September 2020 Newsletter
GVC Helps Green Golf Courses
GVC Executive Director Lou Etgen (right) handing a ceremonial tree to Baltimore Municipal Golf Corporation's Interim Executive Director Tom Pierce (center) and Board Chairman Larry Jennings (left).
On September 12, the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy (GVC) formally celebrated its partnership with the Baltimore Municipal Golf Corporation, also known as Baltimore's Classic Five. Since 2014, GVC has planted over 1,600 native trees around Pine Ridge Golf Course, which is located adjacent to Loch Raven Reservoir. The ceremony was held to announce GVC's intention to plant an additional 100 trees on site by the end of 2021.

This reforestation effort is essential because Loch Raven Reservoir's white pine stands are dying due to stand maturity, disease, weather damage, and invasive plants. GVC and Baltimore City Department of Public Works are in partnership to restore a healthy forest and its biodiversity with native hardwood species of trees and shrubs.

Several families from Pine Ridge Golf Course's Junior Golf program were on hand to plant trees along the ninth fairway. You can also help plant trees at Pine Ridge Golf Course and several other locations this fall - visit our online calendar of events to register!
Tour a Bay-Wise Church This Weekend!
You're invited to drop by the Clear Creeks Project Open House at Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1704 Old Eastern Avenue, Essex, MD 21221) on Sunday, October 4, from 11:30 am - 1 pm. Join us for small outdoor tours to view rain barrels, native tree plantings, and multiple conservation gardens, including the new microbioretention practices in the church parking lot. Learn how you can incorporate similar Bay-Wise practices at your home, business, or religious institution. You might even be eligible for our 50-80% Clear Creeks Project discounts!

We will also have our blue and white rain barrels available for purchase. Advance orders are strongly recommended. Click here to submit your rain barrel order!

All participants must wear a face mask and practice social distancing during the Open House. Thanks for your cooperation!
#GVCExplore for a Good Cause
It's official! Our Explore the Gunpowder Watershed Challenge shirts have started to hit the trails. We'd love for you to join us throughout the month of October! There's many ways to participate...

  • Make a donation to the GVC's fundraising page
  • Register for the challenge by creating your own fundraising page and making a $45 (Individual/1 shirt) or $75 (Family/2 shirts) donation. Our amazing Event Committee volunteers will be dropping off t-shirts in Baltimore County.
  • Share your favorite Gunpowder images on social media with our event hashtag #GVCExplore.
  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. You don't want to miss our Executive Director, Lou Etgen, sharing his own adventures as he walks the entire length of the Gunpowder Watershed!

The Explore the Gunpowder Watershed Challenge is intended to get people outdoors to discover (or re-discover) the beauty of the Gunpowder Watershed. With your support, we hope to raise $10,000 to help the GVC continue to plant trees, preserve land, clean streams and so much more.
Upcoming Calendar of Events
Get outdoors and make a difference! Make sure to sign up and reserve your spot. We are limiting the number of volunteers at each event in accordance with our COVID-19 guidelines. Here are our upcoming volunteer events that still have openings:

Sunday, Oct. 4: Tree Maintenance
Wednesday, Oct. 7: Tree Maintenance
Saturday, Oct. 10: Rain Garden workshop
Sunday, Oct. 11: Tree Maintenance
Saturday, Oct. 17: Tree Planting
Saturday, Oct. 17: Rain Garden workshop
Sunday, Oct. 18: Tree Maintenance
Saturday, Oct. 24: Rain Garden workshop
Saturday, Oct. 24: Tree Planting
Sunday, Oct. 25: Tree Maintenance
Saturday, Oct. 31: Tree Planting
Sunday, Nov. 1: Tree Maintenance
Saturday, Nov. 7: Tree Planting
Saturday, Nov. 14: Tree Planting
The Gunpowder Valley Conservancy dedicates our 2020 native tree and shrub plantings to the heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic: the men and women of our region who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve and protect us, heal our families, produce our food, and teach our children. We honor their contributions to the well-being of the Gunpowder Watershed.