475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270, New York, NY 10115
Happenings In & Around the Presbytery of NYC
This newsletter is ordinarily published on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. All items for potential inclusion must be submitted via email to newsletter@presbynyc.org by noon on the Wednesday before the newsletter in published. All items are subject to review and editing. Timely submission does not guarantee inclusion.
Information, articles and links in this newsletter are provided for information only to the congregations and members of the presbytery. Nothing in this message should be construed as the official position of the presbytery unless noted as such.
A Message from Rev. Mary Newbern-Williams
Rev. Mary Newbern-Williams
Gap Presbyter
The beauty of the commitment to Matthew 25 is that justice is a major theme upon which we concentrate. As a theme that is denomination-wide, Matthew 25 charges us to work together, to study and understand three important foci; namely, building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty. General Assembly, synods, presbyteries, and congregations join together to address these issues in unique and creative ways that make a difference in the lives of people around the world.
Caring for humanity by addressing the three bold areas of the vision that the PCUSA has cast, brings us together as the People of God who care for others and work together so that God’s purposes are achieved. How has your congregation or organization addressed the 3 areas of the vision of Matthew 25? What strategies and actions have you implemented?
The Matthew 25 Vision is one that promotes unity and strength within areas of church life. In the life and work of our Presbytery, there are many opportunities to engage in the ministry and mission of Matthew 25. There are ways to continue making life better for people in need, as well as enriching our own hearts and souls by serving and caring for God’s creation. If your congregation or organization needs more information about Matthew 25, we can provide it for you. You may also access the General Assembly website, www.pcusa.org and in the search box, type in Matthew 25.
God will continue to guide and direct all we do. God bless all of you as we prepare for the Presbytery Meeting. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on ZOOM.
Blessings in Christ.
Rev. Mary
Bob Brashear Memorial Fund
Since the death of our Moderator Rev. Dr. Robert Laird Brashear many have asked how they could help the family.
A Bob Brashear Memorial Fund has been set up through the Presbyterian Foundation on the Presbytery's website. The donation page will close after the service in mid-November.
Donations to the fund will be distributed to Bob's three children to assist them in offsetting any unexpected costs they have incurred/may incur during these challenging times.
The family in conjunction with the Presbytery, and West-Park Presbyterian Church are currently in the planning stages of a memorial service for Bob.
A memorial service will be held at Broadway Presbyterian Church on October, 29, 2022 at 2:00 PM. Click below for full Memorial Service details.
Condolences can be sent to either (or all) of Bob's sons:
Micah Brashear
45 Wilhelmshavenerstr
Berlin 10551, German
Nate (Nathaniel) Brashear
19 Stoddard Place
Brooklyn, NY. 11225
Daniel Brashear
1082 Dean Street, #1
Brooklyn, NY. 11216
For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, says the Lord - Jeremiah 30:17
Saturday, September 24, 2022 - 9:00 AM
Stated Meeting of the Presbytery
Sunday, October 2, 2022 - 4:00 PM
Peter Manning Ordination, Brick Presbyterian Church
Sunday, October 16, 2022 - 4:00 PM
Installation of Rev. Cynthia "Thia" Reggio as the pastor at Second Presbyterian Church
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022
JMC Advocacy Day
News From the COVID Discernment Team
COVID Vaccinations and Boosters
Updated COVID-19 boosters that add Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 spike protein components to the current vaccine composition are available NOW at your local pharmacy. These new boosters help to restore protection that has waned since previous vaccination by targeting variants that are more transmissible and immune-evading.
The CDC notes that, “The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) authorization of updated COVID-19 boosters, and CDC’s recommendation for use, are critical next steps forward in our country’s vaccination program—a program that has helped provide increased protection against COVID-19 disease and death.”
CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., endorses the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommendations for use of updated COVID-19 boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech for people ages 12 years and older and from Moderna for people ages 18 years and older: “The updated COVID-19 boosters are formulated to better protect against the most recently circulating COVID-19 variant. They can help restore protection that has waned since previous vaccination and were designed to provide broader protection against newer variants. This recommendation followed a comprehensive scientific evaluation and robust scientific discussion. If you are eligible, there is no bad time to get your COVID-19 booster.”
Contact a health provider to determine which vaccinations and boosters you and your family members should receive.
The COVID-19 Discernment Response Team
Brenda Berkman (RE)
Mark Koenig (TE)
Samson Tso (TE)
News from the Office of the Property Consultant
It is that time of year again.
To assist you with protecting the church properties and safeguard against loss you are asked to submit your current certificate of insurance (COI) as soon as possible. Please send a copy to me (via email) Rev. Georgiette Morgan-Thomas at Propertyconsultant@presbynyc.org. You can also email me if you have any questions.
