September 2021
Well. getting back to f2f bridge full time isn't as easy as many of us hoped it would be! It's happening, but gradually, so be sure to check with your local club about game dates, times and any restrictions that may be in place -- masks and/or proof of vaccination are common. The first Sectional in Wilmington September 10-12 is still a go, and the first f2f National since Covid is still on for November in Austin. NAP finals will be online, so stay tuned for more information on that. Most important -- stay safe.
District 4 Officers  
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Jeanne Gehret

Betsy Cutler

Bill Bauer

Pat Civale 

Joann Glasson 
President's Message
What do you think of when the calendar turns to September? Summer is over, kids are back to school? It’s football season? Yay, I can get my favorite pumpkin drink? Drat!, the days are getting shorter?  Fall is my favorite season. I love it for the cooler days, vibrant trees, and less-crowded shore destinations.

Thank you!
Online Bridge continues to be a preference of many players, while Clubs are cautiously re-opening and working hard to bring players back to face-to-face play. The challenges D4 clubs are facing in reopening and attracting players mirrors what is happening nationally. I have much admiration and respect for the determination of club owners and managers as they work diligently to reestablish safe and fun face to face games in our communities.  

Diamond State Sectional
D4’s first tournament of 2021 will be held September 10-12 in Wilmington DE. The Diamond State Sectional is REQUIRING pre-registration for all attendees. Visit the Unit 190 website (click here) for more information about this tournament, required safety precautions, and how to pre-register.
Lancaster Regional News
After much anticipation for a festive and wonderful return to Spooky Nook Sports, I am sadly reporting that the 2021 Lancaster Regional has been canceled. A close review of current Covid conditions, with a clear focus on the safety of those in attendance, made this the best decision for players and staff. 
Room Reservations
If you made reservations to stay at The Warehouse Hotel AND used the reservation code to get the bridge room rate…. your reservation will automatically be cancelled. (Otherwise, be sure to call your hotel to cancel). 

Until next month,
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director 
We are all anxious to return to tournament play - it's been way too long - but the latest news on the Delta variant has put yet another stumbling block in the way.

The ACBL cancelled all regional and sectional tournaments scheduled in the month of August. The reason for the cancellation was the concern both for the players and for the staff and volunteers that run the tournaments.

From September 1 and going forward, tournaments are being reviewed individually as to whether or not they can be safely held. Whether a tournament can be held depends on the restrictions for large gatherings in place for that particular location and the local positivity rate. Regions with positivity rates below 5% may be held, regions between 5% and 10% will be considered on a case by case basis. Regions with a positivity rate above 10% will not be staffed by ACBL directors.

Mask wearing requirements for tournaments also vary for the same reasons. Here's the current official policy on mask wearing at tournaments:
"Subject to change at any time, anyone who has received the required doses of a Covid-19 vaccine (under Health Canada, CDC or Mexico Ministry of Health guidelines) at least 14 days prior to their attendance at a bridge tournament may be requested to wear a mask at said tournament if Health Canada, CDC, or Mexico Ministry of Health guidelines recommend this. This ACBL policy does not countermand any ordinance or law in effect at the site of the tournament."

The system of virtual club games (VACB) that we play online were created by Jay Whipple and BBO CEO, Uday Ivatury, in an effort to provide a platform for local bridge clubs to operate during the pandemic and to protect these businesses so that they would be able to reopen face-to-face after the pandemic. An integral part of their plan was to protect the small and intermediate size clubs from poaching of their members by competitive pools of clubs from other areas of the country. That is the reason for the visitor guest policy that was imposed on all participating clubs.

At the Board Meeting that was held this week, the Board unanimously voted to continue to enforce the visitor guest policy until we are safely out of the pandemic. Management has been directed to implement that policy so that we can look forward to the reopening of our clubs when it is safe to play in person again.

