September 2019 Edition
School it autumn?
It looks like we can sadly kiss this summer goodby. Kids are back in school, high temperatures for the day have finally dropped below 100 degrees, fall officially begins this month on the 23rd, and..... we're off to Denver for 3 weeks for our annual year-end inventory buying extravaganza at the International Denver Gem, Fossil & Mineral Show. I see a semi delivery in our near future full of treasures for our 14th Annual Denver Trunk Sale on October 11 - 14. We have also been meeting with several new vendors since attending the Dallas and Las Vegas Marts so we will be adding lots of new inventory that we've chosen from these new vendors to our Denver Trunk Sale. We've scaled this show back to only a four day event so be sure to mark that weekend on your calendars now.

RockFest was great fun again this year. Congratulations to all our gift certificate winners and kids that won prizes.  As part of our annual company meeting, we discussed the pleasure this event brings for us and the community, so watch for some new exciting additions and changes for RockFest next year.

Our 2nd Annual Jewelry Bazaar last month was wonderful and an enjoyable experience for vendors, customers and Nature's Treasures alike. There was a great variety of merchandise to choose from and all the local artisans appreciated the opportunity to showcase their work and talents. This is another event that we feel helps build community support so, look for us to be enhancing this event again next year.

A quick little update on my travels. I couldn't end this year without going to the redwoods again, this time northern California near Eureka thru the Avenue of The Giants and Lady Bird Johnson Grove where the largest redwoods on this planet still exist. We drove an SUV thru a redwood tree (whew), visited the ocean and walked along the beach, used my new rockshop app and stopped at 2 rock shops (a shout out to The Philosopher's Stone and Chapman's), captured several pictures of tree fairies and guards and, the best part, brought home a piece of bark that is growing into it's very own Texas redwood tree who we call Red.

Happy Labor Day to all and if you are lucky enough to have the day off, come check out our Labor Day Sale and celebrate with us. We'll be open all day from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm.

I'll finish with a gentle reminder that September 8th is recognized and celebrated as "Grandparents Day". Being a Grandparent and a Great Grandparent myself, I feel a responsibility in reminding everyone that spending time with a Grandparent is always extra special and usually gifted with wisdom.


Karen Richards
& The Staff


Special Offers

Shop Nature's Treasures ONLINE!

Free In Store Pickup

Free Standard Shipping for Orders over $ 50.00

Now you can log in to your account using your favorite social media account! Link your Facebook, Twitter or Amazon account to streamline checkout and more easily manage your account! 

In the Community Events Center

Saturday, Sept. 7, 3-5pm
Austin Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess - First Saturday
Saturday, Sept. 14, 7-9pm 
Full Moon Event  
in the Studio   
Monday Sept. 23 , 7-9pm 
Fall Equinox
Learn More  

Saturday, September 7th, 11am-5pm
in the Auditorium
FREE Admission!!!
Guided Angel
Leslie Werling
Friday, September 13th  
in the Studio
  Maureen St. Germain
The Practical Mystic and Author
 Fri. Sept. 27, 7:30-9:30
 " How To Know When You Know"
Take the Higher Self Challenge - Connect to your Higher Self getting 100% accuracy. What can you expect in the new reality - before it takes you by surprise!  
Sat. Sept. 28, 10:00-5:00 -  Full day  
Take the Higher Self Challenge
Dive Deep and Wake up in 5D
Tickets available here
PRIVATE SESSIONS Sun. Sept. 29, All Day  
Akashic Records Guidance  
Starbeings (Language of Light)
with Crystal Heaven International
September 21, 2019 - September 22, 2019
Join us for this 2-day event!
Join Crystal Heaven International for a certificated class for connecting to starbeings for guidance.
Saturday Sept 21 11am - 530pm
Sunday Sept 22 10am - 530pm
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft Auditorium  
and 1,200 sq ft Studio Space available for your event. 
  • Classes
  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • More
Check our calendar for availability and email our Events Director at -
In the Community 

Looking Ahead

The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge

No Rushin' Russian Minerals! 

Russia is known to produce many highly sought after gems, minerals and rocks. One of the more popular stones you might know of is called Shungite, while two others, Charoite and Seraphinite, might be new gemstones for you. Highly sought after by collectors and metaphysicians for their unique properties, these materials all have limited availability. To learn more about them,  READ HERE.

What's New? 

In The Store
New Amethyst Ring Slabs 

New 3D Holographic prints
Bookmarks, Jotters, Magnets,
Postcards and Posters

At The Counter
   SS Curb Chains Restocked!

Libyan Glass Pendants  
In The Depot

Rainbow Moonstone Cabochons

Sirius Amethyst Drilled Beads

Monthly WINNER!

$25 Gift Certificate! 

Nena B. 

Be sure to enter the drawing 
next time you're in the store!   


Blue Sapphire likely derives its name from the Sanskrit word sanipriya meaning "dear to the planet Saturn," and is considered one of the few precious gemstones. By definition, a gemstone is a rare, beautiful and durable stone, and since Sapphire has a beautiful blue hue, a Mohs hardness of 9 out of 10 and no cleavage planes it is considered one of the most precious gemstones.  