Rev. Morgan-Thomas
Property Consultant
Presbytery of New York City
News from the Justice Ministries Committee
Have you read the Justice Ministries Committee's latest newsletter? Click here for their newsletter and to subscribe.
New York City Presbytery's Justice Ministries Advocate invites all congregations and their members to read their recent newsletter and to get involve.
Their most recent newsletter includes
- Justice Ministries Committee's Advocacy Day, via Zoom - October 22nd, 10:00AM - 12:00 Noon
and more...
Contact New York City Presbytery's Advocate, Charmaine Massiah
Email CMassiah@presbynyc.org, call or text her at 347-401-4598. Feel free to send her your upcoming announcements and social justice activities. We will share them in our newsletter and social media platforms.
News from the Synod of the Northeast - An Invitation to The Synod Assembly
The Synod Assembly is the Synod of the Northeast's biennial Synod-wide fellowship gathering for celebration, business, and visioning.
Pre-Assembly Matthew 25 Event
When: October 20. 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Two Workshops on each of the Matthew 25 Foci
--Details to follow.
Synod Assembly
When: October 21-22, 2022
What is the Synod Assembly?
The Synod Assembly is the full governing body of the Synod, comprising representatives from each presbytery (2 ruling elders, 2 teaching elders/ministers, and 1 YAAD), corresponding members, and observers. The Assembly convenes every two years to worship, meet, and conduct the business of the Synod.
In addition to the Assembly itself, the Synod hosts a Pre-Assembly event. This gathering allows for further fellowship among the Synod community and an opportunity to delve into a subject more deeply together.
We are working hard to make this pre-assembly event and synod assembly worth your time and engagement. If you have any questions, please contact Synod Stated Clerk Rev. Nancy Talbot at 315-480-3553 or nancy.talbot@synodne.org. We look forward to seeing you there.
Upcoming Fall Programs at Holmes Camp and Conference Center
Holmes is looking forward to a busy Fall and has a robust Adult Retreat schedule planned - hopefully something for everyone! We would appreciate your help getting the word out. Download their Adult Fall Program Flyer. Click here to visit their website for more details.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) Responds to Hurricane Fiona
Hurricane Fiona impacted Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic with torrential rain resulting in flooding and powerful winds leading to widespread power outages.
PDA is in touch with Presbyterian leadership in the presbyteries and synod of Puerto Rico, in addition to our international partners in the Dominican Republic. While assessments are underway, solidarity and initial assistance grants are being disbursed. As always, PDA will work alongside our partners for the long-haul.
To support PDA's response, designate gifts to DR000194
NYDIS 2022 Fall Prepardness Summit for NYC Faith Communities
News from the Presbyterian Historical Society
Presbyterian Historical Society's (PHS) Monthly Newsletter is now available. This month's newsletter includes:
Personal papers of Native American Presbyterian leader and former president and chancellor a Cook College and Theological School in Tempe, Arizona, Rev. Dr. Cecil Corbett
- PHS collection that highlights education around the world
- United Presbyterian Women and Sanctuary
- and more
Presbyterian Senior Services (PSS) Chat with the Experts Webinars
The Chat with the Expert series is a collaboration between New York City Department for Aging (NYC DFTA) and Presbyterian Senior Services (PSS) . Our chats consist of one hour bite sized, intimate and virtual conversations featuring local NYC-based area specialists in a broad range of sub-specialties.
We strive to highlight and connect you with agencies and organizations dedicated to serving older adults. Often New Yorkers are unaware of the richness and diversity of services available to them in the NYC area. Topics include:
- Adult Protective Services
- Healthcare Navigation for Seniors
- Medicaid Part 2: Myths and Facts
- and more
You are invited and encouraged to explore their diverse series lineup for 2022-23 and remember,
you must register for each session separately.
Mastering the Art of the Pivot
If the church is anything, it should be a moveable feast, or maybe we should say a pivotal one after these pandemic-ridden years. With one foot firmly grounded in the Kingdom of God, the other foot may bend, twist and maneuver in different ways as church leaders are called to love and serve with justice and compassion in a quickly changing world.
Pivoting, like the basketball move, requires steadfastness, flexibility, a willingness to switch strategies, and sometimes a reenvisioning of the future without dropping the ball — a skill all congregations must have. But being flexible when the Spirit wind blows is also true for pastors’ personal lives as a myriad of economic, political and cultural shifts seem to be happening all at the same time.
Webinar - #ProChurchGrower
This Tuesday, September 27th at 7:00 PM, you are invited to a special webinar with John Fong, hosted by Hudson River Presbytery. John, will lead a church growth and communications seminar and provide case studies from around the Synod of the Northeast. The webinar is free, and Rev. Casey Carbone (IT/Communications Facilitator of Hudson River Presbytery) will provide some opening remarks and reminders of funding (for congregations within Hudson River Presbytery) opportunities to help kickstart ideas you might have.
