~ September 2022 ~

Hello CVOA,

Message from the President . . . . .


I hope all of you have had a great summer.  

As you’ll see in this newsletter, the three trips out West in winter 2023 have generated a lot of interest. Our three trip leaders Mike Parker (Sun Valley), Bonnie Farrar (Telluride) and Dan Hitchcock (Whitefish) have worked hard on the details to make these possible.  

Late summer and early fall in Western Maine are a wonderful time of year to be outdoors. If you haven’t discovered it, CVOA has a resource on its website called the “CVOA Hiking Guide” that explores the Carrabassett Valley area. It can be found by clicking the Hiking Guide cover below.

I have resolved to brush up on my high school French. It’s not an all-consuming resolution, but I thought that since a CVOA ski trip to Quebec is looking more promising for mid-March 2023, I should make an effort.  When these plans firm up, we’ll send out a notice to our members to see if there is sufficient interest to launch this fourth trip.

In the meantime, enjoy the late summer sun and cherish the memory for January.

Sugarloaf Homecoming for 2022

Be sure to mark your calendars for Sugarloaf Homecoming Weekend on October 7-9, 2022. This is the event that marks the beginning of the new ski season. We can anticipate that Karl Strand and his staff will apprise Sugarloafers of what projects have been undertaken over the summer, changes in operations and future plans. CVOA will maintain a membership table during the Home Show where you can renew your membership, say hello to fellow members, ask questions about CVOA, inquire about being a trip leader and offer suggestions about what CVOA activities might interest you. There is also a “Meet n’ Greet” at the Parkers on Saturday (October 8) at 4pm (Thank-you Jeanette and Mike). Please see below for more details.  

Looking for a few more volunteers at Homecoming

We ae looking for a few more volunteers to cover shifts at the membership table during Homecoming.  These 2-hour sessions would be during the Home Show on Saturday and Sunday October 8 and 9 between 9 and 4 pm.  It’s easy, fun and offer the opportunity to meet other Sugarloafers.  If you’re interested, please email Thom Johnston at cvoa.president@gmail.com or call 207-852-3595 for more information.


Calendar of Events

September 2022

September 3 - 5-Stand shoot 9:00-12:00

September 4 - Trap shoot 9:00 - 12:00

September 10 - 5-Stand shoot 9:00 - 12:00

September 11 - Trap shoot 9:00 - 12:00

September 17 - 5-Stand shoot 9:00 -12:00

September 18 - Trap shoot 9:00 - 12:00

September 24 - First Annual Trap Shoot for Veterans & First Responders 9:00-12:00

September 25 - Trap shoot 9:00 - 12:00


Click here 2022-23 Activities & Events

Future Events

Homecoming Weekend

Meet 'n Greet

Saturday October 8th at 4:00 p.m.

Meet ‘n Greet Garage/Driveway Party at Mike and Jeannette Parker’s

Saturday, October 8th at 4:00


A - Appetizer 

B - Beverage

C - Chair

Address: 1022 Poplar Stream Road

Carpooling is encouraged.

**Note: This is an outdoor party. In the event of rain, the party will be cancelled.

Ski Trips 2023

There is currently an opening for one room (either two people or a single, with the single supplement of an additional $830). A second room may be available on/before September 15th. If you are interested please contact Mike Parker as soon as possible. For trip details click on the brochure.

Mike Parker, Trip leader

Sun Valley Idaho
January 28-February 4

Going, Going, GONE! That's what will happen to your hopes of joining a Western CVOA Ski Trip in 2023 if you let this opportunity pass. There is ONLY ONE ROOM left on the Telluride Trip February 11-18 for two singles sharing a room or a couple. For trip details click on the brochure or email Bonnie at bfarrar7@aol.com, for more info.

Bonnie Farrar, Trip leader

The Whitefish Ski Trip has been more than filled.

Trip Leader, Dan Hitchcock

Range News

Hello Range Members, 

We've had a very busy month at the Range. Lots of folks visiting for the first time and some folks coming back after a long absence. Wonderful to see them all! 

New things to see at the Range are our metal targets on the Pistol and Rifle Ranges. Shooters will enjoy the "plinking" and our paperbacked targets are expected to last longer as a result. You will also notice many more safety signs around. Please follow their directions to insure safe use of the Range, as we do not always have Range Safety Officers (RSO's) present. 

On that note, the Range Committee would like to welcome four new RSO's. Bill O'Brian, John Bennett, Tom Poulin, and Lonnie Allen. These folks put in a very long day of intense training for the benefit of the Range. Thank you gentlemen!

The Range is hosting a new event. Our first annual Trap Shoot for Veterans and First Responders on Saturday, September 24th from 9am to noon. We are working with Pine Grove Programs and if you know someone interested in attending, they can contact John Bennett at


CVOA is donating the venue, clays, and food. Some Range members are also donating ammunition. If you would like to volunteer to help barbecue or can donate a side dish or dessert, contact me, Diane Stone, at CVOA.range@gmail.com. The event will be small this year with hopes of expanding in the years to come. 

Another new feature, Lou Alfieri is hosting a regular Wednesday morning 5 Stand Shoot. If you are interested in joining the fun, you can contact Lou at 207-491-8684. Lou starts at 9am and goes until everyone is done. Have fun shooters!

Diane Stone

Range Secretary



Membership News

CVOA sent a special Newsletter to members who were inactive more than a year. There were a few people who responded and renewed their membership. Welcome back to those folks! There was a bit of a glitch with the CVOA online registration, but it seems to be resolved. Thanks to those who alerted me to the problem. Online renewal for 2023 will go active October 1st. It is always good to take care of renewing when you are thinking about it or see it pop up in the Newsletter in October. CVOA will have our usual table at Homecoming. We hope to see you there, and you can renew your membership at that time.

Patti Johnston, Membership Secretary

How to Contact Us
  • President Thom Johnston: cvoa.president@gmail.com
  • Vice President Craig Lehigh:‭ cvoa.vicepresident@gmail.com
  • Treasurer Sam Hudspath: cvoa.treasurership@gmail.com
  • Secretary Tracy Goller: cvoa.secretary@gmail.com
  • MembershipSecretary:PattiJohnston:cvoa.membership@gmail.com
  • Range Chair Ray Stone: ‭raymondhstone3@gmail.com
  • Range Secretary Diane Stone: cvoa.range@gmail.com
  • Range Chair Emeritus Neal Trask
  • Social Activities: Nancy Makin: nancymakin48@gmail.com & Jeannette Parker: jparker16seabreeze@gmail.com
  • Newsletter Editors: Elaine & Steve Smith: golfski@maine.rr.com
Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association
Valley Crossing #6
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947