News Happenings Around Town
A monthly message from your Mayor and City Council
Happy Fall Blue Springs! Our young people are officially back in school -- whether in-person or virtual -- and the weather is starting to seem bit cooler.
In this edition of "News Happenings Around Town," I want to share with you some fun and exciting news about our great community. Earlier this month, we celebrated the 140th birthday of our great City. It's amazing to think that we once had just 126 residents and today we are pushing 56,000.
Speaking of the number of residents in Blue Springs, make sure you are counted in the 2020 Census. The last day is September 30 and you can easily and quickly fill it out online at It's important for our community that each and every one of you are counted.
Please read through this newsletter to find out more great things happening in our City. And remember, stay strong, stay healthy and stay safe!
Happy 140th Birthday, Blue Springs!
Blue Springs was incorporated as a City of Blue Springs on September 7, 1880 and John A Webb was elected as the City's first Mayor. At that time the population was 126. On this 140th anniversary we think about the many changes in the City since that historic date.
National Literacy Day Proclamation
I had the pleasure of presenting proclamation for National Literacy Day to the Fort Osage Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution on Tuesday, September 15. Literacy Day is an opportunity for Governments, civil society and stakeholders to highlight improvements in world literacy rates, and reflect on the world's remaining literacy challenges.
20th Anniversary of the Blue Springs Public Art Commission
On September 6, 2000, the City Council passed Ordinance No 3334 to create the Blue Springs Public Art Commission. The 20th anniversary of the establishment of the PAC is a time to recognize the cultural, social and economic opportunities that art displays bring to the community.
The concept of the Public Art Commission was led by Lois Krueger and Kelli McDill who provided dedicated leadership to fulfill the mission to enhance the artistic vitality of Blue Springs. The charter members of the Commission included Lois, Kelli, Eleanor Frasier and Kent Edmondson.
Since the inception of the Blue Springs Public Art Commission, the PAC has worked to install 41 permanent art pieces, 16 private pieces, 5 retired pieces and 27 temporary pieces. The Public Art Commission plans to publish a 20th anniversary book, 20 + 1 -- available for purchase in early 2021 -- featuring all 89 art work displayed the last 20 years.
StorTropolis Ribbon Cutting
Mayor Carson Ross, members of the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce gathered September 1 for the Ribbon-Cutting at StorTropolis located at 3140 NW Jefferson St.
COVID-19 and Blue Springs
Closed to the public until further notice. During this time, the City of Blue Springs will continue to provide vital City Services via our website, telephone and email.
City phones are still active and we encourage residents to call 816-228-0110 or use our website to determine the appropriate email or phone number to contact each department directly.
BUILDING INSPECTIONS AND LAND USE PERMITS: The City is expanding its efforts to help protect residents from the spread of COVID-19 and has temporarily suspended in person services at all City Hall facilities. Building permits and land use applications can now be submitted electronically, via mail, or dropped off at City Hall. Please follow the instructions to assist you in submitting your proposal or for resubmitting documents. You may also submit select permits and license applications by visiting our Citizens Self Service Portal.
City of Blue Springs News
City to resume late penalties on past due water/sewer bills Oct. 1
Effective October 1, 2020, the City of Blue Springs will resume charging late fees on past due utility bills. Residents have until October 1 to avoid being charged penalties on past due amounts. Disconnections and penalties...
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Now seeking entries to the Annual My Blue Springs Photo Contest
The City of Blue Springs is hosting the eleventh annual 'My Blue Springs' Photo Contest and we'd love to see photos depicting what you love about the City of Blue Springs. There will be one winner in each age category and one overall winner.
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Missouri Secretary of State, Mayor Ross to discuss voting in Missouri
Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and Blue Springs Mayor Carson Ross will join other local officials at Blue Springs City Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 22, to promote the safety of in-person voting and the new 2020 absentee and mail-in voting options. The ...
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NE RD Mize will be closed between NE Napoleon Dr. and NE Adams Dairy Pkwy for roadwork 9/23
The City of Blue Springs is alerting motorists that NE R.D. Mize Road will be closed for a full-depth asphalt removal and replacement between NE Napoleon Drive and NE Adams Dairy Parkway. This project is anticipated to take five days to complete...
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Fall 2020 Blue Springs Magazine and Fall Activity Guide now available online
Blue Springs Magazine - Fall 2020
Learn more about the City of Blue Springs and what makes our community strong in the Fall 2020 edition of the Blue Springs Magazine. This issue features stories from small businesses and community organizations finding success admidst a pandemic.
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Play Naturally Fall 2020
Fall 2020 edition of the Blue Springs Parks and Recreation Activity Guide. *All events and programs listed in the Fall 2020 Play Naturally Activity Guide are subject to change or cancellation. Follow us on social media or at...
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Sept. 21-27: Art in the Park Scavenger Hunt
Who's up for a Scavenger Hunt? Sign up to take part in our Art In The Park: Know Your City Scavenger Hunt September 21- 27.
Test your City knowledge and discover new areas to explore in Blue Springs in this FREE competition. The person or group with the most art found will receive a prize.
COVID Testing now weekly in Blue Springs
Haunted Candy Cruise: October 30
Friday, October 30 2020 | 6-8 p.m. -- Drive around Pink Hill Park and enjoy Halloween scenes, trick-or-treating with local vendors, snacks and more! All from the comfort and safety of your car!
Pre-registration is not necessary
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Contact Your City Councilmember:
I hope you have found this issue of "News Happenings Around Town" to be both informative and timely for your City information needs. Is there anything we missed? Do you have questions about any of the articles from this issue? Share your thoughts with me and the City Council by calling City Hall at 816-228-0111 or by sending us an email. Know that we truly value your time and support of our City and hope you join us for the next issue of "News Happenings."
Carson Ross, Mayor
City of Blue Springs