This webinar highlights four church case studies from an ongoing Synod of the Northeast Innovation Grant project. Four case studies with proven strategies that will help:
- Grow your church...
- Overcome online digital clutter...
- Reach your target audience...
- Improve your overall communications and exposure...
Related Additional Resources:
Exploring Spiritually Vital Congregations
In 2020, about a third of the 15,000 faith communities responding to our FACT 2020 survey question "Do you agree or disagree our congregation is spiritually vital and alive?” strongly agreed with this statement (over 40% more than in 2015). This question has been asked in the FACT surveys since 2000 and highly correlates with other measures of vitality and flourishing.
Most spiritually vital congregations had a set of distinctive characteristics that included:
- Being open to incorporating new people
- Willing to change to meet new challenges
- Having thought-provoking worship services
- Emphasizing religious education for both children and adults
- Considering it important to live out one's faith in all aspects of daily life, not just during sacred time
- Having more younger people participating
Despite minor variances by faith tradition and denomination, it is remarkable to see the level of general agreement on common denominators of spiritually vital and alive congregations. *Read the full report
*Note: The Faith Communities Today (FACT) 2020 national survey of congregations took place as the pandemic arrived in the United States. As such, some congregations responded to the survey before restrictions on public worship and other pandemic-related measures were put into effect; others responded in full lockdown mode. The data in this report reflects both spiritual vitality perceptions before the pandemic as well as those that emerged during it
IRS Standard Mileage Rate Increase
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has responded to the skyrocketing costs of gas. The agency recently announced it will increase the standard mileage rate for business travel to 62.5 cents—a 4-cent increase—effective July 1.
Congregations Must Now File for an Exemption from Water and Sewer Charges - View the Recent Webinar on the New Filing Process
In order for an eligible organization to receive an exemption from water and sewer charges, it must file an application with the NYC DEP Bureau of Customer Services. Having a NYC Not-For-Profit Property Tax Exemption does not automatically qualify the organization for an exemption from water and sewer charges. Download the application.
Click here to view a recording of the water and sewer application process webinar held by the Presbytery's Property Consultant, Rev. Georgiette Morgan-Thomas.
From the Office of the Property Consultant - 420-a Tax Exemption Revocations
Over the course of the past year, the New York City Department of Finance (DOF) has implemented a policy whereby 420-a exemptions for properties used for religious or non-profit purposes will be revoked due to the presence of Class 1 New York City Department of Building’s (DOB) violations at the premises, regardless of the nature of the violations or whether they actually impact the exempted use of the premises. It is our understanding that it is now DOF policy that the tax exemption will not be reinstated, and no appeals will be granted, until after the violation is removed.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many religious and non-profit organizations have been operating remotely and may not have received the notice of revocation from DOF, so we encourage you to review your recent tax bills to confirm if your building has been impacted by this new policy. You can view your tax bills and find other valuable information here.
If you do discover that your exemption has been revoked or would like more information on this new DOF policy, please contact Nathaniel H. Christian III nhc362@gmail.com with the Presbytery’s Board of Trustees.
News from the Good Works Committee
The Good Works Committee invites congregations and fellowships to submit proposals for possible funding of new or on-going missional efforts through the Good Works Fund. Links to the Good Works guidelines and an application are available on the General Resources page on the Presbytery's website. Contact goodworks@presbynyc.org.
Employment Opportunities Within and Around the Presbytery of NYC
Congregational Searches on PC(USA)'s CLC System
The following congregations in our presbytery are currently engaged in active searches:
Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, Designated Pastor, Full-time
Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, Senior Pastor/Head of Staff, Full-time
Riverdale Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Full-time
Siloam Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Part-time
Fort Washington Heights Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Part-time
St. Augustine Presbyterian Church, Solo Pastor, Part-time
Congregations within our presbytery are currently seeking to fill these positions:
First Presbyterian Church Brooklyn, Interim Pastor, Full-time, click here for details
First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York, Interim Associate Pastor for Mission and Social Justice, Full-time, click here for details
Eastchester Presbyterian Church, Interim Pastor, Part-time (20 hrs.), click here for details
Olivet Presbyterian Church, Interim Pastor, Part-time (20-24 hrs.), click here for details
Presbyterian entities outside the bounds of New York City Presbytery seeking to fill positions:
Presbyterian Church of New Rochelle, Stated Supply, Part-time (19 hrs.) click here for details
Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church, Director of Ministry to Youth, Young Adults and Their Families, Full-time click here for details
PC(USA) National Office
The Presbyterian Church (USA) national office in Louisville, KY, is currently hiring. Click here for a list of current openings. To access all Presbyterian Church (USA) national office job opportunities and online applications, please visit PC(USA)'s website for a full listing of openings. Referrals are welcome!
