The Landscape Conservation Bulletin
A bi-monthly service of the Network for 
Landscape Conservation
September 2019
Dear Network Friends and Partners,

Just one week ago, I was in the Adirondack Mountains, sitting outside by the fire and looking up at the crystal clear night sky on a perfect summer evening, a bit of wood smoke in the air. As summer comes to a close, I am sure you all have your own indelible memories. 

But as we all get back to making sandwiches for school and other fall routines, our landscapes continue without pause to provide us with clean air and water; climate resilience, local food and fuel, public health benefits, outdoor recreation, and far more.

And the Network continues its work to protect those landscapes. Please take note below of our 14 inaugural Catalyst Fund grants , and our upcoming events at the LTA Rally. And please let us know what you are up to and how we can best help you accelerate and accomplish your own landscape conservation goals.
Emily M. Bateson
Network Director
In This Issue
Catalyst Fund Grant Awards
Join the Network at Rally
International Symposium on Conservation Impact
Indigenous-led Conservation
Additional Landscape Conservation News
Upcoming Events
Webinars & Additional Resources
Note: Want a box of Pathways Forward: Progress and Priorities in Landscape Conservation reports for your fall conference? Please contact us regarding cost and shipping details.
Banner photo: Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park. Photo by Tony Reid on Unsplash
Featured News
Fourteen landscape conservation partnerships receive Catalyst Fund grant awards
The Network for Landscape Conservation is pleased to announce 14 inaugural Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund grant awards for partnerships working to implement community-grounded conservation at the necessary landscape scale. These 14 grantees emerged from an incredibly impressive and competitive pool of more than 270 applicants, and will receive support over the next one to two years to continue building enduring, place-based conservation efforts that protect the ecological, cultural, and community health of the places they call home. Working at the landscape scale is essential in order to address escalating challenges including habitat loss/fragmentation and climate change, and it is only through robust partnerships that we can be successful at this larger scale.

The Catalyst Fund was launched this year to address this very need and to accelerate the pace and effective practice of collaborative landscape conservation across the United States. Generous support has been provided by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and a portion of the Fund is specifically dedicated to Indigenous-led partnerships that serve Indigenous communities working on landscape conservation.

We encourage you to learn more about the 2019 grant awards and to keep an eye out for the next grant cycle, to be launched in early 2020. 
Featured News
Join the Network for Landscape Conservation at LTA Rally this fall
Please join the Network for Landscape Conservation for two events at the Land Trust Alliance Rally in Raleigh, NC this fall. On Saturday, October 19, we will be moderating a 10:30 am workshop entitled, “Big, Better, Best: Building Effective Landscape Scale Partnerships.”  We also will be co-hosting with the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy and the Wildlands and Woodlands initiative our annual breakfast on conservation at the landscape scale. The breakfast is scheduled for 7:15am through 8:45 am on Saturday, October 19 in the Congressional A/B room at the Marriott Hotel attached to the Raleigh Convention Center. At the breakfast, Network Director Emily Bateson will provide an update on progress and programs in support of collaborative landscape conservation, including the Network's new Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund. Jim Levitt, Associate Director of Conservation Programs at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will provide an update on its new international peer exchange initiative. These presentations will be followed by table breakout sessions on best practices for building collaborative landscape conservation partnerships. To register for the breakfast, please contact Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler .
Featured News
Salazar Center to host International Symposium, launch competitive prize on conservation impact
Later this month, Colorado State University’s Salazar Center for North American Conservation is hosting an inaugural International Symposium on Conservation Impact, in partnership with the Biennial of the Americas Festival in Denver, CO. With a continent-wide focus on landscape conservation and connections across borders, the symposium will bring together a range of stakeholders from the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as native American and First Nations representatives. Featured speakers will include former U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, CSU System Chancellor Tony Frank, and a broad range of thought leaders from the arenas of conservation policy, practice, and research around the theme of landscape connectivity. Together, participants will explore opportunities to connect and collaborate across urban and rural, public and private, and wild and working lands; how landscape-scale conservation is critical to environmental and human health; and what opportunities and challenges exist surrounding the conservation and stewardship of our landscapes. During the symposium the Center will also announce a significant competitive incentive prize for conservation impact. Tickets still remain for the event, scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th in downtown Denver. 
Featured News
Attention continues to build on the significance of Indigenous-led conservation efforts
In our July Bulletin , we highlighted the growing attention being given to Indigenous-led efforts to conserve and steward the landscapes in which they live. Some updates: An article in Mongabay highlights new research finding that Indigenous-managed lands support more biodiversity than protected areas. Impressive efforts to recognize and support Indigenous-led efforts continue to emerge from Canada, where The Narwhal reports on the launch of the Canada Nature Fund and its investment of $175 million in funding to 68 conservation projects across the country—including 27 projects to create new Indigenous protected and conserved areas. One of the Indigenous-led projects to receive this funding is a proposed Kaska Dena’s Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area , which would cover 40,000 square km in northern British Columbia. The effort is aimed at sustaining healthy, functioning ecosystems in the boreal forest, and additionally supporting a conservation-based economy to support Indigenous communities and culture through an Indigenous “land guardians” program and ecotourism. Elsewhere, after more than fifteen years of controversy, a landmark regional land use plan has been finalized for the Peel Watershed in northern Yukon. In an agreement between the Yukon territorial government and four First Nations governments, the final plan calls for 83% of the watershed to be placed in various Conservation Areas.

