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the website. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is
If you are a returning family and you need assistance with your Account Log-In information, please email us at
TCGIS Mission, Vision and Values
With great input from the TCGIS community through conversations, gatherings, illustrations and online surveys, the Boarddrafted our school's mission, vision and values.
Mission: Innovative education of the whole child through German immersion.
Vision: Andere hören, andere sehen, weltoffen denken und handeln. (The English version will be determined after input solicited from the TCGIS community.)
The TCGIS learning environment values:
- challenge and support
- community
- curiosity
- intercultural engagement
- kindness
For further information on the process and the input from the community, check out a
short video
of our draft.
After School Activities Start Monday
Session one of after school activities starts next Monday, September 26! If you are still interested in registering, please find the descriptions of the classes offered, a schedule of the classes, and the registration form. All registration papers and payment are due by September 23. **Please note that senior soccer, beginning sewing, and woodworking are FULL. If you have any questions please email Lauren Kalish at |
TCGIS Fundraiser - Is Your German Better Than a Fifth Grader's?
German trivia & long unpronounceable words as well as tongue twisters like "Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid" were just some of the fun things our fifth graders challenged the
visitors at
Inn last year. PLUS $800 of the food sales went straight to the Intern program at TCGIS!
Inn has offered to repeat this fundraiser on the evening of Thursday,
September 29 from 6:30-8pm! We would like to
invite YOU to take your family for an awesome German dinner at the Black Forest Inn and watch some of our 5th graders show off their German skills. 20% of all food sales will be donated to the school! We hope to see you there!
10 Days Left to Donate to the PTO Community Auction
The auction brings in about 75 percent of PTO funds raised all year, and we need your help to make it a success. Money raised in the auction is used for items like classroom learning grants and community building events.Not sure what to donate? Here's a sample: Halloween t-shirt making, water party, movie nights, pizza-making party, knitting gatherings, baked goods, and craft items. Click here to learn more and to submit your item.
Early Morning Recess - Volunteer to
Our early morning recess is back! This recess is from on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
7:45 - 8:10am
and is a time for kids to get some energy out before the start of the day. At 8:10 the kids head up to their classroom for Morgenkreis. Please sign up
if you're interested in volunteering to chaperone this!
Submit Your Entry for the PTO Auflauf Cookauf
Dozens of people have already purchased their tickets for Auflauf on October 1, and they are going to be hungry for YOUR hot dish. Whether you are known as the Hot Dish Master or you've never made one before, it's all for fun so submit your offering today. Try one of the categories - German, American, or International - or try them all! There are fabulous prizes to be won! Click here to register.
TCGIS Sports Page
Parents can now find a newly created, parent-generated idea of a sports calendar for games and other important events. The calendar will include the date, time and location of the various sport events. This page will include: soccer, basketball, volleyball, and nordic skiing. |
Collecting Empty Gallon Buckets and Cereal Boxes
The art room is in search of empty gallon ice cream buckets to use for painting with art classes. If you have any at home to donate, please send them to school with your student.
Also, please start saving and bringing in your
and round oatmeal
! Frau Lenburg wil
l be needing them in October to make lanterns with the K-3rd graders f
or the annual Martinstag celebration. It is a wonderful celebration of a traditional German holiday with songs, a play, lanterns, good food and a live horse! Look for more information in the coming weeks.
can be given to Frau Lenburg in the morning at drop-off (Como side on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays) or sent to the classroom with your student.
Refugee Supply Donation Drive
TCGIS Girls Scout Troop 57317 is holding an all school and community supply donation drive for The International Institute of Minnesota.
The International Institute of Minnesota welcomes New Americans to the Twin Cities and offers them a continuum of services to promote their full integration into our community. The Institute is located in The Como neighborhood and has been chosen by our Girl Scout Troop as a way to become Global Citizens right here and now!
The drive begins on Friday, September 16, and runs until Saturday October 15. Collection boxes are located in the entryway. Please click here to see a list of supplies they will be collecting.
SEAC Fall Family Picnic September 27
Join the TCGIS Special Education Advisory Committee for our Fall Family Picnic at the
Como Park Fire Pits
Tuesday, September 27
. Every family should bring their own picnic. We will roast s'mores,
and the kids can play at the playground. Please RSVP
here so we know how many marshmallows to get!
Questions? Email
GAI Announcements
Samstagsschule; German for Children and Teens starts Sept. 24 (Thursday session starts Sept. 22)
This fall the GAI is offering 5 classes for Children & Teens - all sessions run 8 weeks and meet for 75 min. on Saturday morning
- Fun with German - Beginner (4-K) - 9:00am
- German for Kids - Beginner (1st - 4th grade) - 9:00am
- German for Kids - Advanced (1st - 4th grade) - 10:30am
- German for Teens - Beginner - 10:30am
- German for Teens - Advanced - 6:30pm on THURSDAY
Click the link for more information and to register
German for children & teens
Calling All Knitters and Crochet Crafters!
The GAI's Stricken und Häkeln group returns on Saturday, September 10th for fall. Bring a friend and your current knitting/crochet projects to our Haus on Summit Avenue at 9:30 am. Whether you are beginner or can combination knit in your sleep, join us as we meet to socialize while we work, swap patterns and skills, and share a good yarn! Send an e-mail with your contact info to to get on our group e-mail list.
PTO Announcements
to find out more about these upcoming events:
The Auction Committee needs volunteers. Check out the
Kaffeekatsch, September 30 at 8:15 in the Atrium
Kindergarten playdate, October 8, in NE Minneapolis
- PTO meeting, October 11