Register Now for 2022 Fall ET Forum
FLATE Kicks Off 2022-2023 Webinar Series
If you are new to planning a student event, join us for this webinar on September 21st that will cover everything you need to know to plan event that will expose Florida's students to careers in manufacturing. If you are having a student event, please tell us about it so we can share. Send information to teresa.potter@flate.orgSee events section below for some events already scheduled.
 Engineering Technology Leaders Institute (ETLI)
Invites FLATE to Present
The ETLI, a dedicated annual meeting of stakeholders in engineering technology education, will be held September 29, 20 in Alexandria, VA. During the meeting, participants from community colleges, companies, professional organizations, and four-year schools promote and discuss high quality engineering technology education to support students, their families, and the companies they will join.

Dr. Marilyn Barger, Senior Education Advisor of FLATE, has been invited to present, along with Dr. Richard Gilbert from the University of South Florida, on Industry Identified Skills Gaps and Education Pipeline Response. Their session will cover a National Science Foundation funded study on manufacturer identified skills gaps related to Industry 4.0 technology driven applications. “The manufacturing and manufacturing services sectors have been impacted by the emergence of Industry 4.0 technologies, altering the traditional expectations of new graduates entering the field,” said Dr. Barger. “Technician and engineer preparation programs now need to invest significant effort covering fundamental skills and supportive knowledge of these technologies so that graduates can meet the initial employer expectations in their first job. Educators must be cognizant of the current workplace skills needed in the industry as well as additional skills needed to adapt to new technologies emerging in the next few years. “
Guided Particle Systems Inc's Unique Partnership with Pensacola State College Provides Benefits to All
When the former facility of Guided Particle Systems, Inc (GPSI) was severely damaged by Hurricane Sally in September 2020, David Fries, CEO, proposed moving the facility to Pensacola State College (PSC) and developing a collaborative relationship with the college. The Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of the novel arrangement and Guided Particle moved into a former chemistry classroom in PSC’s Collegiate High School building in February 2021. In September 2022, the company expanded operations into a second classroom in the same building.

While GPSI occupies space on campus under a lease agreement with Pensacola State College, it is not doing so under a typical incubator or accelerator model. “The college is leasing space to Guided Particle on-campus in an effort to make certain internship opportunities are available to students enrolled in ET programs to allow them to gain first-hand experience and apply knowledge learned in the classroom,” says PSC’s Workforce Director, Michael Listau. The company has operations that take place on campus including research and development in the physical, engineering, and life sciences, and being housed on the colleges campus makes these opportunities available to students. Both the college and Guided Particle see the collaborative relationship continuing and are in conversations about further expansion.
Upcoming MFG 2022 Events
FLATE is working with Florida's Regional Manufacturing Associations (RMAs) and School Districts across the state to schedule Speed Networking events. Scheduled so far:
  • Sarasota Manatee Manufacturers Association
  • Oct 7 - Manatee County Schools
  • Oct 14 - Sarasota County Schools
  • Bay Area Manufacturers Association
  • October 17: Pasco County Schools, Pinellas County Schools & Hillsborough County Schools
  • Manufacturers Association of Central Florida
  • October 25 - Speed Networking @ the Made in Central Florida Expo
For more information, please contact Ernie Friend at ernie.friend@flate.org.
MFG & Skilled Trades Job Fair
October 12 10AM-2PM
Ellyson Industrial Park
National Guard Armory
Hosted by CareerSource Escarosa & NWFMC.
There will be 30 employers participating - all hiring. Companies from all job sectors. A few have apprenticeship opportunities within their company.
Manufacturing Job Fair to Celebrate MFG Month October 20
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
St. Johns River State College
Orange Park Campus
Hosted by CareerSource Northeast Florida & St Johns River State College
Over 15 manufacturers will be participating.
All job seekers are welcome.

Manufacturing Career Fair - October 11
St. Petersburg College
North Campus
Hosted by St. Petersburg College and CareerSource Pinellas, up to 25 manufacturing companies will be present to meet with job seekers to fill employment and internship opportunities in Pinellas County.
Roboticon Tampa Bay
Oct. 1 - 29
AMRoC/University Mall
ROBOTICON Tampa Bay, now in its 10th season, is a youth robotics showcase. More info at https://roboticon.net/
Students will visit Manufacturing Facilities
  • Sarasota Manatee Manufacturers Association & Sarasota County Schools coordinating student visits to 19 Manufacturers
  • The Bay Area Manufacturers Association has 24 tours scheduled in Hillsborough & Pinellas Counties.
Made in Central Florida Expo - Orlando
October 25
Rosen Plaza Hotel
Coordinated by the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida, this is the 1st annual Made in Central Florida expo will connect industry to students, educators & administrators. Includes Student Design & Build Competition.
Students will visit Manufacturing Facilities
  • Manufacturing Association of Central Florida has coordinated tours to several manufacturers + Made in Central Florida Expo.
  • South Florida Manufacturers Association has coordinated visits to at least 7 manufacturers so far.
Watch future newsletters for many more MFG 2022 Events Coming Soon...
Other Upcoming Events
Florida Shines: College 101 Webinar Series
Preparing Technicians for a Cross-Disciplinary Future
NCPN Webinar: September 21 at 11AM
Preparing Technicians for a Cross-Disciplinary Future
Technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things are transforming existing industries. Skilled technical workers of the future will need to function well in the diverse platforms and systems that drive multiple sectors. The Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work project led by CORD has gathered input from stakeholders representing education, industry, and workforce interests to determine the skills needed to prepare for the impacts of emerging technologies. Three skill areas encompassing cross-disciplinary skill sets—advanced digital literacy, data knowledge and analysis, and business knowledge and processes—are increasingly important for all STEM technicians. This webinar introduces a Framework for integrating them into any technical program.
Manufacturing Education 5k
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Join us for the 7th Annual Manufacturing 5K Run or Walk for Education to show your support for Manufacturing Education.
The past six events have netted over $136,000 in scholarships for deserving engineering and manufacturing workplace students.

