5879 Wyoming Trail
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Wyoming, MN 55092
St. Paul
Lutheran Church
An Evangelical Lutheran
Church of America

Our mission is to 
Share Christ's Love
with Joy!

Pastor Sarah Friesen-Carper

Sunday, September 6
9:00 am Drive In Outdoor Worship Service

In This Issue
Quick Links

Friday, September 4, 2020
Beloved of God,

On Sunday we will read Matthew 18:15-20. These are the oft-quoted lines about how to handle conflict among the disciples and in the church. When one experiences conflict, he first talks with the person who offended him. If that does not bring resolution, he takes a few people from the church with him to talk. If there still is no reconciliation, the whole group gets involved. If then there is still no reconciliation, then, "let that one be to you like a Gentile and a tax collector," (vs. 17). 

The important thing to remember, of course, is that the very people with whom Jesus related throughout his ministry were those on the margins of Jewish society, like Gentiles and tax collectors and all manner of sinners. So instead of writing someone off, we are called to never stop attempting to reconcile. 

So, what does it take to reconcile? 
- Humility to admit your own role in the conflict. 
- Willingness to engage the process of reconciliation. 
- Prayer. 
- Community support. 

This congregation has known much conflict. Overall, there are signs of healing and growth in many areas of ministry. Yet there are still some hard feelings inter-personally. So, if that is you, please take to heart what it takes to reconcile. And if you'd like some help, please reach out. That's what I'm hear for. 

Jesus never stops reconciling you to the Father. Let's never stop our reconciliation either. 

In Christ, Pastor Sarah 
Worship Survey 
Council and the Covid Response Team want to know your preference for worship style! 
Please follow the link below to a brief survey about worship this fall - inside and in-person, drive-in, live-stream/recorded.

Each member is asked to complete the survey. Thank you!

Due September 13th. 

Bulletin for September 6, 2020
In Case of Severe Weather... check your email, the website, or our facebook page. 
Sunday's Worship Service is streamed live on facebook
Worship Readings
The readings for Sunday, September 6th are:

First Reading: Ezekiel 33:7-11
Second Reading: Acts 16:16-34
Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20

Call 651.371.5421 to hear this week's sermon. 

Dale & Jan Brainard
- in memory of Carrie Reed.

Dale & Jan Brainard - in memory of Tilly Endres.

Jerry & Claudia Nelson - in memory of Ernie Adamczak.

The August 2020 Church Council Meeting Minutes are available here. 

SPLC COVID Response Team 

Click here to read the SPLC Covid-19 Preparedness Plan and related documents. 

We are in Phase 3. Please check out what that means our plan! Check out forms for facility use requests, as well as cleaning guidelines and others. 

Stay tuned for further updates!! 

To contact the team, please email: 
Golden Opportunity: Things We Are Learning in Lock Down **Last Chance** 
What have you learned in lockdown? Share your insights with each other! 
Please share yours at
Bring Your Own Picnic Nights
Wednesday nights - 6:00 pm 
September 16 and 30th. 

For more information about this event, please click here

The Finance Team is currently looking for volunteers. We typically meet once per month. Outside of that meeting the time commitment is minimal. Please contact Chris Timmons at if you have questions or are interested.

We are blessed to have knowledgeable and caring nurses in our congregation! They have some words of advice for us: 

The topic for this week is Atrial Fibrillation (aka A-Fib). Information about A-Fib is here

Remember to pray for these nurses and all those on the front lines fighting the coronavirus. 
Family Devotions

Sunday School is inviting the entire congregation to join us for weekly family devotions. Our Sunday School curriculum provider has created a fun and thought provoking devotional series. While the general nature of the series is geared toward kids, we would love to have God's children of all ages join us. Devotions will be emailed or mailed weekly.  Please email or call Melissa in the main office to be added to the distribution list and please note if you would like the devotions via email or regular mail. 
Sunday School Update
If you have a child who is between 4 years old and 4th grade and they are interested in participating in Sunday School for the 2020 - 2021 school year, please let Chris and Katie know by emailing your child's name and age to

We are still working out what the format will be (in-person or online). Additional information will be distributed in the coming weeks. 
Sunday School invites children from ages 4 through 4th grade to join us for an outdoor Sunday School lesson to be held on Sunday, September 13, 2020, immediately following the outdoor service. Please meet at the outdoor altar space. We do ask that children 5 and over wear masks and for everyone to practice social distancing. If the outdoor service is cancelled due to weather, we will reschedule for a later date. In addition to the lesson, we would like to have a brief meeting with the parents to discuss what Sunday School is going to look like for this fall. 
Bible Study on Isaiah 
The book of Isaiah is full of the promises of God's salvation and written for people who eagerly await what God is doing next.
Join Pastor Sarah and other curious folks to talk about what God promises and what God is up to "In the Days to Come..." 

When: Wednesday Evenings (7:30pm) 
Where: Zoom (click here for the link)
Date: August 26th - September 23rd 
Click here to sign up. 
Questions: Contact Council 
Treasurer, Chris Timmons at

As of 09/03/2020
Over / (under) Budgeted $
Year-to-Date Totals

$ 109,659.31

$   5,952.67 

Sunday, September 6
9:00 am      Outdoor and Live Stream Worship 
11:00 am    Coffee Hour via Zoom 
Tuesday, September 8
7:00 am      Walking Club
7:00 pm      Walking Club
Wednesday, September 9
1:00 pm     Adult Bible Study **Outside at church**
7:30 pm    Isaiah Bible Study via Zoom
Sunday, September 13
9:00 am      Outdoor and Live Stream Worship
10:00 am    Outdoor Sunday School
11:00 am    Coffee Hour via Zoom