Minnesota North District - LCMS

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” I Timothy 6:12

“Fight the good fight of the faith”

I recently attended the funeral for my godmother, Lois Finnern. She was a faithful Christian woman, music director at her church, and steadfast in her confession despite many physical trials over the last five years. Her 14 year old grandson, Nathan, served as the crucifer. When we rose for the opening prelude, Nathan, who is around 6’4”, held that cross tightly while visibly weeping. The cross served as a support to keep him standing. He gathered himself for the first stanza, lifting the cross to the chancel and processing to the chancel while we sluggishly sang, “When Peace Like a River.” 

This moment gives us a glimpse of our daily walk as baptized, forgiven, redeemed sinners in Christ. We fight the good fight of faith by clinging to the cross. We cling to the cross to be sustained, depending on Him to be strengthened to fulfill our vocations. Paul encourages young Timothy in chapter six of  his first letter, “Fight the good fight of the faith.” I have often read this passage with the assumption that we fight the good fight boldly, confidently, and without fear. Yet, as Paul speaks of taking hold of eternal life (v.12), the Lord gives us life (v.13), He is the King of Kings (v.15), and He alone is immortality (v.16), he shows our need to fight the good fight wholly leaning on our Lord’s grace in joys and in trials.

This year our district has had five churches celebrate 150 years of ministry. As I sat in one of these congregations recently, I was overwhelmed by the realization of how these churches have gathered around the Word and the blessed Sacraments well over 8,000 times, thousands of times receiving the body and blood of Christ, thousands of baptisms, hundreds of confirmations, numerous weddings, and more funerals than can be counted. These saints were fighting the good fight. Sometimes they walked into the Lord’s house with joyful hearts and other times in tears. Sometimes singing in clear harmony and other times with cracked voices. Sometimes with large numbers and sometimes with very few. The essence of our lives is not based on our surroundings, but on the crucified and risen Christ with whom we cling and continue to fight the good fight. 

In Christ (I Timothy 1:15)

Rev. Brady Finnern

District Prayer List
Call Update

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Farming Township spent the summer celebrating the congregation's 150th Anniversary. They share:

We held special Sunday services throughout the summer leading up to the anniversary celebration:

  • Confirmation Reunion – past confirmands were invited to attend followed by a potluck lunch. Our oldest confirmand is 106!
  • Heritage Sunday – ladies were encouraged to wear hats and men and women were asked to sit on opposite sides.
  • German themed picnic and service were held at a local park.
  • September 10th Anniversary Celebration – the first service was led by current Pastor David Steege and retired Pastor Fred Kutter. A catered lunch was served followed by the afternoon service led by MN North District President Brady Finnern and former Immanuel adopted student Pastor Joshua Reber.

Rev. Zachary Klumpp was ordained and installed at Gloria Dei Lutheran, Virginia and Redeemer Lutheran Church, Aurora on July 15th. Pictured are: Rev. Dr. Patrick Lovejoy, Rev. Tony Cloose, Rev. Michael Eckert, Rev. Ray Hendrickson, Rev. Mark Loder, Rev. Brad Felix, Rev. James Anthony, Rev. Zachary Klumpp, Rev. Don Stauty, Rev. Zachariah Burgdorf, Rev. Brady Finnern, Rev. Fritz Raedeke, Rev. Troy Peperkorn, Rev. Philip Houser, Rev. Nathaniel Konkel and Rev. Mark Peske.

Rev. Chad Berg was installed as Associate Pastor at St. John's Lutheran Church in Park Rapids, MN on July 16, 2023. His ordination was held at his home church, St. Andrew's in West Fargo, ND on the previous Sunday. Pictured are: Rev. Brady Finnern, Rev. Randy Stroming, Rev. Chad Berg, Rev. Dr. Larry Harvala and Rev. Jim Neubauer.

The MN North District welcomes all new workers installed during the previous year to an orientation at the District Office in August. This year's group was filled with smiles, children and fun! New workers enjoyed meeting the District staff, helpful presentations and worship as well as a mini-golf outing, a delicious dinner provided by Trinity in New York Mills, swimming at the hotel and Culvers ice cream provided by LCEF.

A large group of pastors gathered for the funeral of sainted pastor Rev. Robert Friedrich at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Willmar. Pictured here are: front row: Rev. Donald Fondow, Rev. Kent Borglum, Rev. Keith Brustuen, Rev. Jack Baumgarn, Rev. Dennis McManus, Rev. Brady Finnern. Middle row: Rev. John Grein, Rev. Dennis Schultz, Rev. Nathaniel Brown, Rev. David Tilney, Rev. Jonathan Varns. Back row: Rev. Terry Bramstedt, Rev. Roger Lange, Rev. Loren Kruse, Rev. Tim Renstrom, and Rev. David Baumgarn.

Rev. Dr. Tim J. Rehwaldt was traveling in style as one of the Pastoral Delegates to the 2023 LCMS Synod Convention held in Milwaukee, WI last month. In addition to daily worship, the convention included time for delegates to elect members of various board and leadership positions, vote on resolutions, hear essays and special presentations, study Luther’s Small Catechism, and learn more about the national and international work of the church. For convention minutes and news click HERE.

Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake George welcomed new members on August 13, 2023. It is such a joy to see our churches growing and sharing Jesus throughout the Minnesota North District. They are pictured here with Pastor Philip Houser (far left).


Connecting the Dots Just Got Easier

Does your congregation have news to share? Send your photos and stories to our Lutheran Witness Editor, Rev. Travis Lauterbach at:

LCMS Regional Vice President, Rev. Nabil Nour, invites you to join him on a "Nour Tour" in Israel during June 2024.


This altar from St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Wimbledon, ND is in need of a new home. For more information contact: Marion Kuhlmann at 701-435-2676.

MN North District | PO Box 604, Brainerd, MN 56401 | 218-829-1781 | |
