Welcoming Fall Soon

While the summer around here is typically the Maine main event, fall is a personal favorite: less crowds, beautiful days, cool nights, splashes of amazing colors in the natural beauty all around us, and lots to do in the local area.

For the Chamber, we have our annual scholarship golf outing in September followed by our Ten Talks / Silent auction in October, many networking events and information sessions, and more.

The area has a number of great annual event traditions as well including Oktoberfest in Biddeford and the Pumpkin Harvest Festival in Saco. There's just something in the air that is so satisfying about autumns in Southern Maine.

Now the season after that? That's another story :). Please reach out to us here at the Chamber if we can help with anything or if you have news you'd like us to share!

Welcome Chamber of Commerce New Members this Past Month

Please join us in welcoming the new members who joined this past month:

Evergreen Credit Union - Through their six locations and their newest branch in Scarborough, Evergreen strives to serve individuals, families and businesses as well as benefit the communities they live and work in.

Ledgewater Consulting - Ledgewater focuses on helping small businesses save money and be more efficient with their POS / Payment processing systems, payroll management, and more.

MVPT Physical Therapy - This new PT Clinic on Elm St. in Biddeford provides personalized services to help each patient achieve their health, rehab and functional goals.

Member Spotlight: Ledgewater Consulting

We recently had the opportunity to spend some time with new member Crystal Cole to learn more about the consulting services she provides for her business customers. To learn more about Ledgewater's capabilities, read our monthly member spotlight HERE

Learn to Fly with CHI Aerospace

Have you ever thought about piloting an aircraft and soaring over the landscape into the skies? You might not be aware that CHI Aerospace operates a flight school out of the Biddeford airport. They are thrilled to invite all community members to their Open House event on September 20th. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about their flight school, meet the team, check out the school's aircraft, and explore the world of aviation. To learn more about the school and register for their open house, CLICK HERE

Community Kindness Day at

Saco Middle School

Saco Middle School is having their 2nd Annual Community Kindness Day on October 3rd. The day is filled with every teacher and student going into the community and fulfilling as many acts of kindness as they can during a school day. The SMS PTO is looking for community partners who could provide a service project, sponsor a project or Kindness Day t shirts, or share the event on their company's social media. If you are willing to participate in this unique event of spreading kindness, reach out to Laura at: sacomiddlepto@gmail.com or 207-710-3757

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