Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
September 4,2020
Outdoor Seating Area in the Mono Parking Lot
The Town, in partnership with the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, is closing the lower half the Mono Parking Lot this Labor Day weekend. The closed portion of the lot (nearest to Bolinas Rd.) will have tables and chairs for patrons of downtown restaurants to use. The Chamber will have someone available to disinfect the tables and chairs between uses. Volunteers will be painting a portion of the parking lot to make it more inviting to sit and eat. The paint is temporary and does not affect the striping in the parking lot. Customers can still access the Mono Parking Lot from the Bank St. entrance. This is a pilot program and, depending on the demand, the Town and Chamber may continue to close this portion of the Mono lot for subsequent weekends (Thursday-Sunday) during COVID-19.
Residential Rental Assistance Program

The Town Council recently established a Residential Rental Assistance Program to assist extremely low-income Fairfax renters whose household incomes were adversely affected by COVID-19. If you are in need of assistance, please call 415-454-3303 X11 to leave a message. Calls will be returned in the order they are received. The program is administered by two non-profits: St. Vincent de Paul and Ritter Center. They will inform applicants of the program requirements. Funds are limited and provided on a first-come, first serve basis. 
Flex Alert Issued for Holiday Weekend, Calling for Energy Conservation

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) has issued a statewide Flex Alert, a call for voluntary electricity conservation, beginning Saturday, 9/5 and extending through Monday, 9/7 from 3pm - 9pm.
County Public Health Business Briefings

Marin Public Health and Marin Recovers Industry Advisors have partnered to host a series of informative webinars to help our local businesses navigate current safety guidelines and know what to do if an employee tests positive for COVID-19. Webinars are offered by industry to review specific considerations that may relate to that type of business or industry. Click here to see latest video regarding the new state framework for reducing COVID-19 in the state with revised criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities.

Click here to access the state website and search for information regarding Marin County.

Marin County COVID-19 Update as of September 3, 2020

Marin County Public Health continues to monitor and report confirmed COVID-19 cases countywide on their dedicated coronavirus website at marinhss.org/coronavirus. You will find accurate, up-to-date information with a focus on how it is impacting our local communities.

Here are some data points that may be of interest to you:

Marin Confirmed Cases: 4,048
Marin Cases Recovered: 3,649
Marin Deaths: 70
Tests Completed in Marin: 71,309
Marin Hospitalizations (cumulative): 136
Marin Hospitalizations (currently): 14

Using lessons learned from the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays when social gatherings led to the spread of COVID-19, health officials are offering tips on how to stay safe over Labor Day weekend.
Fairfax Climate Action Plan Survey

The Town of Fairfax is updating its 2014 Climate Action Plan and Climate Action Committee needs your input to develop effective measures that will substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In March of 2019, the Town Council passed a Climate Emergency Resolution and set a target of zero emissions by 2030, going beyond State reduction targets. 

After receiving community feedback, the Fairfax Climate Action Committee will bring a first draft of the 2030 Climate Action Plan to the Council and then post it for further public comment. Hopefully, a final version will come before the Council by the end of this year. 
Mental Health Resources

Last month the Marin IJ published this article outlining the increase in incidence of mental health crises and the escalation of both physical and drug abuse the County is seeing during this pandemic. Depression and anxiety are at an all time high and feeling isolated is impacting a significant number people’s day to day lives.

Unfortunately, we are not entering a time when mental health and wellness is suddenly going to improve. Thankfully, we are however living in a time when asking for help is considered a strength. 
Below are links to County and National resources which may be helpful for you or a friend or family member. 

Click here for a list of local and national resource lines.

Click here to connect with Community Action Marin and their resource guide.
2020 Election
The next Fairfax General Municipal Election will be held on November 3, 2020, for the election of three members to the Town Council, each for a term of four years.

The nominations period for persons wishing to run for Town Council opened on July 13, 2020, and closed on August 7, 2020.

Please visit our Elections page for the list of candidates and more information about the election.
Outdoor Dining and Retail Permits

In an effort to temporarily streamline Town regulations regarding outdoor dining and other business uses (e.g., outdoor retail), the Town Council has created a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) process for private property and an encroachment permit process for public property such as parking spaces. These programs will allow restaurants and other businesses to temporarily expand their operations outside for such uses as dining, retail, or exercise classes. 

Click the button below for information on the encroachment permit. Please contact the Planning Department at (415) 453-1584 or Ben Berto, Planning and Building Services Director at bberto@townoffairfax.org for information on the TUP.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Fairfax Community Farmers Market

Every Wednesday
Bolinas Park

The market started the first week of May and runs through mid October! Of course there will be safety measures in place to keep the farmers and the community safe.

Fairfax Food Pantry

Saturday mornings from 8-10am
Fairfax Community Church 
2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax.

The Fairfax Food Pantry continues to be open. Drive through or walk up service is available. In addition to our regular bagged groceries, folks will be receiving 15lb produce boxes as part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). 

We currently have enough volunteers, however, please sign up through the Fairfax Volunteer Match program and we contact you as the need arises.
Fairfax Recreation

We are working on the fall catalog, adapting our offerings to work with this "new normal". The cover will feature photos submitted for our Shelter in Place open call for submissions. Thank you to all who captured a bit of what life has been like in these unique times.

We have class offerings for all ages - check out our website for more information.
Fairfax Library is Open for Curbside Service

Wednesdays 3-7
Thursday 3-7
Friday 11-3
Saturday 11-3

Patrons can place items on hold using our online catalog. Patrons will be notified by email that their item on hold is available. Patrons should call (415) 453-8151 when they are in front of the library during curbside service hours. Returns are accepted during curbside
Town of Fairfax COVID-19 Resources

  • Information about Building and Planning services that are still available as well as guidelines.
  • Links to the EDD, SBA and Utility Companies.
  • Online classes thru Fairfax Recreation and Age Friendly Fairfax.
  • Information and resources are updated regularly so check back often.

Additional Website Resources:

Discover who is open for delivery, curbside pick up and more on the new and easy-to-use website:www.fairfaxopenforbusiness.com,
where you can also join an email list to receive specials and updates.

The website, MarinRecovers.com, connects Marin County residents, business owners, community leaders, and public health professionals to collaborate on reopening the economy and community in a safe manner.
Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español

El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.