If someone asks you for money and you say no, that person may think you are stingy, a penny pincher, unfeeling, or characterize your response in some negative way. That person may not know the realities and intricacies of how you are balancing the demands of your life. However, God does know. So, if you are saying, “no” about being an active steward, and a generous steward, what will the Good Lord think? Remember that all you give and do for stewardship is about maintaining and growing the place where we can learn about the path to salvation. Worthy as other activities and donations are, no other place where you give your time and money has that mission. Consider adding more to your annual contributions even if the increments start at $10 more a year. Offer to help with activities and ministries. Thank you for aligning with our Mission: “We are a Christ-centered community that welcomes all to worship, to pray, to serve others and to learn our Orthodox faith."