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Soul Friends,

Things are acutely heating up this month on our blue planet or should I say red planet? Sure you can feel it whether your empathic or not, if you are still breathing air you may have noticed the energy somedays is thick, hot, and feels toxic even it your not on the West Coast.  As a Super-Sensitive Shaman, I have been cooling down my feelings of Anxiety, Anger that can lead to Agoraphobia through affirmative prayer, meditation, and simply slowing down my breathing while sitting nearby Lake Anne all day on Sunday and Monday. I call it the alarming AAA, and sometimes you may feel like calling a tow truck to be lifted to the 5th dimension of Love, Peace, and Oneness but unfortunately it takes consistent practice to get there and stay there. Earth is going through a major purge, a collective colonic so to speak, that has gotten a bit messy. Looks like the hose burst and stuff flying everywhere. With the newly added trauma of the raging wildfires along the West Coast on top of the virus's fear, and racial inequality issues it can be overwhelming to navigate through daily life with calm awareness and grace.

 I am here to share with you these are exactly the times we have trained for! My fellow Warriors of Light I will pull out my sparkling toolbox filled with sacred stones, feathers, essential oils, organic herbs, and musical instruments to soothe my soul and can help soothe yours as well.  My daily practice consists of of breathwork, preferring oxygen in the forest or on your porch slowing it down, using several different patterns of breath to calm ourselves first, then when invited in reach out to others around the world who are open to the holistic, natural and ancient indigenous forms of healing ourselves and our planet. A New Earth is being born and we have to be patient for no one knows exactly when we will walk safely on the NEW EARTH but it's a coming!

The dream I had a few nights ago was affirming the end of the virus coming soon and it to affecting to harm the masses! I was preparing my home to have a celebration party with lots of holistic healers coming together not having to distance from each other hugging and dancing together. In the dream, it was the end of November 2020 so let us see in a couple of months if this was a premonition dream, I sure pray for that to be true. 
In the meantime most of the events are still on Zoom, however, Flow Jam is happening in October outside using the guidelines to keep souls safe. Earthlight Promotions supports Meredith for going ahead with it for our community really could use this reconnection and camaraderie, space very limited so scroll down to get your tickets today. 

Beverly L Nickerson, Founder Earthlight Promotions, Super Sensitive Shaman. Spiritual Life Coach


Offering 1 Hour Complementary Zoom Spiritual Coaching Session
Beverly L Nickerson, Spiritual Director, Sacred Sensitive Shaman,
Energy Healer,
Detox Coach Guidance
Immune Building Herb
Time of Transformation !
Divination Card
Take a Sacred Journey Deep Inside Your Own Consciousness With A Shamanic Guide
Special Spiritual Coaching Session During These Challenging Times
20% discount on 5 sessions
30% discount on 10 sessions
Beverly L Nickerson, Spiritual Director/Spiritual Coach
Click below for more details :

Sound Bowls & Ceremonial Cacao
Meridian Hill Park DC
Lead by Dante & Pranayana

Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 6 PM – 7:30 PM
Sliding Scale $20-$40

Yoga Mat and Blanket
Come on empty stomach (1-2 hours after your last meal)
Journal Prompts are always welcome

Join us, Pranayana and Dante, for a healing journey with Sound Bowls and Ceremonial Cacao. Medicine of Cacao has been knowing for centuries and has been only given to noble warriors and served only in ceremonies to create a great flow of energy in the body and spirit. Rich in minerals and healthy fats cacao will create a Heart Opening experience, which will allow you to deepen your sound journey lead by Dante. After spending a year in Guatemala, on Lake Atitlan, Yana has developed a regular practice with ceremonial cacao, which is known to enhance creativity, speed up blood circulation, and connect to the emotional body. Served in a sacred circle, with Icaros and prayer, Cacao supports the manifestation of your deepest desires.

Click Facebook Events For More Details

Flow Jam 2020
FlowJam Festival is now a 4 day Universal Healing Arts Festival with live music 🎶 yoga, dance, art installations, theme camps, spinners, fire 🔥 and more! Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, on Virginia's farmland. The festival started on our founders 16 acre farm in Bluemont, VA. 
After serving Loudoun County for 6 years, we're expanding our reach into our neighboring county, Culpepper. Still only 90 minutes outside of the Nation's Capital and 90 minutes from Richmond, VA. 

We bring talented local musicians, artists, healers, yoga teachers, educators, and environmental activists together in community at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We bring awareness to the importance of the healing arts through creative classes, and workshops, embracing nature and through good local music that feeds the soul.
We invite you to join us to heal and celebrate love and life.

**COVID-19 DATE CHANGE to October 15-18th 2020 and to allow for as much space as possible on our 55 acre farm, we are capping passes at 250. Weekend passes ONLY will be available for purchase until further notice in order to reduce traffic and maintain our cap, while still being able to fund and produce this healing event. We will be implementing safe procedures at the festival to run it as safely & smoothly as possible so that you can enjoy healing in nature. This will include camping spaces 6 ft apart, spaced outdoor classes, inside classes will be capped and we'll be running temperature checks at the gate. Please respect your fellow jammer's and BE SAFE with our new guidelines**

Earthlight Promotions Presents Healy
Raise Your Vibration Through Microcurrent Technology
Just another TOOL in my tool box to raise our vibration!