Other entities seeking to hire
New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS), has several hybrid remote positions in their Hurricane Ida Disaster Case Management Program, Full-time, click here for details
New Resource Helps Ministers Apply for Student Debt Loan Forgiveness
Now through October 31, federal student loan borrowers may receive credit for past periods of repayment that would otherwise not qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). The U.S. Department of Education has changed the PSLF program rules for a limited time in response to the COVID-19 emergency.
For ministers enrolled in the Benefits Plan
To help ministers relieve the burden of educational debt and achieve greater financial well-being, the Board of Pensions is providing EdAssist through PeopleJoy at no cost to ministers enrolled in the Benefits Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). EdAssist provides coaching to help ministers understand and apply for the PSLF program if they qualify.
Board of Pensions Benefits Plan
Please note The Board of Pensions (BOP) is a benefits program and not just medical insurance or a pension plan. The Assistant Program offers additional benefits listed below in some but not all four benefit plan options. These grants can help supplement salaries and help pastors in emergencies. PDA and 1001 New Worshiping Community also have grants for specific purposes that help pastors.
Our Board of Pensions (BOP) Regional Consultant, Rev. Dr. Carrie Mitchell, has provided an outline on the following BOP resources:
- Assistance Program
- Care Navigation
- COVID and Tax Updates
Click here to view the outline. Her contact information is included in the outline should you have any questions about any of the benefits and resources that the Board of Pensions has to offer.
Prayers of Joy and Concern
Prayers of concern, and care are extended to;
- Are extended to Elder Warren (NYC Presbytery's Stated Clerk) and Wanda McNeill and their entire family on the birth of their first grandchild, Tanner McNeill. Tanner arrived this past Wednesday, September 21st, at 3:32PM, he weighed in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 19.5 inches. Pop Pop (Warren) reports that Tanner and his mom (Ashley) are both doing well
- To the family and friends of Elder Edna Asknes (First Church Brooklyn) who recently passed away
Elders Dora and Lloyd Johnson and their family (Eastchester Presbyterian Church) on the recent death of Dora's mother, Mary Vivian Robinson
Elder Marlene McGee (St. Albans) and her family on the recent death of her sister, Judith Belfon
Rev. Alice Hermanus-Rampengan (Indonesian Presbyterian Church)
- Pastors in new ministries and churches in pastoral searches
- Practicing Matthew 25 in our churches and communities
- Those with Covid and long-haul Covid.
- Addressing gun violence in our nation
2022 Minister's Minimum Compensation
Below you will find a link (to the presbytery approved ) Minister's Minimum Compensation for the 2022 calendar year.
We hope this is helpful!
2022 Presbytery Meeting Dates
All material for Presbytery meetings must be emailed to the Stated Clerk by the due date, no later than 5:00 pm at sc@presbynyc.org
Presbytery Meeting Dates
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Material Due Dates (no later than 5:00 PM)
Friday, February 18, 2022
Friday, May 20, 2022
Friday, September 9, 2022
Friday, November 18, 2022
2022 Commission on Ministry Dates and Material Deadlines
All material for COM's consideration must be emailed to the commission at com@presbynyc.org
COM Meeting Dates
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Tuesday, June 23, 2022
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Tuesday January 3, 2023
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
COM Material Due Dates (no later than 5:00 PM)
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
On Calling a Pastor, is a resource for pastor nominating committees and mid councils is now available. Each section of the manual builds upon the next to walk users through the call process highlighting the partners in the call process, polity, using the CLC system, and emphasizing the need for spiritual discernment. The resource is in PDF format. It may be read online or downloaded and printed. "On Calling a Pastor" includes videos, links to online resources, case studies, and "teach the teacher" Power Points for those training pastor nominating committees. Download the full handbook or individual chapters. You may also watch supplemental videos. To access the video links from within the PDFs, click on the icons found in the various chapters.
The Church Leadership Connection (CLC) staff is here to serve you. If you need any assistance or have questions, contact them by phone at 888-728-7228, ext. 8550, or by email at clcstaff@pcusa.org.
Stay Connected to the Presbytery of NYC
Help your congregation's members stay connected with the latest news and opportunities in and around the presbytery by subscribing to Happenings In & Around the Presbytery, the Presbytery's electronic newsletter. Keep members updated and apprised of Presbyterian events, resources, grants, and opportunities. Have members fill out the contact information form so that their email addresses can be added to our subscribers list. Click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed return the form to the presbytery office or email it to Yzette Swavy-Lipton.
Need an address or phone number for a church or a member of the NYC Presbytery? No need to call the office to get that information. You only need to log into the Presbytery ACS Database System and viola, the information is right at your fingertips.
If we have your contact information in our database you only need to create an account within the ACS System. If we do not have your contact information click here for the Contact Information Form. Once completed return the form to the presbytery office or email it to Yzette Swavy-Lipton so that you can be added to the database.
475 Riverside Drive Suite 1270
New York, NY 10115