Issue: 261                               
September 29, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Sept 22: Board Meeting

Sept. 26: After School Activities Begin

Oct. 1: Auflauf Cook Off

Oct. 6: Picture Day

Oct. 19: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 20-21: MEA Weekend
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
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Administrative Information
K-8 Social Hour and Kaffeeklatsch Tomorrow!

Join us tomorrow, September 30, for our combined K-8 Social Hour and PTO Kaffeeklatsch!

  • 7:50-8:15am - parents/guardians gather in classrooms to visit with teachers and interns
  • 8:15-8:30am - adults quietly observe Morning Circle
  • 8:30-9:30am - gather in the Commons for coffee and socializing and have an opportunity to meet our new Executive Director Ted Anderson!! 
We hope to see you there!  
2016-2017 Parent Night on Tuesday, October 4
Elementary (K-4) 5:30-6:30pm
Meet our new Executive Director from 6:30-7:15 in room 100
Middle School Curriculum Night (5-8) 6:45-7:45
Meet our new Executive Director from 7:45-8:30 in room 100

Join us on Tuesday, October 4 for our Parent Night! Parent Night gives our teachers the chance to share the essentials of what your children do here in school every day. After the curriculum presentation, please come and say hello and meet our new Executive Director in Room 100. 
Bussing Information

Attention all bussing families! We now have a Bussing Handbook with all the transportation information you need for the 2016-17 school year. Please take time to read through the Handbook and familiarize yourselves with the bussing guidelines and expectations. 

Important Bus Change Process Information:
Effective  October 1, 2016 , ALL dismissal plan changes (including bussing, Kinderclub, and parent pick-up) will be submitted through the  Daily Dismissal Change Form. T his form will replace the previous Bus Change Order Form.  ALL  dismissal plan changes except in the case of emergencies must be submitted through this form  no later than 6am on the day of the change request.

If you  must submit an emergency change request after  6am the day of the change, you must:

a. Complete the Daily Dismissal Change Form
b. Email the student's homeroom teacher directly
c. If at all possible, communicate the change directly with your student(s)

Please know that while we will try to accommodate all dismissal change plans, we cannot guarantee than any changes submitted after  12pm the day of the change request will be processed.  To request a permanent bussing change, please see guidelines in Bussing Handbook (available on TCGIS website or at link above).
Kinderclub Updates

We now have a Kinderclub Handbook with all extended care information you need to know for the 2016-17 school year. 

Important Kinderclub Change Process Information:
Effective  October 1, 2016 , ALL dismissal plan changes (including bussing, Kinderclub, and parent pick-up) will be submitted through the  Daily Dismissal Change Form. T his form will replace the previous Kinderclub Change Order Form.  ALL  dismissal plan changes except in the case of emergencies must be submitted through this form  no later than 6am on the day of the change request.

If you  must submit an emergency change request after 6am the day of the change, you must:

a. Complete the Daily Dismissal Change Form
b. Email the student's homeroom teacher directly
c. If at all possible, communicate the change directly with your student(s)

Please know that while we will try to accommodate all dismissal change plans, we cannot guarantee than any changes submitted after 12pm the day of the change request will be processed.  To request a permanent Kinderclub change, please see guidelines in Kinderclub Handbook (available on TCGIS website or at link above).
Important Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders

PLEASE SLOW DOWN around the school.  PLEASE STOP for pedestrians AT ALL TIMES.

Van Slyke: Do not block the alley, driveway, or bus stop.
Como: Pedestrians need to use the crosswalk area closest to the tree near the visitor parking lot (NOT the crosswalk in the MIDDLE of the pick up traffic area a.k.a. in front of the Aula stairs)

SEEKING: Parent Volunteers to assist with the  "Safer Routes to School Plan" and getting the School Safety Patrol Program up and running! Contact Michelle Wallace if you're interested. 
Picture Day Information & Looking for Volunteers!

