September 2022 | E-Newsletter

Missouri Cures Education Foundation is a statewide non-profit alliance working to promote & protect medical advances to improve the health of Missourians and stimulate the economy in our state. Donations are tax-deductible & support education and outreach programs.
From the Director's Desk:

This month, Missouri Cures lost a great supporter, a dedicated volunteer, and a friend. When I first met Arlene Rosengarten, she was interested in learning more about the work Missouri Cures does to promote and protect medical research. She excitedly became a Key Volunteer in 2018, and soon after began attending our symposia, WISER Events, and volunteering to help at our community outreach events. Arlene was always ready to lend a hand when needed, and even after her ALS diagnosis, continued to be a supporter of our work at Missouri Cures. Arlene’s death is a solemn reminder of how vital our work at Missouri Cures is. We protect research in Missouri so that our researchers have the tools they need to find therapies and cures for ALS, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, and many other illnesses and conditions that affect the people we love. We are diminished by the loss of our friend and a great advocate for Missouri Cures, but we will continue our work in her stead.

Kindest regards,

Ellie Hayes

Executive Director

[email protected]

News Around Missouri:
University of Missouri:

From Analog to Digital

Saint Louis University:

Research: Low Testosterone Levels in Men Linked to COVID-Related Hospitalizations

Washington University:

Investigational Drug for Genetic Form of ALS Improves Disease’s Molecular Signs


Nasal COVID-19 Vaccine Approved in India Based on Washington University Technology

National & International:
WISER Woman:

September’s featured WISER Woman is Dr. Carissa Philippi, Associate Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience at University of Missouri St. Louis. Her research aims to understand the brain circuits underlying self-related processes, in both the healthy and dysfunctional brain (e.g., psychiatric illness). Self-related processing is essential for normal social and emotional functioning. In addition to her fascinating research, Dr. Philippi also volunteers her time as an officer with the Graduate Women in Science: STL Chapter. Learn more about her work here.

Meet the Researcher:

Dr. Andrew Kiselica is an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri School of Health Professions and Director of the Clinical Evaluation and Research in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ClEaR-ADRD) Lab. Dr. Kiselica's research focuses on developing ways to detect symptoms of Alzheimer's disease as early as possible and testing assistive technologies that can be used in managing these symptoms –including utilizing smart phone reminders. Dr. Kiselica’s lab is also involved in collaborations to better understand the relationship between stress and cognitive aging. Find out more here.

Community Events:

October 1: JDRF One Walk, Kansas City Metro

October 2: The OVERRUN Ovarian Cancer Foundation Walk/Run – Kansas City 

October 2: 4th Annual Rockin' Against Multiple Sclerosis Columbia Golf Tournament - Columbia

October 8: 2022 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbia

October 15: St Louis WALK to End Hydrocephalus - St. Louis

October 22: Making Strides against Breast Cancer - Springfield

October 23: 2022 St. Louis, Walk to End Colon Cancer

November 5: Gateway Hemophilia Association Trivia Night - St. Louis

November 19: Run for ALD, Cure the Boys! - Chesterfield

If you would like to add your organizations upcoming event to our Community Events section, please click here.

Get Involved:

Missouri Cures would like to take a moment to thank all of our volunteers who signed up to help at the Greentree Festival last week and at the Tower Grove Pride Fest this weekend. We are so grateful for your continued support and commitment to our mission. If you would like to become a Key Volunteer and help Missouri Cures promote and protect medical research in Missouri please click here or reach out to me directly at [email protected].

Invite friends & relatives to join our mailing list!

Missouri Cures Education Foundation | PO Box 16580 | St. Louis, MO 63105 | Website


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