Stay well and please contact me anytime with any questions or concerns:
District 4 Schedule
Phased reopening of tournaments is starting to happen, including f-2-f North American Bridge Championships. First up is Austin, November 25-December 5.
September 10-12
October 8-10
October 15-17
October 21-23
December 27-31

Manheim (Lancaster) CANCELED
October 25-29

Online TBD


For a full year D4 calendar, click here.
For the D4 virtual club calendar, click here
For a 2021online event schedule, click here
Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Back-to-school month is a great time to be reviewing the ABC's of bridge, and who better to guide us than Dave Wachsman. This month, Dave provides an excellent example of the importance of assessing not only your combined points but also the losing trick count (LTC). Click here for this month's challenging hand complete with expert analysis.
Master Solvers Club
Never a fan of Bergen raises, Nick especially eschews their use at imps -- so how will you bid this month's problem? As usual, it's a mind-bender with no one sure answer. Read on for bid explanations, as well as an update on master solver rankings.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online:
News from Around the Units 
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
News from Unit 112

Covid continues to be a central issue slowing the return to Face-to-Face bridge. About half of our clubs are now open for Face-to-Face bridge but attendance in many clubs is down, running at about one-third of pre-pandemic numbers. This week, two clubs shut their games when local covid risk reached the red level. As a result of low turnout and health concerns, the October 3-4 Sectional in Webster NY was cancelled.

A poll of players in the Rochester, NY area (about 40% of Unit 112) revealed F2F bridge participation is down for several reasons. Nearly one-third of all poll responders had safety concerns that prevented their immediate return to F2F bridge. Another 10% had stopped playing F2F altogether either because they were playing exclusively online or not at all. Twenty percent of the 499'er were waiting for more F2F 499'er games. In addition, one-quarter of players indicated they were playing less F2F because they continued to play online.
 Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Junior Master
Sally Turner, Webster
Club Master
Marsha Faulkner, Kyle, Texas
John Gunselman, Big Flats
Noreen Popivchak, Pittsford
Sectional Master
Augustus Garnsey, Seneca Falls
Regional Master
Anne Field, Horseheads
Karyl Pecora, Oneonta
Gloria Young, Syracuse
NABC Master
Allen Bergerson, Rochester
Sue Manning, Hector
Nancy Pulvino, Rochester
Life Master
Claire Downey, Manlius
George Isgrigg, Pittsford
Bronze Life Master
Claire Downey, Manlius
George Isgrigg, Pittsford
Silver Life Master
John Nelson, Rochester
Gold Life Master
Sandra Stockton, Rochester
Sapphire Life Master
Carol VanDerVoorn, Rochester
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! Starting with recognition, please give a resounding congratulation applause for our Unit 120's
New Bronze Life Master, Barbara A Green of Clarks Summit, Pa.
Have you visited the Unit 120 website? If so, you know Anne Pelak does a fantastic job of maintaining and updating the Unit news. If you haven't visited lately or at all, the web address is (link below).
Stay up to date on Unit happenings!!
As you know, there are several face-to-face games going on in the Unit. The newest to start a game is Tuesday's game at the JCC, 613 Strauss Lane in Kingston, directed by George Mansour and hosted by Joe Distini. It begins at 1:00 PM.
Wednesday there is a game at the Acacia Lodge, 617 Union Street in Taylor hosted and directed by George Mansour. The game starts at 12:15 PM.
Thursday there is a game at the Century Club, 612 Jefferson Avenue in Scranton hosted and directed by Chris Stephens. The game starts at 12:30.
I have included a few candid shots of the new JCC Tuesday game.
That's all for now. Stay well, stay safe! 
See you at the virtual and/or face-to-face games!!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder
Unit 121 resumed f2f bridge every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:15pm at Good Shepherd UCC church starting July 6. For partnerships or questions contact Sue Wessner. 
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini
Happy Labor Day 
Monday, September 6 is Labor Day, the national holiday that celebrates the many contributions, achievements, and sacrifices of our working people in pursuit of national prosperity and wellbeing. These past several years have been a challenge for our country and especially for all the frontline workers trying to keep us safe and healthy. So, sometime this Labor Day weekend, thank a doctor, nurse, grocery clerk, EMT, firefighter, police officer or any other frontline worker for all their help and sacrifices to keep us alive and well. No matter what you have planned with family or friends, have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend

New Rank Achievements
New Junior Master
David Mehrtens
New Advanced NABC Master
Craig Bailey
New Bronze Life Master
Sara Gainey 

Congratulations to Mike and Barbara Dopera for their 2nd place overall score in the 0-750 game in the August Virtual Vacation Regional rated online tournament. They were awarded 14.26 Gold masterpoints.

