St. Luke Lutheran Church // September 27 - October 3

Weekly Press

MSM Retreat!

Contemplative Prayer

“Take my life, and let it be a living prayer, my God to thee.” ~ Alison Kraus

Meets every Wednesday, 10:30am - 11:30am in Upper Shalom. Dates are Oct. 2, 9, 16. Facilitated by Lisa Knudsen and Pr. Beth. For more information, please refer to St. Luke website here.

Wednesday Church Night - Oct. 2, 6:30pm

Our chefs are Ray & Carrie Laurence making awesome Cuban food and our theme for the evening is Called to vote!  A Lutheran call to participation in our civic life, featuring: Rev. Dr. Mark Brocker - A Lutheran foundation for why we vote & encourage others as well.

Cathy Spofford - Vote Forward - background & letter-writing campaign.  This voting service project will have opportunities for most ages — from applying stickers and stamping envelopes to writing notes and addressing envelopes.

Table Talks

Rev. Mark Brocker, Theologian in Residence will lead monthly Table Talks Saturday, September 28, 11am in Conference Room. Please read Table Talk article " The Political Responsibility of the Church".

Christmas in September Food Drive

Bring your bagged items to church any day, (except Monday) from 9:30 - 4pm. For more information, please see flyer.

Community Table

Distribution will be Saturday, September 28 from 2-3pm.

Middle School Fall Retreat

Saturday, Sept. 28 - Sunday, Sept. 29.

Parent helper signup. Your leadership is both a witness to your student, and it is necessary to make this retreat happen!

Student RSVP signup here.

Nominating Committee

Monday, September 30 at 6:30pm on Zoom.

Committee Night

Tuesday, October 1 at 6:30pm on Zoom. Pre-registration required here.

Transforming; Welcoming our LGBTQIA2S+ Siblings

Tuesday, October 1, 8, 15 & 22, 7pm—8pm on Zoom.

As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, this is a great opportunity for our St. Luke community to better welcome the LGBTQIA2S+ community. 

The zoom forum/class will use the book, Transforming, The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians, by Austen Hartley.

For more information, pls contact Dean Gustafson at

 Meeting ID: 864 1226 2541

Passcode: 898367

Zoom link here.

Out of Office

Pr. Patti - on vacation Thursday 10/3 - Sunday, 10/6.


St. Francis Day

Sunday, October 6, Blessing of the pets following 10:30am service on Shalom Center Lawn. See flyer here.

Thankoffering Sunday

October 13 at both services, St. Luke Women will be hosting Deacon Laura Gifford as the guest preacher. For more information please read here.

Good Words Book Group

Sunday, October 20, 3rd Sunday/month at 9:15am in Library. Book to discuss is Good Night, Irene by Alberto Urrea. Contact Caryl Walker at

Spirtual Gift Class

Sundays, October 20, 27, November 3 & 10, 9am - 10:30am upstairs at end of hallway. For more information please read here. You can also contact Craig Christensen and Karen Stabeno.

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