Next Thursday is the much-awaited Picture Day! Click here to find information on how to order pictures to capture the memories of the 2016-2017 school year. Your Picture Day ID is: MI266157Y0 (MI are capital letters and 0 = zero). If your child is sick or you have appointments this day, your student can have their picture taken Tuesday, November 8, on Picture Retake Day. Please note that class pictures will be taken next week and not on Retake Day. 

Interested in helping out? We are looking for 2-3 parent volunteers to help throughout the day! If you are interested, please email Lauren Kalish at lkalish@tcgis.org.
Early Morning Recess Now Every Day - Volunteer to 

Our early morning recess is back! *Due to popular demand, this recess is now available EVERY day from  7:45 - 8:10am  and is a time for kids to get some energy out before the start of the day. At 8:10 the kids head up to their classroom for Morgenkreis. Please sign up  here  if you're interested in volunteering to chaperone this!
Collecting Empty Gallon Buckets and Cereal Boxes

The art room is in search of empty gallon ice cream buckets to use for painting with art classes.  If you have any at home to donate, please send them to school with your student.

Also, please bring in your  cereal   boxes  and round oatmeal  boxes ! Frau Lenburg  needs 30 more oatmeal boxes and 175 more cereal boxes before MEA weekend in order to make lanterns with the K-3rd graders f or the annual Martinstag celebration.

Empty  boxes  can be given to Frau Lenburg in the morning at drop-off (Como side on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays) or sent to the classroom with your student.   
Get Girls on the Run at TCGIS

Interested in helping to bring Girls on the Run®  to TCGIS? Or just want to learn more about the program or enrolling your daughter for Spring 2017? Julie Christensen (Noë, 2C) is exploring bringing the 3rd-5th grade curriculum to TCGIS. Interested parents, teachers or staff are invited to stop by the GOTR Information Table during Parents' Night, Tuesday, October 4, between 4:30 and 7 p.m. Can't make it to Parents' Night but would still like to learn more and/or stay in the loop? Contact Julie (612-751-4967 or julie_christensen06@yahoo.com ).
National Walk/Bike to School Day on October 5

Next  Wednesday, October 5, 2016  TCGIS is  registered to participate in
National Walk Bike to School Day.  Please send your Walk Bike to School Stories with Michelle Wallace at  mwallace@tcgis.org

How many miles did you walk/bike? What kind of adventure did you have?  How did walking to school make a difference on your day? Celebration stories will be shared in an upcoming Elternbrief
PTO Announcements

*Auflauf Cookauf & Carnival is sold out! If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please send an email to  ptoauflauf@gmail.com.

Click here to find out more about these upcoming events:
  • The Auction Committee needs volunteers. Check out the list .
  • Kaffeekatsch, September 30 at 8:15 in the Atrium
  • Auflauf Cookauf, October 1
  • Kindergarten playdate, October 8, in NE Minneapolis
  • PTO meeting, October 11 
GAI Announcements

Samstagsschule; German for Children and Teens starts Sept. 24 (Thursday session starts Sept. 22)
This fall the GAI is offering 5 classes for Children & Teens - all sessions run 8 weeks and meet for 75 min. on Saturday morning
  • Fun with German - Beginner (4-K) - 9:00am
  • German for Kids - Beginner (1st - 4th grade) - 9:00am
  • German for Kids - Advanced (1st - 4th grade)  - 10:30am
  • German for Teens - Beginner - 10:30am
  • German for Teens - Advanced - 6:30pm on THURSDAY
Click the link for more information and to register  German for children & teens

Calling All Knitters and Crochet Crafters!
The GAI's Stricken und Häkeln group returns on Saturday, September 10th for fall. Bring a friend and your current knitting/crochet projects to our Haus on Summit Avenue at 9:30 am. Whether you are beginner or can combination knit in your sleep, join us as we meet to socialize while we work, swap patterns and skills, and share a good yarn! Send an e-mail with your contact info to ccurland@gai-mn.org to get on our group e-mail list.