In-person Worship Continues
Join us for outdoor worship on our campus in the new St. Francis Open Air Chapel. For services of Morning Prayer & Jazz Vespers, starting Sunday, September 20th
Our Stewardship Matters
Its Stewardship season, and this is our time to listen to God’s call to us to sustain the mission and ministries of our church. In the coming months we will share some powerful stories about the Holy Spirit moving among us. Pandemic or not, we continue to be Doers because We are the Church.

Jennifer Pollard followed her adult children to Richmond three years ago, and quickly found her way to St. James’s. Our parish and our community are blessed for it, because Jennifer has thrown herself into nearly every service opportunity available.

Hear Jennifer Pollard share her full story.

We make offerings in thanks for God’s generosity to us. You are invited to participate and support our transformative ministries. We are into the season of Annual Giving for the year 2021, we want to be prepared to fulfill our call to serve. Thank you for pledging online by filling out the 2021 Pledge Commitment.
Our app and you
Our App has been receiving many updates over the last few week. And will be very helpful this fall. We want you to know that the app gives you many tools, like giving, streaming, and the bulletin.