September 2016
20 Years of Scholarships
We asked our board members what word came to mind when they thought about
 the Community Foundation. 
This is their response

The Community Foundation has awarded 952 scholarships totaling $2,158,656 since our creation in 1996.  We currently have 45 scholarship funds representing a variety of donors.   
  • In 2000, the first scholarships were awarded.  Five scholarships were awarded for a total of $10,080.
  • In 2008, 65 scholarships were awarded for a total of $95,035.
  • In 2016, 82 scholarships were awarded for a total of $156,605. 
"Thank you for confirming my belief that dedication to athletics is important and life-changing. I will continue to strive for excellence in both athletics and academics during my time at college and in life. It means the absolute world to me that see the potential in me and want to help me achieve my dreams. I will always remember your generous donation when I am out in the world accomplishing great things as a doctor! I hope one day I will be able to help other students achieve their goals just as you have helped me."
"Being the recipient of abundant and sacrificial giving has embedded the desire to be that person for others in my life, and I am filled with determination to finish my time as an undergraduate with integrity, diligence, and confidence. I sincerely hope that you are filled with the same joy that I am when you invest in the future of college students like myself."
Learn About Wills and Bequests 

1. What are the benefits of making a bequest?

  • You leave a lasting legacy to be remembered
  • You lessen the burden of taxes on your family
  • You may receive estate tax savings
2. How do I make a bequest?
  • A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to family, friends or The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region as part of your estate plan.
  •  View Bequest Language 
3. What are my options?
A bequest can be made in several ways:
  • You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset
  • You can gift a percentage of your estate
  • You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate
  • You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets

4. How can I learn more?

Agency Emergency Fund
The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region has a new Agency
Emergency Fund. The Fund will offer assistance on a one-time basis to Danville/Pittsylvania County/Caswell County/Halifax County nonprofit agencies which ha ve prior grant experience with The Community Foundation.  Agency Emergency F und grants can be awarded for up to $25,000 no more than once in a five-year period. 

To initiate a request, an agency representative should contact CFDRR and provide an initial explanation of the emergency situation.  If the situation is considered to potentially meet an emergency grant criteria, the agency is invited to submit a proposal.

For more information click  here.
Fund Spotlight!
GW Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund  
The GW Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund created by the GW High School Class of 1957 reunion committee to support George Washington High School graduates.

   The Scholarship was established in 2007 and has awarded 7 scholarships since its creation.  The fund has been supported by class members from across the country and continues to be supported allowing the scholarship to grow and have a greater impact on GW High School students in the future.  
Donations can be made to this fund at any time and they can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one.


Halifax County Grant Applications are due
September 30th!

~ RiverBank Fund Applications are due
September 15th
The Community Foundation 
541 Loyal Street | Danville, VA 24541 | |