Details and registration:

Florida HTEC Machining Educators One Day Conference
Suncoast Technical College
Sarasota, FL
November 2, 2022
9AM - 3PM

  • Network with educators from across your region
  • Meet with leading experts in tooling, software and metrology
  • Learn about support available from Haas and your local HFO
  • Learn how to tap into grants from the Gene Haas Foundation
Florida Career Pathways Network (FCPN)
2023 Conference - Jan 11-13, Jensen Beach, FL
Register now or submit your Best Practice Proposal for the 2023 FCPN Symposium is planned for the Hutchinson Shores Resort and Spa in Jensen Beach on January 11-13, 2023. We are currently accepting submissions for Best Practice Presentations for our 45-Minute Breakout Sessions. These Sessions represent the core of the symposium offerings and feature a successful practice, program, or key issue.
News & Opportunities
Suncoast Technical College in Sarasota Makes it to the
Final 4 in Project MFG "Clash of the Trades"
Suncoast Technical College's Precision CNC Machining Team participated in Season 2 of Project MFG "Clash of Trades". Watch episodes on Project MFG’s YouTube Channel. The series showcases the hard work that went into making 2022’s competition a success, while also raising awareness of the manufacturing industry.

STC's rookie team with no 5 Axis CNC Milling experience competed with 3 other experienced 2-year colleges who have been in this before. They made it through qualifying and then beat 28 other teams to make it to the Final 4! The conclusion aired on September 9th.
MSSC Launches New CLT 4.0 Program
On September 1st, the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) publicly launched the "Industry 4.0" update of its signature Certified Logistics Technician (CLT®) industry-wide training and certification program applicable to six million front-line supply chain logistics workers.

What does this mean for the MSSC Community? Starting September 1, 2022, these "4.0" technologies will be fully integrated into CLT curriculum, instructor training and assessments. MSSC supply chain logistics certificates and certifications issued after that date will be re-labelled "CLT 4.0." MSSC's goal is to provide CLT 4.0 technicians with a foundational understanding of these technologies on which to build as their companies use them in various ways across the supply chain environment. For information on how to get your student or incumbent worker population started with the CLT 4.0 Training and Certification Program, please contact info@msscusa.org
Higher Education: New Learning Technologies are Viewed Positively by Most Students
Students in higher education are eager to continue using new classroom learning technologies adopted during the pandemic, according to McKinsey research. In a survey, more than 60 percent of students said that all the classroom learning technologies they’ve used since COVID-19 began had improved their learning and grades. Two technologies in particular stood out for boosting academic performance: 80 percent of students cited classroom exercises, and 71 percent cited machine learning–powered teaching assistants.
The New-to-ATE Two-Year STEM Faculty Mentorship Application is now Available
Apply to participate in Cohort 11 (October 2022- October 2023)
 The goal of Mentor-Connect, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) is to develop or strengthen technician education programs in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Two-year college teams consisting of two STEM faculty from each applicant college and at least one administrator and/or grant writer will be selected to receive National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) grant proposal development and submission assistance. Colleges who participate in Mentor-Connect's Mentorship program can increase their chances of being awarded a grant up to $350,000, designated as a "Small Grant for Institutions new to ATE." Application Deadline: Friday, October 7
Project Releases Toolkit for Adopting the
Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core
This just-released toolkit provides colleges with six actionable steps and practical tools designed to facilitate the adoption of the Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core in a local context.

Each of six steps is accompanied by a checklist designed to help colleges assess their readiness for action, along with links to tools and templates.
X-STEM All Access Speaker Series - New Episodes this Fall
for Middle & High School Students
X-STEM All Access – presented by the U.S. Air ForceU.S. Space Force, and Discovery Channel – is a free virtual conference series for middle and high schoolers designed to get students excited about STEM. Students will get an inside look into the exciting careers and inspiring personal journeys of diverse STEM role models through a lively Q&A session with a fellow STEM professional. The 30-minute max episodes will premiere throughout the school year and will be available on-demand to fit in your schedule. Episodes will be released on the following dates – Watch any time after they premiere!

April 27 | May 18 | September 21 | October 5 | October 19 | November 9 | December 14

Classroom worksheets are also provided for each episode at https://usasciencefestival.org/x-stem-all-access-resources/.
Free guest lecture to your class provided by industry experts
stemCONNECT is a classroom resource to connect students with experts in industry and academia around the state focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. stemCONNECT reinforces classroom ideas while introducing students to related high-tech careers. Based on the presentation needs, teachers are matched with subject-matter experts. Through video conferencing tools, experts deliver engaging multi-media presentations about STEM applications, such as space exploration, alternative forms of energy, the math of medicine, and more. Students can ask questions and interact with the speaker as if they were in the classroom.
Autodesk Learning Partners Provides Industry Experts
Free Guest Lectures for Your Class
Build excitement and energy this fall by showcasing cutting edge industry trends and innovation that will shape students' careers. Let an Autodesk Learning Partner help you support the connection between what students are learning today, what skills industry is looking for, and what opportunities the future will bring. Lecture topics can include: 
  • The evolution of the manufacturing sector and how students should prepare
  • Next-gen tools created to utilize new capabilities, and the skills needed to use them
  • The future of work, next-gen workflows, and strategies for a successful career
  •  And many other topics specific to your course
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