Park County Library

It seems like summer rushed by in a hurry this year. Can you believe it is already September?! Your Cody librarians have been hard at work coming up with fun new programs to enjoy during this new season. Enjoy one of our three monthly book discussions, try a new hobby, make something, and/or listen to a concert and special talk. There are so many options! Keep scrolling to learn about some of the fun things we have planned. 

September Events

Teen Room Calendar

Kids' Library Calendar

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month.... Do your kids have their own?!

Getting a library card is the best way to start the school year out right.

We'll be happy to get your kids signed up next time you visit (a parent/guardian must be present with ID).  

Check it out!

Beanstack Banned Books Challenge

Park County Libraries will celebrate Banned Books Week this September by hosting a month-long banned books reading list challenge for adults through Beanstack. Beanstack is a library-run app and desktop site that allows users to log the amount of time they read each day to earn colorful badges and help build healthy habits. Interested adults can opt into the challenge and gain badges for reading frequently banned literary classics like Animal Farm (A list of eligible banned classics will be provided in the app). 

We hope to see you soon!

Hours of Operation

9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday-Thursday

(Extending to 7 p.m. starting Monday, Sept. 19th!!)

9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday & Saturday

(307) 527-1880

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