Issue: 258                                
September 8, 2016 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Dates

Sept. 8: Registration Opens for After School Activities

Sept. 13: PTO Meeting

Sept. 14: Early Release Wednesday

Sept. 20: Davanni's Pizza Night

Sept. 21: Exchange Students Arrive

Sept 22: Board Meeting

Sept. 26: After School Activities Begin

Oct. 1: Auflauf Cook Off

Oct. 6: Picture Day

Oct. 19: Early Release Wednesday

Oct. 20-21: MEA Weekend
 Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please fill out an application here. Vielen Dank!
Like us on Facebook

Administrative Information
Early Release Next Wednesday, September 14

Next Wednesday, September 14, is our first early release of the year! This means school is out at 12:45pm. Please make appropriate arrangements.
Registration for After School Activities Now Open

Session one of after school activities starts on September 26! Attached you will find all of the descriptions of the classes offered, a schedule of the classes, and the registration form. All registration papers and payment are due by September 23. No late registrations will be accepted. If you have any questions please email Lauren Kalish at lkalish@tcgis.org. 
Be a Substitute for TCGIS

We are currently accepting applications for substitute teachers for the 2016-17 school year! Substitute teaching is a great way to get more involved with the school community and get to know our outstanding student body better--while getting paid! Substitute shifts are very flexible, and can be full-day, half-day, or hourly, depending on your availability. 

To substitute with Twin Cities German Immersion School, you need a valid Short Term Substitute license through Minnesota Department of Education. Please contact Gael Braddock at  gbraddock@tcgis.org if you are interested in pursuing this licensure to sub at TCGIS.
School Calendars Available in Office

If you have not yet gotten a school calendar for the 2016-2017 school year, please stop by the office to grab your copy today. 
Bus Company Number and Additional Info

GREAT NEWS!  The bus company would like you to call them directly if:
  • you are delayed
  • they are delayed
  • or if you have any questions regarding the bus departures/arrivals
The number for JME Dispatch is 612-208-0237. 

Please click here to read additional information about the busing program. 
Kinderclub Information

Please click here for important information about Kinderclub.  In this week's entry: introductions, a new email address, and more!
TCGIS PTO Community Auction: Now Seeking Donations (Due October 3)

The PTO is gearing up for its biggest fundraiser of the year!  The Auction and Strudel Sale will be Oct. 18-25.   The focus of this year's auction is on community building through:  
  • Great Gatherings - group events hosted by TCGIS families. Hosts donate their time and resources to put on the events for other TCGIS adults, kids, or families.  
  • Teacher Treasures and Admin Adventures - events hosted by TCGIS teachers and staff, mostly for TCGIS students.  
  • Personal Pieces - donations from the school community, such as handmade items, creations from your kitchen, or a gift certificate from a TCGIS parent's or friend's business.
You can help now by donating now. The submission sites for  Great Gatherings Teacher Treasures & Admin Adventures , and  Personal Pieces  are now open to register your donations.  Su bmission deadline is October 3.  For more details on the auction as well as  volunteer opportunities  see the  PTO Community Auction website . Questions? Contact   Becky Deimel and Astrid Knott Johnson at  TCGISPTO@gmail.com  
TCGIS Mission, Vision and Values

With great input from the TCGIS community through conversations, gatherings, illustrations and online surveys, the Board drafted our school's mission, vision and values. Check out a  short video of our draft. 

We welcome ALL feedback, and ask for you to provide this via email by the next School Board meeting on Thursday, September 22. Please send your thoughts to Jenneke Oosterhoff or  Christine VeLure Roholt.
Share Your Culture with Drama Class

Do you have experience with another culture (besides the United States or a German speaking country) that you would like to share with a K-3 drama class?  Did you grow up or spend extensive time in another culture? Do you know a dance, song or story you could share?

Frau Hall would be extremely grateful for your help! We would love to have you come in and present  your wealth of knowledge to the class!  Please email Frau Hall shall@tcgis.org if you are available to help.
German for Parents!

Back by popular demand! Learn the "School Lingo" in a casual/fun/supportive a tmosphere.  Beginner Classes are  Tuesday   6-7 pm . "Advanced"/Conversation Class is o n Tuesday   7-8pm Eight Week Session is from  Sept. 27 to Nov. 15 . (8 weeks) . The cost is $65.00 including m aterials.  Call Herbert at  651-226-2666  or email  hengelmayer@msn.com. Classes take place at TCGIS.
Vienna Community Arts Music Lessons

Vienna Community Arts will start-up Fall Music Lessons again
On  September 12They offer Piano, Classical guitar, Violin, Voice and Woodwinds.  They also rent and sell string instruments/keyboards if you want to try m usic lessons. Renting an instrument is a good way to start! Call Herbert/Nancy at  651-773-9525  to schedule or for more information,  or email  nsogabe@artsvienna.comcastbiz.net . *Please note: these classes take place at TCGIS.
Time to Gather Up Those Summer Box Tops!

Did you know that last year TCGIS earned nearly $2000.00 through the Box Tops program? This year our new goal is to raise $3000.00. So continue to ask friends and family to donate their Box Tops and we can reach our target!  Don't forget to bring Box Tops collected this summer to school. Write your students name and class on the sheet or bag so they can win prizes! The class that brings in the most Box Tops by  September 30th  wins an ice cream social.
PTO Announcements

Click here to read about these upcoming PTO events:
  • All-school regional picnics, Saturday, September 10, 5:30 pm
  • Register for the first meeting of the school year, Tuesday, September 13, 6:30 pm
  • Tickets for Auflauf go on sale Wednesday, September 14
  • Pizza night at Davanni's, Tuesday, September 20, 4:00 pm
GAI Announcements

German for Teens   
New to the GAI this fall, we are offering German for Teens, a program which focuses on creating and developing German language skills for middle school and high school students. There are two class sections that run for 8 weeks this fall-a Beginner level which meets on Saturdays and an Advanced (Immersion) level which meets on Thursday evenings.  Click here to register and learn more.

Calling All Knitters and Crochet Crafters!
The GAI's  Stricken und Häkeln group returns on Saturday, September 10th for fall. Bring a friend and your current knitting/crochet projects to our Haus on Summit Avenue at 9:30 am . Whether you are beginner or can combination  knit  in your sleep, join us as we meet to socialize while we work, swap patterns and skills, and share a good yarn!  Send an e-mail with your contact info to  ccurland@gai-mn.org  to get on our group e-mail list.