Foster long-term economic benefit
for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products.
Food | Ag | Ideas Week 2022
AURI will participate in two sessions at Grow North's Food | Ag | Ideas Week. Join us Oct. 4 at 1:30 p.m. for New Frontier of Fertilizers, and on Oct. 5 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. for Highlighting Minnesota's Diverse Agricultural Ingredient Supply Chain
AURI Launches
Ag Innovation News Podcast
AURI launched its brand new podcast, Ag Innovation News. Gain insight into AURI's work, as well as that of Minnesota's agricultural leaders, innovators and collaborators. New episodes are available every other Wednesday.
September Innovator: Hemp Acres
AURI Connects: Fields of Innovation Innovator Profiles is a Q&A series with Minnesota entrepreneurs who have partnered with AURI to build capacity and successfully commercialize new and emerging crops. This month’s edition highlights Hemp Acres.
Entrepreneur in Residence Program

AURI relaunched its Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) program. Qualified entrepreneurs will benefit from AURI's equipment and expertise, and have access to its laboratory facilities in Waseca and Marshall. In addition, EiR participants will have the opportunity to confer and strategize with AURI's staff and scientists.

Ag Innovation News
The newspaper is designed to make research and technical information easy to read and enjoyable for the average user. From an initial subscription list of 4,000, it has grown to reach more than 12,000 print and online readers every quarter, covering AURI’s work in the development of new food products, renewable energy, biobased products and new uses for agricultural coproducts.