News & Updates
September 2020 | Issue 9
A Few Words from Our MASWA President
Please join us for our Virtual Membership Meeting, September 24.
Is the that time already?  Fall is upon us and with that comes the awe inspiring changing of the colors of our cherished landscapes. It is the time when we prep ourselves for more change. It is different this time because we have already been experiencing much change in our daily lives. Due to the current health situation we have made many adjustments and have helped others do the same. We have learned that we have the ability to change and to alter things quickly.   There is something very important about the change into this beautiful season this time. It is our ability to bounce back! Hopefully we have learned something about ourselves and how we are able to be resilient in tough times.
We, at MASWA, are motivated to help keep you going. We will continue to have monthly membership meetings and other events albeit virtually because we realize it is important to maintain some forms of socialization, education and dependence. As you may be aware, our yearly Fall Aging Conference has been postponed to next year, October 7, 2021. Please mark your calendars. We are not going to skip an October meeting. We will still have an informative virtual membership meeting in October with another good speaker. You can count on us to provide legislative and other informative updates through our Newsletters and Facebook page:

Change can be stressful and can make its mark on our ability to help others. Here are a few “Self-Care Strategies” offered by the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. This may help during this time of change.

1.  Take care of your own health by getting good sleep, exercise and paying attention to proper eating habits.
2.  Try to take breaks from work and news coverage and try to refocus and recharge.
3.  Stay connected by reaching out to friends, family and colleagues for good socialization. MASWA can help here.
4.  Stay grounded by remembering what’s important and by relaxing your mind. Yoga and exercise helps.
5.  Talk it out with someone if feelings of apathy, anger, depression or stress become paramount. 

As the leaves begin to show off their true colors, may you continue to be resilient during this time of change. Stay healthy and happy! See you virtually, September 24th.

Georgene Connelly
MASWA President