Weekly Update

September 25, 2022

Please Join Us at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m.

(Both Services are Fully Bi-Lingual)

Junior High and High School Meet at 11 a.m.

Children's Sunday School at 11 a.m.

Worship Service, 9/25/2022

Live Stream Available Beginning at 8:50 a.m.

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Online Donations


Pastor Tab will be preaching from John 6:1-15. Please join us!

Sermon Outline
September 18, 2022 Worship Service

As I think about my astronomical amount of sins and ways

in which I have failed not only God,

but so many people throughout my life,

I am awed by His compassion and mercy and,

above all, His unconditional love for me!

His sacrificial and unconditional love surely is

the greatest thing in all my life!

How can I not love Him and others in response -

if only I keep my mind set upon His love for me!

Have a great day friends and remember how much

you too are loved by our God and Savior!

Under His Wings,


Please send prayer requests to Tab by email at

[email protected]

Click Here for Prayer Requests

Please join us in praying for one of our young sisters in Christ, Mirta Lopez. who left this past Thursday to begin a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Discipleship Training School in Rosarita (outside of Tijuana).  It is a 3 month study program and then she will serve abroad for 2 months spreading the Good News of Jesus. 

She moved into school housing on Thursday with roomates who are predominantly American so she is learning to speak in English more as well.  She is obviously anxious but excited.

Mirta is trusting God to provide for her needed finances which total to aproximately $6000 usd.  She has raised a small portion of that among her contacts here in Peñasco.  

Mirta and her Mom and her 3 sisters have been a oart of our church for many years and Mirta was blessed by our scholarship Ministry as are two of her sisters currently.  She has worked with the Words of Esperanza Community Center as well as with Young LIfe.

Please pray for her as she begins this incredible opportunity.  If you would be interested in helping her financialy, please contact Pastor Tab or make a donation to the church designated for her.

We will be keeping you updated with her specific prayer requests so we can support her most importantly with prayer.

Please let us not grow weary in continue to pray for the many hurting in Ukraine as (well as Russia) and the many refugees who have fled the invasion into the surrounding countries of the Urkraine and are seeking asylum. 

Ukraine - Looking Beyond the Crisis

Let's please keep praying for the many Pastors and believers serving Jesus and the Ukrainian people during this most difficult of times. And please consider giving financial support to them through Global Action. 

You can visit this link to give today:

Click Here for Ukraine Emergency Fund

Lunch Bag Ministry

Please join us in praising God that He continues to provide the means by which to purchase the needed supplies and ask that He would provide the volunteers needed to continue making the many sandwiches needed. We continue having 250-325 adults and children who come daily each week, Tuesday - Friday, for these much appreciated lunches.

We also ask you to join us in praying that we can be more intentional in following up personally sharing Jesus and the Good News with the many families and build relationships and encourage / invite them to come to Church.

Volunteers Needed 

Would you be willing to help prepare sandwiches during the

week for the Sack Lunch Ministry?

We are in great need of additional volunteers. 

We will provide the supplies if you are able to make between

100-200 sandwiches any day or days, Tuesdays through Fridays.

Please contact Jorge on Sunday or come by the church

between 9-10 a.m. on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The generous will themselves be blessed,

for they share their food with the poor.

Proverbs 22:9

Thank you so much to each of you donating money as well as those of you who faithfully continue making sandwiches in order for this miraculous ministry to continue.

Would you consider donating so that we can continue this incredible blessing of a feeding ministry. A gift of $35 basically allows us to provide 4 days of lunches for a family of 4.

Again, thank you so much to each of you who have helped provide

for these precious people in dire need.

Special Needs Ministry Building

As mentioned previously, the approximate cost, for the construction, we were provided is much more than we had prayed for so please pray for wisdom in knowing how we should proceed. Should we proceed with one phase at a time as God provides? We will definitely explore possiblity of different building materials. Again, please pray that God makes it clear for us.

We have already received a very generous donation of $30,000 usd as the seed money as well as $20,000 from Highlands Church in Scottsdale and the promise of  approximately another $25K promise from LIfe Church in Peoria.

As always, we will trust our awesome glorious Lord to provide as we are to move forward.