Mentor/Mentee Swiss Teams Game
Unit 133’s Annual Mentor/Mentee Swiss game will be held Saturday, October 2, at 1pm at Lehigh Valley Active Life. This event may be moved online if COVID-19 restrictions require it. 
There will be a short zoom session about the mechanics, strategy, and scoring of Swiss Teams games on September 29th at 7pm. If you are interested in attending, please contact Betsy Cutler at for materials and the zoom link.
A team must consist of no more than two players over 300 MPs. 
You do not need to be part of the Mentor/Mentee program to participate.

Congratulations to Barbara Berk and Betsy Cutler who recently completed the ACBL Director course online. After finishing the course, they took the test and both passed. Barbara plans to direct on Mondays and Betsy is directing online. We are very proud of both of them and happy to have two new directors in our unit.
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Howard Kahlenberg
If you are looking for good news on the fight against bridge cheaters, I direct you to this article on Bridge Winners:

In the current European qualifier for the 2021 Bermuda Bowl, the World Championships taking place next year [Yes, I know next year is 2022, not 2021. Damned pandemic], one of the teams was represented by a player who is currently ineligible to play in ACBL events due to having been found guilty of cheating. When the event started, Scotland, the first team scheduled to play against the team with the player in question, refused to take their seats. Then, the other four teams scheduled to play that day (Wales, Slovenia, Lithuania, and Ukraine), also refused to take their seats. And that behavior has, as of this writing (Friday, August 27), been followed by every other team in the competition.

So even though bridge organizations may not be aggressively policing against cheating, players are taking a stand.

Congratulations to a two new Life Masters this month – Craig Guthrie of Berwyn and Bunny Van Adelsberg of Elkins Park.

Other Masterpoint achievements:
New Sapphire Life Master (3,500 points) – David J Cohan
New Gold Life Masters (2,500 points) – Ed Kung and Joelyn Shilliday
New Ruby Life Masters (1,500 points) – Joan Goldstein and T.E. Molnar
New Silver Life Masters (1,000 points) - Kenneth Hoover and Phyllis Hoover
New Bronze Life Masters (750 points) – Mark Beifermanhaines, Carol Greco, Craig Guthrie, Jack Hoffrichter, Maureen McLaughlin, and Bunny Van Adelsberg (Zoom!)
NABC Master (200 points) - Barbara Gaige
New Regional Masters (100 points) – Julie Chu, Marjorie Dilsheimer, Mimi Kennedy, Barbara Kieffer, George Kieffer, Tamara Kraig, Karen Longo, Richard Prince, and Leslie Tolles
New Sectional Masters (50 points) – Elizabeth Matz, Bruce Pedretti, and Jayant Prasad
New Club Masters (20 points) – Bob Bellwoar, Albert Michell, Meg Sheketoff, and Michael Sheketoff
New Junior Masters (5 points) – Susan Bronner and Robyn Leto
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret
Check back next month for Unit 168 news. In the meantime, stay well!
Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day
CLUB MASTER: Kathy Rodammer
REGIONAL MASTER: Kathy M. Baxter, Pamela P. Morrison and Kathleen R. Sullivan
LIFE MASTER: Debbie Schenkel

Let us fondly remember our friend Harvey S. Eckell, a Ruby Life Master, who passed away on August 13.  
The Bridge Studio to Host Beginner Lessons
“Spread the Word” to all the “Wanna Be” Bridge Players
Beginner Bridge Lessons 10-week Series, Monday Mornings at 9:00 am
beginning Sept 13
Please register with Debbie in advance (pictured at left with future student)
or (610) 349-3233
For news and information about the Diamond State Sectional September 10-12, F2F games at the Studio, and online games there, the Shuffles games on BBO on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30, the August Dummy and other happenings, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:

Unit 217: Susquehanna 
Jim McKeown
Since our earlier sectional was canceled, we hope to hold our next tournament in Boalsburg in October.
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4Spot | September 2021 | Editor: Janet Johnson |