Cave Creek Canyon Friends
Monsoon Season -
Rains Continue Until Late September
Late August and September brought welcome rain to finish out the monsoon season. During the last week of September, Portal and Cave Creek Canyon enjoyed more than 2" of rain in 36 hours.
The creek is still flowing a week later and everyone is happy. There seems to be a direct relationship between residents attitude and water in the creek/recent rainfall!
[Above and below by Rene Donaldson]
This rainbow, taken by Steve Wolfe,
over Portal and Silver Peak.
Cave Creek is continuing to run many days after the last rain, a
to how much rain fell in the higher mountains. [Photo by Cecil Williams]
With the Monsoon Come Wildflowers!
[Photos by Rene Donaldson and Steve Wolfe]
Bringing Kids & Nature Together
Friends of Cave Creek Canyon's very successful educational outreach program is managed by Carol Frischmann with help from Cecil Williams. In September they took students from Apache School and the Science club from San Simon School District to the forest and to the classroom.
Looks like they are having fun!
With their Smokey the Bear bracelet.
A Visit to Bugs of America
Thanks to Shane and Laurel of Bugs of America for a very informative and fun visit for the Apache and San Simon students. Most had never seen centipedes and many of the other species before.
Backyard Visitors!
Very unusual visitor to the area - a Black and White Warbler
[Photo by Steve Wolfe]
Steve Wolfe:
I spent 2.5 hours this morning [Sept. 26] watching the backyard birds and doing a species count to submit online to eBird. I ended up with 22 species, including this probable immature male Lucifer Hummingbird. It can be confusing as the young male looks more like a female in color, and I read in National Geographic's Field Guide to Birds that adult females can have a few purplish throat feathers, too. It's an understatement to say that IDing juvenile and immature hummingbirds as either male or female can be a real challenge
Michael Jacobi's Discoveries
Macrophotography gives you a close view you would otherwise not have of this less than one-inch long jumping spider. The Phidippus carneus seen here is only one of at least 55 species of jumping spiders that are known from the Chiricahua Mountains. However, it is one of the more commonly seen species in Cave Creek Canyon. This one was photographed very close to the Visitor Information Center.
This male California Mantis (Stagmomantis [californica] wheelerii) is just one of a handful of species commonly seen in Cave Creek Canyon. Another species of the genus, Stagmomantis limbatus - the Arizona Mantis, is perhaps more often encountered. The large green females can even be seen on hummingbird feeders, just ask Debb Johnson. Another local species is the Slim Mexican Mantis (Bactromantis mexicana), a brown mantis that, as its popular name suggests, is very slender.
This massive spider - the Cat-faced or Jewel Orbweaver (Araneus gemmoides) was discovered by the photographer living underneath his home-on-wheels travel trailer. Here it is seen feeding upon an unidentified large insect. Whereas most orb weavers construct the classic geometric spider web, this type makes a messy web to ensnare its prey.
Pollinators are some of the most important organisms on Earth
. Of the many insect pollinators, none is more iconic than the bumblebee. Here in Cave Creek Canyon, the Sonoran Bumblebee (Bombus sonorus) is most often seen in autumn. It is almost as large as the Carpenter Bees that are more commonly seen throughout the year. Fun fact: Did you know that in all ant, bee and wasp species (Hymenoptera) nesting females choose the sex of their offspring?
Heritage Days 2019
Kim Vacariu and Cecil Williams produced a great event for FOCCC and the community. A record turnout of nearly 200 people enjoyed a great list of presenters, a Farmer's Market and a tasty lunch [thanks Joe and Donna Meenach] on Saturday and a flower walk with Elaine Moisan and Barbara Miller. on Sunday, followed by a movie.
Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon
New Membership Category
Become a Lifetime Member of FoCCC!
For $1500 you will be a Lifetime Member:
- Part of you membership supports the new South Fork Educational and Recreational Project
- Never have to remember to renew your membership
- Become a lifetime supporter and Sustainer's Circle member
FOCCC 2019 Officers and Board
Reed Peters President
Other Board Members
Sheri Ashley Vice President
Bob Ashley
Wynne Brown
Mike Williams Vice President
Alan Craig
Rene Donaldson
Rick Beno
Pat Parran Acting Secretary
Stevie Wayman
Cecil Williams
FOCCC Board of Directors meets on the first Wednesday morning each month at the Chiricahua Desert Museum on Highway 80. If you have interest in attending or putting something on the agenda, please contact President Reed Peters at 520-558-2334. All members are welcome to attend.
 Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon PO Box 16126 Portal, Arizona 85632 Visit Our Website |
Thanks to our "Sustainer's Circle" and Lifetime Members
for their generous support:
Tom Arny, Bob and Bettina Arrigoni, Susan Dalby & Eskild Peterson, Nancy and Thomas Denney, Mary George, Bill and Sally Hague, Paul Hirt and Linda Jakse, Don Hollister, Pi Irwin and Zsombor Zoltan, Ken Jenkins, Leuthold Family Foundation, Barbara Lounsbery, Patrick McNamara, John and Karin McQuillan, Barbara and Pete Miller, Patricia Parran, Tom Roseman and Paula Baldwin, Delia Scholes, Donald and Martha Squire and Bob and Sherry Zoellick.
Please support our Business Members who have given generously to Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon. Without their assistance, we would be hard pressed to accomplish our goals. Click on their names to check out their websites.
Business Memberships start at just $50.00!