Okay, animal lovers, here we go:
·     Sign in a parking lot: Frog parking only - All others will be toad.
·     Two wealthy steers were smoking a joint and playing poker.  It was a high steaks game.
·     Notice in a farmer's field: The farmer allows walkers to cross the field for free, but the bull charges.

Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:

Junior Masters  
Bernadette M Black
Fran Byrnes 
Karen Miovas

Club Masters 
Connie S Escher
Barbara E Roth
Joan Rottmann

Regional Masters
William F Bash 
Brigid S Grode 
Margie A Walson

NABC Masters
Jim A Fitzgibbons   
Cindy Mueller
Faye Selack

Advanced NABC Master
James P Riccio  

Life Master
Sally A Patterson

Bronze Life Master
Lorraine B Hovis 

Silver Life Master
Pamela S Rosenberger     

Diamond Life Masters
Aristide M Adelizzi
William L Bauer III

You can read more details about the ACBL advancement of James Riccio, Pam Rosenberger and Bill Bauer on the District 4 web page under "Our players' stories."  Of particular note was Mr Bauer's quest to get to Diamond Life Master before our 4Spot editor.
South Central PA continues to host virtual games. See the website bridgeboardroom.com for a complete virtual schedule. Both limited master point and open games are held on a daily basis.

Mark your calendars for the Royal STAC week of Sep19 at f2f clubs. Our club managers will be awarding gold, red, silver and black points that week, so get a partner and take advantage of the opportunity.

Point to ponder: 
·     Against silent opponents the auction proceeds 1C -1H - 2NT. As responder holding approximately 8 HCPs, 4H and 4S, how do you proceed with this auction to explore for a 4 -4 spade fit? Do you bid spades, use new minor force or something else? Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.  
·     As the summer heat starts to wind down I noticed this sign at a place of worship: "Whoever stole our A/C unit you can keep it. You are going to need it where you are going." 

I will close with: "Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular."