
News From The International Society of Radiology

September 2023


The Commission on Radiology Education, chaired by Dr. Geraldine McGinty is seeking a small group of early career volunteers to help with identifying open-access research articles and educational content for our ISR community. Time commitment will be 1-2 hours per month. Please share this with your mentees and ask any interested candidates to email Meg Samples for more information.

Member Society Highlight

Please reach out to Meg Samples to highlight your society in an upcoming newsletter!

World Patient Safety Day

ISR is actively collaborating on the WHO-organized webinar to be held on Monday, September 18, 13:00-14:30 (CEST) for World Patient Safety Day. The topic will be "Engaging Patients for Medical Radiation Safety" and you are invited to register for the webinar here.

RSNA 2023

The 109th Scientific Assembly and annual meeting of RSNA is scheduled for November 26-30. More information can be found here. ISR plans to hold a brief International Assembly on Sunday, Nov. 26 at 8 a.m. CST. An invitation with room information will be sent out in early November.

Open Access Education Articles

Management of Patients in Interventional Oncology Radiology During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Convolutional neural network (CNN), a class of artificial neural networks that has become dominant in various computer vision tasks, is attracting interest across a variety of domains, including radiology.

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Radiomics-Based Fertility-Sparing Treatment in Endometrial Carcinoma: A Review

In recent years, with the increasing incidence of endometrial carcinoma in women of child-bearing age, to decision of whether to preserve patients’ fertility during treatment has become increasingly complex, presenting a formidable challenge for both physicians and patients

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Knowledge and Practice of Radiation Safety Among Health Professionals in Trinidad

A cross-sectional survey of health care professionals within two public hospitals was conducted using a questionnaire distributed to individuals working in Cardiology, General Surgery, Internal medicine, Orthopaedics, Radiology and Urology who require the use of ionizing radiation machines. 

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Please email Meg Samples to update your society's contact information, share content, or have your society highlighted in an upcoming issue.

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