CBI Newsletter                  September 2019
If you do not want to receive information for CBI coordinators and project managers please contact Mary Jewett ( mary@mainelakes.org) to unsubscribe from this list. If you click unsubscribe, you will no longer receive any information about milfoil and other invasive aquatic species in Maine, this includes grant announcements.
In This Issue
Training Documents and Links
July 2015 
May 2015 
The season is wrapping up and it's almost time to submit final reports. This summer has been fairly quiet compared to last year. Very few saves of new plants coming into our lakes and no new infestations discovered (knock on wood!!). However the plants are still growing so please keep an out on your lake and report anything suspicious. And have a great winter!
Mary Jewett - Milfoil Coordinator
Final CBI Reports Due October 11
Fall is here and many organizations around the state have finished up their inspection season. For those organizations who are done you may submit your final report to Mary Jewett at any point, the earlier the better. Please be aware that final checks will not be cut until all inspections have been submitted electronically, either via the Survey123 app or excel forms sent to Karen Hahnel. 

The final report comes in two different forms, excel and word. The excel form will do many of your calculations for you and keeps track of carrying totals over to the different tables. If you choose to use the word form instead please make sure that all calculations are correct and that you follow the directions within the different columns. Click on the button below to download the report form of your choice. Plant control report forms will come in a separate email. 

If you have any questions about filling out the form please email mary@mainelakes.org

Inspection data
Final checks will not be issued until organizations have completed a final report and submitted all data for the season. If you think that you will not be able to complete all data entry before October 11 please contact Karen: Karen.A.Hahnel@maine.gov or call 207-215-9270. 

If you have used the Survey123 app for submitting data you can view your data on the dashboard:  https://maine.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/da1f39d9d35643e3a5fb6d9f2cdbdf95
If you have not submitted any data via the app you can still look at the dashboard to see where inspections are happening. All inspection data submitted to the DEP will eventually make it's way into the dashboard but that will take time. 

Lakes Environmental Association | 207-647-8580 | mary@mainelakes.org | http://mainelakes.org
230 Main Street
Bridgton, ME 04009