I know you probably get tired of reading some of these unchanging articles of sorts.  But would you please continue praying for our Bus Ministry as so many families are in need of trasportation in order to regularly attend church?  We most definitely hope to be running full pick up routes by October and we need more drivers and more transportation (i.e. vans or bus).

And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE if you know of anyone who has any contacts that would be able to guide us in the search and purchase, please share with us.

Family of God / Familia de Dios
High School and University
Scholarship Ministry

We currently have 24 students in our Scholarship Ministry as the new school year begins. We have 13 in Univesity and 11 in Senior High School (Preparatorio). Please join us in praying for our current students as well as the ability to provide scholarships to new students for the Spring Semester.

If you would be interested in helping us sponsor more students on their High School or University careers, please contact Helen Mercer by email at [email protected] or by phone at 602-390-4354. Or if you would like to simply help bless the University Students with food baskets, Helen can assist with that as well.

En La Imagen de Dios
A Ministry to Individuals with Special Needs

for more information please contact Maricela Moad

Horse Therapy

Thank You Jesus for your provision!  And thank you also for the increidble joy this therapy brings to our individuals with Special Needs as well as the much needed physical, mental and emotional therapy it provides.

PLEASE PRAY for our Special Needs ministry! Each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday a different grouping of 10-13 individuals are picked up by van and brought back to El Faro (Our Youth Building) to "work" at His Hands Creations from 10-12 pm!

These individuals create (with the help of volunteers) unique and beautiful craft items ranging from crosses decorated with sea shells, to bracelets, to picture frames, to bottles with sand, shells and lights (see attached pictures), to painted wooden butterflies, to decorated flip flops, and the list goes on and on.

Upon finishing the assignment for the day, they are fed and then transported back to their homes.

The sales of these items both at the bi-weekly Mermaid Market (October - May) here in Peñasco as well as by folks stopping by El Faro during the hours listed above are then equally divided up among these amazing artisans.

Please free to stop by El Faro (the youth building across the street from the main church building) on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday between 10-12 or contact Maricela.

For additional information as well as to how you can come alongside and help, please contact:
Maricela Moad at [email protected]
Church Office Hours
Please contact us with any questions by calling the office at (638) 383-3480 between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday or you may call or text Pastor Tab at 480-812-5200.
Please join us in faithfully praying that we would truly be obedient to serve Christ
as a local church in commitment to fulfilling this Mission
to which we believe HE has commissioned us!
Bible Study is obviously an important Spiritual Discipline in our lives. With Covid concerns, it is often difficult for many of our Church Family to gather together for in person Bible Studies and so we want to provide optional opportunities to our body. We always want to provide opportunities for our body to grow spiritually in knowledge of our Awesome and Loving God! We hope you take your responsibility to grow in your Biblical and Theological knowledge very seriously and pray that you will take advantage of all that we have to offer both in in person Worship Services, Bible Studies and Small Groups as well these online studies.

Below are some free online studies. Click on the name to be directed to the individual sites:

Weekly Bible Studies

Ladies (Spanish) Bible Study @ 9:30 am Tuesdays

Ladies (English) Bible Study Suspended Until October

Men’s (English) Bible Study @ 8:00 am Thursdays

Please join our Spanish Speaking Ladies at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays as they study this wonderful book written by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  Please contact Natalia Elenes for more information at 638-109-4670.

Men's Bible Study

"...he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built." Luke 6:48

We are currently meeting at Hacienda Restaurant on Thursday Mornings at 8 a.m. Please contact Doug Folsom for additional information at 520-472-9793.

Monthly Food Dispensas
Please consider purchasing some of these items that we use monthly in our grocery dispensas to approximately 70 of our precious needy church families as well as additional families in our feeding ministry. Or if you would prefer, any monetary donation made specifically towards purchasing items for the "monthly food dispensas" would be greatly appreciated.

For those of you who consider Rocky Point Family of God be your “church away from home”, would you please consider making a regular monthly monetary gift? 

There is much work to be done. So much more we would like to do to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ here as well as around the World. 

You can click on the PayPal button below to make a donation to the General Fund or to a Designated Fund such as the Feeding Ministry or you can also go through the Venmo app where our id is @RPFOG or you can mail checks to:

Rocky Point Family of God

PO Box 738

Lukeville, AZ 85341

Rocky Point Family of God, Inc.
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