New York Agriculture in the Classroom | September 2019
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Are you incorporating agriculture into your classroom? We want to see, tag us on social media @NewYorkAITC on Twitter and NYAITC on Facebook. 

Give us a follow at @nyagintheclassroom on Instagram and see what's happening across the state in classrooms just like yours.     
Important Dates:

Sept. 15-  CHS Classroom Grant Applications Due

Oct. 3- Top Cut Pre-Registration Due

Oct. 4 NAITC Conference Workshop Proposals Due

Oct. 16- Beef Farm Virtual Field Trip

Oct. 29- Teacher of the Year Nominations Due

March 16-20- Agricultural Literacy Week

June 23-26- National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference
Top Cut: Beef Contest Pre-Registration Open!
There are many places we interact with food: in the cafeteria at school, at the grocery store, on the farm, and more. But where can you find good food on the move? In a food truck, or course! The theme for this year's Top Cut: Beef Contest is a food truck challenge. 

NEW! Expanded for 2019: Grades 3-12 can compete to create their own food truck beef product in their respective divisions. Welcome, elementary educators! 

The Top Cut: Beef Contest is an exciting that engages students with beef production and cooking, while also focusing on developing a marketing plan. The cross-curricular program entails creatively developing a marketing strategy for a product or recipe of their choice to be sold in a food truck.  Each grade-level division will be vying for the chance to win $250 and a barbecue grill for their classroom from the New York Beef Council. Prize money will also be awarded to second and third place classrooms. 

The deadline for contest registration is October 3. Visit the  contest page on our website to learn more!
New York Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher of the Year: Nominations Open
Nominate yourself or an amazing educator who integrates agriculture regularly in their curriculum. This top honor is awarded each year to a teacher, or a team of teachers, who are committed to ensuring that their students are agriculturally literate. The winning nomination will earn an expense-paid trip to the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. All nominations are due Tuesday, October 29 , 2019

Visit the New York Agriculture in the Classroom website for the more information and to read about the past winners. Complete the  application  today!
Take a Virtual Field Trip to a New York Beef Farm
Two virtual field trips, one for elementary classrooms and one for middle and high school classrooms, will virtually transport students to a beef farm and share how beef is grown and cared for in New York.  Students will chat directly with a farmer and experts during live Q&A sessions during the trips.  Join us on a tour of O'Mara Farms to learn about the beef lifecycle, cattle care, and environmental stewardship practices on their farm. These trips will be offered on Wednesday, October 16 at 9am for grades K-5 and at 12:30pm for grades 6-12. 

Registration will be capped at 15 classroom connections per trip so be sure to register early. Visit our website to learn more or register here
CHS Classroom Grant Applications Open
The CHS Foundation is funding fifteen $500 classroom grants for school garden, embryology and other agriculture-related classroom projects. Teachers in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to apply and the deadline for applications is September 15. Teachers whose projects are selected for funding will have until the end of the school year to complete their projects. Apply for a 2019 CHS Foundation Classroom Grant or learn about CHS Foundation Classroom Grants funded in the past.
Get Ready for "Agriculture Elevated"
The 2020 National Agriculture in the Classroom Confere nce is seeking workshop proposals that demonstrate how agricultural concepts can be used to teach reading, writing, math, nutrition, science, social studies and more. The conference called 'Agriculture Elevated' is set for June 23-26 at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, UT.  Workshop presenters receive a $50 reduction on their conference registration. The deadline for workshop proposals is Friday, October 4 Submit a workshop proposal here.
Agricultural Literacy Grant Spotlight
Tanya Adams- Cobleskill Campus Child Care Center
"Outdoor Garden and Classroom"
The Child Care Center, located on the SUNY Cobleskill Campus, is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to sustainability. Their "Outdoor Garden and Classroom" will not only aid in lowering food costs, but will further their goals of educating children in responsibility, nutrition, science, math, language and literacy. 
Staff and children of all ages will be able to participate in every step of the process, from planning the garden design to harvesting the crops they have grown from seeds. Throughout the growing process, students will utilize lessons from the National Agriculture in the Classroom Curriculum Matrix to enhance and supplement their hands-on learning experiences. They will then use all produce harvested from their garden for preparing healthy breakfasts, lunches and snacks for children and staff. 
This garden classroom will allow children of all ages to connect to growing food in a variety of ways throughout the growing season. An indoor greenhouse and raised beds will provide the opportunity for students during the school year and summer camp season to participate in planting, watering, harvesting, eating, and all other steps in-between.

Learn more about the Agricultural Literacy Grant and view the other recipients on our  website
Teacher Resources
Elementary Resources
My Farm Web
In this lesson students will use the visual representation of a web to explore the role of agriculture in their daily lives and understand how most of the necessities of life can be traced back to the farm.

People and Plants Need Nutrients
Students will learn that although plants and people obtain nutrients differently, they both need proper amounts of nutrients to grow and be healthy in this K-2 lesson

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Students will explore organic and conventional farming practices by analyzing multimedia texts to investigate the differences between conventionally and organically grown apples. This lesson is recommended for students in grades 3-5. 
Working with Worms 
Students observe how earthworms speed the decomposition of organic matter and learn how this adds nutrients to the soil that are important for plant growth. Activities in this lesson include constructing worm habitats from milk jugs and completing  Ride the Wild Leaf Cycle  activity sheets. 

Middle School/ High School Resources
Charting Agricultural Careers
In this lesson students will explore the current and future needs required to produce food, clothing, shelter, and fuel; and the variety of agricultural STEM careers requiring critical thinkers and problem solvers to meet our needs.
Fungi Multiplication
Learn about edible mushroom cultivation and how one mushroom multiplies into many more in this lesson. Create a spore print, and explore ecology concepts by experimenting with mold and yeast growth and researching species of fungi. 
Nutrition Across the Lifespan
In this lesson, students will trace the energy and nutrition requirements of the human lifecycle from beginning to end and identify the physical and cognitive growth happening in each phase of life.

Before the Plate
Students will view the 2018 documentary  Before the Plate  and follow Canadian chef John Horne as he journeys to the source of ten primary food ingredients used in his restaurant. Using critical thinking skills, students will explore the farm-to-table journey of food in this lesson
September Book Nook
A Gardener's Alphabet
From A-Z, the garden is depicted with spare words and striking graphics. This elementary level book reinforce the letters of the alphabet and gardening simultaneously.

A Year on the Farm: with Casey & Friends
A Year on the Farm  introduces children to the world of modern farming, showing the tractors, combines and other equipment used from season to season. As a companion to lessons about machines or seasons children will learn how tasks vary from season to season and how machines make farm work easier and more efficient.
In this book, Wesley suffers rejection from classmates until he puts his school lessons to use and founds his own civilization around a staple crop that blows in on the wind. He turns over a plot of earth, and plants begin to grow. Wesley's innovations make a perfect tie-in for teaching about goods and services in the community and how agriculture creates jobs and influences development. 
New York Agriculture in the Classroom |
3rd Floor Kennedy Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853