Interested in race and leadership in nonprofits? Complete the 2019 Race to Lead Survey

In 2016, the Building Movement Project conducted a national survey on race and leadership in nonprofits. The data from that survey led to the development of the Race to Lead report series . This summer, the Race to Lead survey is back. The survey focuses on how people's identities impact their experiences and perspectives, and as one of the largest existing data sets on race and leadership in the nonprofit sector is used to understand more about supports and barriers to nonprofit leadership. The confidential survey is open to anyone working for pay in the sector and takes about 25 minutes to complete; the survey will be open through September 13th.

A direct and compelling headline
Additional Landscape Conservation News
A congressional briefing on the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act was held on Capitol Hill in July.

The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership issues a new report on accomplishments of the program—and the seven designated Sentinel Landscapes therein—since it was launched in 2013. 

IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group is currently accepting comments on a draft guidance for ecological corridors and networks.

Inside Philanthropy article explores the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation's use of a “program related investment” approach to supporting The Nature Conservancy’s recent Cumberland Forest Project in Central Appalachia. 

New report from Two Countries, One Forest offers a rapid assessment of new conservation science in the Northern Appalachian-Acadian Ecoregion.

In Delaware, the Revolving Water Fund is piloting a “pay-for-success” approach to water quality improvements.

Colorado governor issues executive order to protect critical big game wildlife corridors across the state. 

New white paper from the Northeast Wilderness Trust synthesizes recent research into the value of old forests in capturing and storing carbon.

Land Trust Alliance president highlights the new IPCC report and the essential role that land conservation plays in addressing climate change.

The Living Landscape Observer spotlights the landscape-scale work of the Bureau of Land Management through an interview with Kit Mueller.

Anthropocene articles explores insights into human-wildlife coexistence—and the importance of the cultural narratives that recognize animals as thinking beings.

BioInteractive video explores species-area relationship and how connectivity conserves biodiversity.
A direct and compelling headline
Upcoming Conferences & Opportunities

* * *

Denver, CO

Chicago, IL

Raleigh, NC
Note: The Network is moderating a workshop on Saturday, October 19th “Big, Better, Best: Building Effective Landscape Scale Partnerships” —and is also co-ho sting its annual landscape conservation breakfast on the morning of the 19th. Conta ct Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler to register

Bristol, TN

Amherst, MA

New Orleans, LA

Silverton, OR

Tampa, FL

Jaipur, India

Toronto, ON 
Note: a call for symposia and workshop proposals is open with a submission deadline of Oct 16, 2019. 

June 11-19, 2020 — IUCN World Conservation Congress  
Marseille, France

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Webinars & Additional Resources

* * *

A Connected Conservation webinar
September 12, 2019

A Connected Conservation webinar
September 26, 2019

A Conservation Biology Institute Webinar
September 26, 2019

A Connected Conservation webinar
October 16, 2019

A Connected Conservation webinar
November 12, 2019

A new podcast from Wildlands and Woodlands that features stories from New Englanders about why and how they conserve land.

A weekly podcast that explores the challenges presented by adapting to climate change and the approaches the field's best minds believe are already working.

Recordings of past webinars of the Connected Conservation webinar series are available on the NLC website.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is the community of practice for practitioners advancing collaborative, cross-boundary conservation as an essential approach to protect nature, culture, and community in the 21st Century.

Contact  Emily Bateson , Network Director, for more information. 

Contributions of news, upcoming events, and resources for future Bulletins are welcomed. We also welcome inquires for future "Perspectives: Landscapes Conservation in Action" stories; please be in touch if you are interested in sharing stories and insights from your work.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, P.O. Box 1587, Bozeman, MT 59771

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