In addition to its physical traits, Sapphire is considered precious because of the belief that it makes one "favorable to God" according to the ancient Greek historian Damigeron and is said to protect against envy and regulate all bodily functions.  A great stone for meditation, Blue Sapphire guides one in spiritual endeavors. Judy Hall states in The Crystal Bible that it "facilitates self-expression and speaking your truth." 

Did you know that Sapphire occurs in a rainbow of colors? To read more about them, CLICK HERE.

Aura, Meridian & Chakra  
Photos & Video
Now Available DAILY!!! 
Walk-ins Welcome! 
With our updated Aura Machine, you can see the color of your aura. 
Offered daily and starting at only $25, this is a great gift to give yourself or a loved one.  
11:00AM - 6:00PM
9/1 Denise Nitti - Intuitive Medium, Intuitive Artist, Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Worker, Reiki Master.

9/1 Anaya Angelica

9/2 Eva Lott - Metaphysical minister, reiki master, stress management.

9/3 Mia Michel - Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings.

9/4 Laura Tree - Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation.

9/5 Elaine Ireland - Tarot reading & psychic work.

9/6 Tara Ventura - Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra).

9/7 Azhalea 'Sally' Ramirez - Angel Card Reader, Clairvoyant Medium, Energetic Healing.

9/7 Stefanie Fix - Tarot card reading & dream interpretation.

9/8 Alice Rodriguez - As a Psychic Medium Alice can receive messages from your deceased loved ones in spirit and your spirit guides.

9/9 Thumper Donnelly - Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives.

9/10 Kramer Wetzel - Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good humor.

9/11 Adrienne Goff - Author, teacher, healer, connecting you with your crystals.

9/12 Ricardo Gonzales - Psychic.

9/13 Anne Berlin - Psychic medium, psychometry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters.

9/14 Amber Soberon - Reiki Master.

9/14 Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Counseling, Tarot Reading, Angel Guiding, Coffee Cup Mapping, Akashic Records.

9/15 Anaya Angelica

9/15 Alice Rodriguez - As a Psychic Medium Alice can receive messages from your deceased loved ones in spirit and your spirit guides.

9/16 Eva Lott - Metaphysical minister, Reiki master, stress management.

9/17 Mia Michel - Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings.

9/18 Laura Tree - Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation.

9/19 Elaine Ireland - Tarot reading & psychic work.

9/20 Tara Ventura - Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra).

9/21 Rebecca Andrews - Colorpuncture removes blockages for a person to better access their Soul program.

9/21 Peter Hansen - Psychic Angelic Channeler, Medium, Etheric cord cutting.

9/22 Amber Soberon - Reiki Master.

9/22 Azhalea 'Sally' Ramirez - Angel Card Reader, Clairvoyant Medium, Energetic Healing.

9/23 Thumper Donnelly - Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives.

9/24 Kramer Wetzel - Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good humor.

9/25 Sheryl Martin - Psychic medium, dream interpreter, Reiki master, spiritual counselor, intuitive, life coach, & empath.

9/26 Ricardo Gonzales - Psychic.

9/27 Anne Berlin - Psychic medium, psychometry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters.

9/28 Denise Nitti - Intuitive Medium, Intuitive Artist, Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Worker, Reiki Master.

9/29 Stefanie Fix - Tarot card reading & dream interpretation.

9/29 Rebecca Andrews - Colorpuncture removes blockages for a person to better access their Soul program.

9/30 JaMecha Dodd - Empath, Energy healing, Sacral Transformation Coaching, life Coaching.
Personal Shopping Services
Custom Jewelry with
Crystal Heart Studio
Merlyn Dyches, metaphysical jeweler/artist and owner of the Crystal Heart Studio, will be onsite every 2nd and 4th Saturday offering stone wiring, wrapping and intuitive reading services.  Get your treasures and have them wrapped, bring your own in, or purchase finished wire wrapped jewelry on site!

Austin's Crystal Whisperer
What are your crystals telling you? 
Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer offers her Personal Crystal Readings to help you find, understand and connect with the rocks, minerals and crystals that are perfect for you! 

Rates start as low as 
$15.00 for 10 minutes

Book in Advance at:   

Meet Our Staff

Justin grew up in Leander and received two associates degrees from Austin Community College.  He joined the Nature's Treasures team as part of a competition with a friend to see who could get a job in a geology-related field first.  In addition to a passion for rocks, Justin loves biking and went abroad to Bosnia to bike the mountainous terrain there.  You may see him in our Rock Depot, but if you're into Austin night life you might also see him around town playing in his band, Onyxyria.

Monthly Astrology

At the end of July, we had a gorgeous New Moon in Leo. This energy will still be roaring into our lives the first week of the month. A mighty Full Moon in Aquarius reaches a crescendo on August 15th, bringing our attention to how we relate with other people. The month ends on a shining note again as a New Moon in Virgo on August 30th tells us to dig down into the details to build the life of our dreams...
Read More!    
Take a
Virtual Tour

Can't get into the store? Want to
take a virtual tour?  Google came out and did a VR of Nature's Treasures. 


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