September news & updates
Featured Bereaved Donor: Conny
"Hello! My name is Conny Suriel & I would love to share my story as a donor. Although I donated milk a little over 2 years ago, it still is a highlight in my life." 
"On September 1st 2017 I gave birth to my baby girl April Naomi who unfortunately was a stillborn baby and for as distraught as I was, I wanted my daughter’s name to be honored and what better way to do it than donating her breastmilk to babies in need! I was producing a lot of milk and didn’t want it to go to waste. I was in so much pain emotionally since I lost my first baby but I came across NYMB and they were amazing and supportive in my grieving process. It was a great honor and privilege for me to be able to donate over 2,000 ounces of breastmilk in my daughter’s name. It was also an awesome experience to be able to represent The New York Milk Bank as the first milk donor at Jamaica Hospital.
My daughter may not be here physically with us but her legacy helped babies in need!"
Bereavement and Breast Milk
If you or someone you know has recently experienced infant loss and would like information or resources about lactation: and/or milk donation, please click here.
Molloy College is looking for volunteers for a Human Milk Donation Study. Mothers who experienced a perinatal loss within the last two years and continued to express
their milk for any length of time and donated to a Human Milk Banking Association of North America member milk bank are eligible to take part.
If you are interested in participating in this study click here!
Community Outreach
Jacques' Fraternity
Jacques is one of our Lab Technicians and is also part of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is a brother of the Eta Chi Lambda Chapter based in Rockland County, NY.

Their mission statement reads as follows:
“Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our communities.”
Here are Jacques and his fraternity brothers at a Black Lives Matter protest in May.
Jacques and his fraternity plan on partnering with NYMB to host a baby bag and diaper drive as part of NYMB's Community Outreach Program. If you are interested in donating resources for families with babies please contact us at [email protected]
Breast Milk & COVID-19 Surveys and Resources

University of California San Fransisco is conducting a study on Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) experiences of Black birthing people and family members in the NICU. They are recruiting Black women and birthing people who currently or recently had an infant(s) in the NICU to participate in this study.

Eligible participants will receive up to $75.00 in gift cards after completing an online survey and interview. By understanding these experiences, UCSF hope to improve access to breastfeeding care and lactation support in NICUs settings.

To learn more about the study, please see the attached flyer or email at [email protected] for more information.
BMBFA Leadership Institute

"Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association (BMBFA) will launch the Birth and Breastfeeding Leadership Institute to serve as a virtual national leadership development program designed to advance the community in the maternal-child-health sector while decreasing the racial bias Black communities often face. The goal of the Birth and Breastfeeding Leadership Institute is to improve Black birth and breastfeeding outcomes by activating, strengthening and advancing the power of leadership inherent in all black communities."