Sunday, September 24, 2023
Order of Worship for 10AM service held both in the Sanctuary & online
~Rev. Emmanuel Philor will be preaching.
~Click on our website, Facebook page, or YouTube page to watch
- Welcome & Opening Prayer
- Litany
- Opening Song
- Statement of Faith
- Song
- Children's Message
Scripture: 1 King 17:8-16
- Message: “Lessons from a Drought" ~Rev. Emmanuel Philor
- Song
- Prayer & The Lord's Prayer
Closing Song & Offering
- Church News
- Blessing for the Week
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Worship in the Chapel
Sunday, September 24
Held in-person with piano, hymns, a message, and Communion served.
~Rev. Emmanuel Philor will be preaching.
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Meet the Artist POSTPONED!
New date & time:
Saturday, October 21
3-5PM in the Library Lounge & Sacred Grounds
Due to inclement weather, this event will be postponed. In October, the beautiful art of John Hagman will be on display. John will be available for questions. Light snacks will be provided at this BYOB event.
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Sacred Grounds will be open every Sunday after worship services beginning September 24
Meet there for coffee, treats, and fellowship!
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Sunday School returns September 24!
Sunday School will begin again during the 10AM service for children in Preschool (potty-trained) through 6th grade on Sunday, September 24
Children begin in worship and are dismissed to class following the Children's Message.
Children are always welcome to remain in the worship services. Feel free to make use of the Prayground in the back of the Sanctuary or the Activity Bags hanging on the back pew. Kindly return the Activity Bags after the service. Parents and kids may take an instrument to their pew. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Contact Dana with any questions at
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A good time was had by all at Gloria Dei's Fall Kickoff!
Gloria Dei will be collecting items for Laurel House from their Wish List through Sunday, October 1:
Click HERE for the Wish List. Copies are also available in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and church office.
Please bring your donations to church on Sunday and place them in the back of the Sanctuary or to the church office during the week.
Laurel House is a comprehensive domestic violence agency serving individuals, families, and communities throughout Montgomery County. Nicole's Place, a satellite of Laurel House, has their offices located in Gloria Dei Church!
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Laurel House Designer Bag Bingo
Sunday, September 24
Doors Open at 12PM, Bingo starts at 1PM
Join Marian’s Attic Thrift Shop staff and volunteers for an afternoon of fun playing Bingo. The cost is $35 and includes 20 games. Prizes include beautiful designer bags from Kate Spade, Coach, Michael Kors, and more! There will also be door prizes, 50/50, and raffle baskets!
Location: Black Rock Fire Company; 260 Green Tree Road; Oaks, PA 19456
Click HERE to purchase tickets and learn more!
All proceeds to support Laurel House's domestic violence programs.
PLEASE NOTE: No tickets will be sold at the door. Space is limited, and this event will sell out, so reserve your tickets today!
Questions? Please contact Pattie at or 610-337-3068.
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A Reminder to All
Now that the Preschool year has begun, a reminder to all to:
- Drive slowly in the parking lot
- Leave the back parking lot entrance locked
- Not leave any building doors unlocked or propped open
Please help us keep everyone safe!
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Men’s Ministry
Wednesday, September 27
8:30AM in Sacred Grounds
Please join us as we gather for fellowship, coffee, and donuts.
Contact Ken for information at 215-219-8484.
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Lunch & Learn
Friday, October 20
12PM in Christian Fellowship Hall
“What’s It Worth? Ask Mike the Appraiser”
Mike will speak to everyone first and then appraise items brought in by you. Up to 30 people may bring in ONE item each to be appraised.
Pizza & salad lunch provided to all who sign up whether or not you bring in an item to be appraised.
Please sign up on sheets in the Chapel, Sanctuary or church office indicating your name, if you are willing to bring a dessert to share, and IF you plan to bring in ONE item.
Questions? Contact Betsy at
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Stewardship Ministry Moment
As summer sadly comes to an end and activities around our church are ramping up, please remember that the Church’s expenses did not take a vacation.
Our financials indicate that the fiscal period ending August 31, 2023 are $23,000 behind budget in offerings and $12,000 less than offerings at this time last year.
Please consider increasing your financial support to Gloria Dei Church while you are also making contributions of your time and talents.
Thank you, Gloria Dei Council
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Tween/Youth Group Volunteers Needed!
Are you the parent of a tween or youth? Are you someone who had a child go through the youth group program? Or are you someone just looking to get more involved with the young people at Gloria Dei?
We are looking to form a team to help lead our tweens and youth. This age group needs adults to be present, to ask them questions about their lives, to listen, and to “see” each of them.
If you are interested, please contact Dana at for more information. We need volunteers to keep this ministry going!
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The Labyrinth will be available in the Zabor Room before and after all 3 services
on Sunday, October 1
The labyrinth is an analogy for life. It is not a maze or a puzzle to be solved but a path of meaning to be experienced. Its path is circular and convoluted, but it has no dead-ends.
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Volunteer at Caring For Friends
Tuesday, October 10
at their northeast Philly location:
12271 Townsend Road.
Anyone ages 12 & up, meet at Caring For Friends to prepare and package meals. Come late or leave early as your schedule allows.
Sign up:
Next volunteer date: November 14
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Save the Date for Trunk-or-Treat!
Saturday, October 28: 3PM (cars) & 4PM (kids) in the parking lot
More details coming soon!
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Feast of Justice is volunteer-driven and needs you!
Volunteer opportunities are available 6 days a week, including evenings and weekends. Direct service to the public as well as behind the scenes restocking are their biggest needs.
Can you offer one day a month to help out?
Click HERE for more information.
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Somerton Interfaith Food Bank is in need of Thanksgiving donations!
Please bring non-perishable food items for our pantry shelves.
We are now collecting Thanksgiving items: stuffing mix, mashed potatoes boxes, gravy, canned vegetables, and cranberry sauce.
Thank you for your generosity!
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This back-to-school season, you can support students around the world by donating to ELCA Good Gifts. Make a gift today to support ministries that grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives.
Click HERE to give a gift that helps share God’s love in Christ far and wide. Thank you for your support of the mission and ministry we share.
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October Preaching Schedule
Sunday, October 1: Pastor Mary Konopka at 8:30, 10, & 11:30AM
Sunday, October 8: Pastor Mary Konopka at 8:30 & 10AM
Sunday, October 15: Rev. Karen Murphy at 8:30 & 10AM
Sunday, October 22: Pastor George Miller at 8:30 & 10AM
Sunday, October 29: Pastor George Miller at 8:30 & 10AM
We look forward to worshipping with you!
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Emergency Pastor: Sarah Aasheim,
Senior and Lay Ministry: Betsy Maier,
Kids and Family: Dana Harrison,
Tweens & Youth: Dana Harrison
Praise Band Leader: Chris Schmer,
Office Staff: Susan Earp, Bookkeeper,; Jennifer Suit, Office Manager,;
Property: David Stryker, Facilities Manager,; Jeff DeHaven,; Keisha Wilkins,
Church Council:
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM; Friday: 9:30AM-1:00PM
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