Absolute Yoga
In The Studio and Online
It's simple, it's easy. Join Absolute Yoga in person in the studio - social distancing - or online on Zoom
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Well, it finally got me. For over 2 ½ years I’ve somehow been able to outrun or escape from the COVID virus, but it found me this weekend. And now I’m writing this from a place many have gotten familiar with since March 2020 – home isolation or quarantine. I have now joined a majority of Americans, almost 60%, who have been knowingly infected. I don’t feel great, but I know it could be worse, and I’m happy to be building up extra antibodies against this crazy virus that we’ve all gotten to know and have to live with. 

My first reaction after taking the at home test and finding those two distinct lines was “OH NO (or maybe it was something harsher with some off-color 4 letter words mixed in) and thinking about all the things that I was going to have to cancel for the week and people that I had to talk to who I had seen or who could cover for my classes and at the studio. But then I thought, experts say that most everyone is going to get it at some point, and I’m happier that I’ve gotten it now having been vaccinated and boosted, than if I got it in the Spring of 2020 which could have landed me in the hospital or worse. I’ve got all the symptoms, sore throat, sneezing, headache, fever, and body aches, but everything is mild so I’m hoping it will stay that way and disappear quickly. 

I truly believe that one of the reasons I haven’t had COVID over these years is because of this practice of yoga. No, I’m not saying it is a preventative or that there is really any scientific evidence to support that, but I know for myself that the practice of yoga, including asana (physical practice), pranayama (breath) and meditation, reduces stress and a reduction in stress is a boost to the immune system. This practice of yoga is a healing practice. Scientific research has indicated that yoga has shown improvement in people with PTSD, reducing fatigue in cancer patients, reducing blood pressure in in those with high blood pressure as well as reducing sugar in diabetic patients.  Several clinical trials have also shown the effect of yoga in improving pulmonary function in patients with asthma and pulmonary disease.

The silver lining or the yogic perspective of seeing the good in every situation, which I always try to do, is that I have a week off to rest, plan a trip to the Canadian Rockies for next summer, look for new bathroom faucets and fixtures online, review our insurance policies to make sure we aren’t paying too much and plan for what I want to do at the studio for our 20th Anniversary (WOW), which is this month. More on that at another time and for another Sunday email. And as I start to feel better, I will get back on my mat because I know that this practice will help me not only de-stress, but aid in the recovery process. We hope to see you on your mat this week in any one of our in-studio or online classes where you, too, can de-stress, build immunity and gain all the many benefits that this practice has to offer you. As always, thanks for reading my musings. Namaste, Leslie

Below is our schedule for the upcoming week

September12 - 18


  • Instructor Substitutions this Week: Anne is subbing for Marissa's Monday class at 4:30pm. Greg Fleck will be subbing for all of Adam's classes while he is on vacation. Hollie will be subbing for Leslie's Monday 11am class as well as her Tuesday 9:30am Feel Good Stretch Class.  Erica is subbing for Leslie's Tuesday 4:30pm class and Theresa is subbing for her Tuesday 6pm class. Leslie is going to try to teach her MS class on Tuesday online from home.  We shall see!!   We have kept the instructor for Leslie's Friday classes blank, hoping she will feel better and be up to returning to the studio, but that is yet to be determined. 

  • Time Change Note:  Please note that Theresa's class on Thursday is now at 4:45PM to make it easier for her to get to the studio in a timely manner from her day school teaching job.  

Children's and Family Yoga is Returning to Absolute Yoga

We are excited to once again offer yoga for the little ones, as well as Family Yoga, at the studio through Yogibeans. For more information and to pre-register, contact info@yogibeans.com or call 212-585-BEAN (2326).. Classes begin the last week in September.Still time to register for these great classes.

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Individual Private Instruction: Are you new to yoga or already practicing but interested in deepening your physical practice to create greater strength and flexibility with attention to your specific body and needs? Are you looking to expand your knowledge of yoga philosophy and the teachings of yoga? Maybe you are recovering from an injury that requires your yoga practice to be more attentive to you individual needs. Or maybe you are having trouble finding a scheduled class that fits into your busy schedule and lifestyle? Private yoga sessions, whether located at the studio or in your home, allow us to tailor the teachings to your specific personal needs and desires.  

Group Private Instruction: Practicing yoga with a group offers you the opportunity to develop a wonderful, healthy lifestyle with friends or family, while you are having fun! Group yoga practice also offers a chance to inspire or be inspired by those around you. Private sessions can be held in one of the participants’ homes, in a park or in the studio.

Corporate Instruction: This is great way to get healthy and change and energize the atmosphere of your office for the better. We will come to your office, school or meeting and provide instruction tailored specifically to the needs of your group, whether it is for releasing stress or getting your employees moving after long days behind their desk, yoga can improve your employment atmosphere and help your employees or co-workers in so many ways. Some benefits include:
  • reduced stress and tension
  • increased energy, focus, motivation and productivity
  • improve physical and mental strength and fitness
  • improve employee posture and flexibility

For more information about individual or group private and corporate instruction or to book a session, please email info@absoluteyogastudio.com indicating private or corporate yoga in the subject matter. We look forward to serving your individual needs.


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Meridith Novara-Tamaki is a NYS Licensed Massage Therapist with a passion for healing others. Her nurturing spirit combined with her fascination of Kinesiology and structural anatomy is what guided her into Massage Therapy. Her clients often refer to her as “Magic Hands” because they typically leave her treatment room feeling centered, peaceful and like they just “melted into her table”.

Meridith takes a holistic approach to each treatment encompassing the mind, body and spirit of every client. She firmly believes that calming the mind is just as important as relaxing the muscles. Each treatment is tailored to the individual client’s needs to help them reach their personal healing goals. Clients always leave Meridith’s care feeling rejuvenated and are left wanting more!

Meridith practices what she preaches and has dedicated herself to maintaining optimal health and wellness through her many years of experience in weight training, various aerobic activities and exercises, as well as her personal Yoga practice. She obtained her Associates Degree in Massage Therapy from the New York College of Health Professions in Syosset and her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury. She worked in Human Resources for 12 years prior to finding her true calling of Massage Therapy.

When away from her massage table, Meridith loves spending time with her family, which includes caring for and chasing after her two very active toddlers. She has a 6-year-old son and a 3-year-old daughter. Meridith enjoys teaching them both about the importance of maintaining a happy, healthy and balanced lifestyle. They, of course, take full advantage of having a Massage Therapist Mommy and ask for a massage almost every day! If you’re interested in booking a massage with Meridith, you can reach her at:

Email: merinovatam.lmt@gmail.com          Cell Phone: 516-375-5630

Instagram: @merinovatamlmt

(other than Adam and Pre-natal classes - see below)
Meeting ID: 559-933-2403
Password: ABSOLUTE

Zoom ID for Adam and Pre-Natal classes

Meeting ID: 750-512-4095
Password: ABSOLUTE

New Student or Dropping In: As we are keeping the in-studio classes smaller, we request that you pre-register when coming in to the studio for classes. Drop in or class packages can be purchased through our MINDBODY software. We recommend that you pre-register for online classes as well. This will allow us to assist you with any issues that may arise with registering. In order to participate in online classes, all students will need to download the FREE Zoom technology at zoom.us/pricing.

 Please share our online class schedule with others, the more the merrier! Take a class with a friend from out of town. Have fun together in our virtual studio.
Thank you again for your continued support. 
May all beings be safe.
May all beings be kind.
May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be loved.
Visit our website to register for classes and workshops
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