Healy is a Cutting edge German based company with a long history, (Timewaver is the parent company), pioneering an advanced Microcurrent technology - Tesla Energy-Frequency-Vibrations, in a wearable health solutions app for your Smartphone and Smartwatch.

Healy "balances" the frequency resonance of the body.  Beyond being FDA listed for Pain Relief support, arthritis, and over extended muscles, the Healy devices can do many things for your health*. As you know due to federal regulations claims can’t be made.

Healy does not claim to cure any ailment or disease. It simply provides frequencies that are intended to resonate with the cells in your body and help to increase the voltage of those cells that are below the -70 mV that are classified as healthy cells. This is the basis of frequencies for health. Our magnificient bodies were designed to heal itself if given the correct tools. Right frequencies allow our bodies to come into balance and use the tools we have to an even great degree.

The frequency programs that Healy contains enhance and promote your Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social, Financial Health and Wellbeing. This versatile little device can be used for many different health situations as well as for the supportive therapy. Among the many health and wellbeing benefits, Healy offers you individual programs that can support you in the following areas:

Bioenergetic Balance - Promotes the bioenergetic balance of your organs and balances disturbances in your energy field.
Protection Programs - Promotes your bioenergetic balance, vitality and wellbeing and protection from EMF's.
Sleep - Helps you get better rest and sounder sleep through relaxation.
Mental Balance - Supports you in regaining emotional and mental balance.
Job - Relaxation and resistance to stress are reinforced by the Healy applications. (job does not actually refer to "your job")
Skin - Designed to bio-energetically support your skin through special applications.
Learning - Helps you focus when you really need to.
Fitness - Helps you to achieve your athletic goals.
Gold Cycle - Helps you feel fit and balanced.e
Meridians - Helps to improve the flow of your life energy.
Chakras and the Aura - Helps you activate and harmonize your energy centers.
The cost of the Healy ranges from $500 to $2400
Please email or call me with questions and I will also share how to take advantage of the Promo where you can get a FREE Healy and by sharing the Healy you can get a thank you check!
Beverly L Nickerson, Spiritual Life Coach, Sacred Sensitive Shaman, Energy Healer
Yet another way to raise our vibration!

Brigitte Reflexology

Brigitte's Reflexology is unique, holistic, non-invasive therapy for Mind and Body which works on the reflex points of your feet. Brigitte helps re-balance and heal your body, mind and spirit with an array of modalities which she learned over 25 years. Her sessions are tailored to your needs.

Come to visit her website for more information

Dear potential clients, Yes I am opened by appointment only. I sanitize the office, I wear a mask and I work 6 feet away from your face. Please wear a mask too and come to de-stress and rejuvenate in a (non-crowded) peaceful environment. Not your typical reflexology. Take care and be safe. Best Brigitte
I am offering $20 off to New Clients for their 1st session
Brigitte Wiss, Holistic Reflexologist


Stuart Hill
Teaching Traditional Yoga Styles
Join For September !
Or just try a couple classed free just email 
Offering 65 Yoga Classes Each Month!
On Zoom for just $50.00 Per Month
During this time of self quarantine

Looking for a source of on-line yoga? Increase strength, stamina, and flexibility; reduce stress and connect with the greater consciousness; prepare for and meditate if you like. Stuart Hill has been teaching Kundalini and Hatha Yoga for 10 years. His certifications include Hatha E-RYT 500 and Kundalini E-RYT 200, and Silver Yoga Certifications. 

Please join the classes for June! -- Offering 65 Yoga Classes/month  -- On Zoom for just $50.00 Per Month
Looking for a source of on-line yoga? Increase strength, stamina, and flexibility; reduce stress and connect with the greater consciousness; prepare for and meditate if you like. Stuart Hill has been teaching Kundalini and Hatha Yoga for 10 years. His certifications include Hatha E-RYT 500 and Kundalini E-RYT 200, and Silver Yoga Certifications.
Stuart is currently offering 17 classes per week, including:
- Three (3) Kundalini classes,
- Six (6) Gentle Yoga Level 1 & 2 classes,
- Five (5) Hatha Flow Beginner/Intermediate classes,
- Monthly Live Concert
These classes are live and on-line using the Zoom platform. This allows the teacher to demonstrate poses, and for the teacher to view you and suggest any modifications to improve your practice. Classes are every morning and some evenings.

Please visit for timings of classes, detailed descriptions and to register click below

Email To Sample a Few Classes

 You have access to 65 classes per month for $50! If you would like to sample a couple of classes, please email Stuart ( for a couple of free class passes. All you need is a laptop, IPAD, or iphone to join the classes. Classes often include live Native American Indian flute music, Tibetan bowls, and gong meditations during the relaxation period after each class. Students can join early to visit and hang around after for Q&A.

"I so look forward to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga Class on Zoom with Stuart Hill a few times per week. He has been my yoga teacher for many years and I really missed his classes and the awesome music he plays. During these quarantine times, being on zoom is the next best thing to in person classes it so keeps me in shape and happy . "

Take Time By Water And Breathe !

Walk In the Woods Breathe In the Good Oxygen in the Forest
