Weekly Update

Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

September 29th - October 5th Weekly Bulletin


Church Website

We are excited to share our updated website. We will continue to update the website with upcoming events every week!

Use the button below to visit the home page on the website, or the underlined tabs to see a specific section.

St. Paul's Church Website

About Us





Letter from the Reverend Jody Burnett

Dear Friends,


My heart is so full from our beautiful Celebration of New Ministry last Wednesday night—what a wonderful way to formally mark the beginning of this shared journey!


I’m deeply grateful to everyone who helped plan and prepare for the festivities, to those who blessed us with your prayers and presence, and to everyone who reached out with expressions of encouragement and support.


Special thanks go out to our Altar Guild and Flower Guild for making our spaces so stunningly beautiful; to Peggy Lyden and our choir and musicians for the gorgeous music; to Helen Childers and the inimitable Cracked Plates for the delicious and convivial reception; to our faithful and talented staff members for all their behind-the-scenes planning and organization; to all our acolytes and lay liturgical participants; and to Bishop Russell and my clergy colleagues Geoff Evans, Brad Clark, Ashley Freeman, and Pratt Patterson.


It was truly a special and grace-filled evening of worship and fellowship, and a defining moment in the life and history of this incredible community. Thank you also to everyone who contributed generously to my discretionary fund, which will enable me to continue ministering in important ways outside of our operating budget.


When I was ordained as a priest, I was given this charge: “In all that you do, you are to nourish Christ's people from the riches of his grace and strengthen them to glorify God in this life and in the life to come.” What a privilege it is to continue to live into this high calling here in this time and place. May God’s blessing be upon us all.


Yours in faith and gratitude,


This Sunday, September 29th

Sunday Series: Jody’s Class

at 11:30 in the Parlor.

Children's Choirs

 All singers will follow the smaller cross out on the last hymn right behind the Adult Choir to process out down into the Undercroft for a snack and rehearsal. Children can be picked up in the Undercroft after rehearsal


Tuesday, October 1st

at 6:30 in the Parish Hall

Men's Prayer Group Breakfast

Speaker: Jo Bonner, the president of the

 University of South Alabama

Pictorial Directory Information

The deadline to submit your family's picture for the pictorial directory is

Monday, October 14th.

Please call the office if you need help

 submitting your picture!


The Celebration of New Ministry for the Reverend Jody Burnett was so incredibly special,

and we are so thankful to everybody that participated!

Thank you to the Cracked Plates, Altar and Flower Guilds,

Peggy Lyden and the Adult Choir, Clergy and Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, and Winfred and Johnny!!

We are so blessed!

*more pictures have been added since last week*

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Youth News

Thank you to Jane Conklin for bringing dinner to the youth group on Sunday night!

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News from the EEC


Baptism Request Form

Sunday School

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Memorial Flowers

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The flowers on the Altar

of the Little Church

 are given to the glory of God

and in loving memory of

Carolyn Joyce Levensailor

 and Arthur Eugene Levensailor.






The flowers on the Altar of the Church

are given to the Glory of God

and in loving memory of

 H. Taylor Morrissette, Sr

 and H. Taylor (Tay) Morrissette, Jr.






Week At A Glance

Worship Schedule


8:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Big Church

  • Nursery provided
  • Children's Christian Education

6:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

  • Contemporary music


7:00 - Holy Eucharist - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

  • Healing service follows

5:30 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

Morning Prayer

8:15 - Little Church

Weekdays except Wednesday

The 10:00 service on Sunday is always livestreamed. Click the button to view!

View the livestream