At the September 11th Council meeting, we passed 2 resolutions that put us on a path to demolition to the 2 buildings on the site and sale of the property. Our Borough Administrator, Meredith DeMarco, is taking the lead with a small team to execute a plan. Key next steps are:
- The Borough Attorney completion the Land-Use Board application for a major sub-division
-Complete application and get scheduled for a Land-Use Board review
-Ensure that subdivision plan, survey, grading plan updated and complete
-JCP&L, NJNG, NJAW and The Neptune Sewer Authority will serve letters completed
-Complete Artifacts disposition agreements
Thank you for your patience in this matter, we are getting there!
Contract Negotiations- where we stand..
We have had two productive mediation sessions with the appointed Mediator and both negotiation teams in late August and September 6th.
We thought we made good progress on September 6th. The UFCW 152 Negotiating team asked for a few days to get back to us with a counter proposal. That was 21 days ago. I am beginning to be concerned.
Do we want to progress? or, I have heard that some Council members have inferred to Union Members to hold off on negotiations until after the first of the year tragic if true. We need to conclude this, for everyone’s benefit.
We are hoping to progress next week. Stay tuned. I appreciate both the bargaining unit and municipal negotiating teams efforts.
Mayor’s Wellness Walk – Sept. 20-