Here's what you can expect in this month's newsletter!
  • Calendar of Events - Another Jam-Packed Fall Season
  • Tricks of the Trade - DPMs: Meetings Are Worth More than Credits
  • Speak Up DPMs!
  • Sponsor Feature: Bianco Brothers - A History of Service
  • Practice Partner Academy: Our Sponsors are Bringing It Next Month
  • Tricks of the Trade - Vendors: Milk Your Meetings
  • Speak Up Vendors!
  • Featured Meeting: Kent State Annual Southeast National Conference
  • Tricks of the Trade- Planner: Elevate Your Meeting Marketing with our Favorite Creative Resources

The Fall Season Kicks Off Education at All Levels!
With Dozens of Podiatric Continuing Education Meetings,
and Seminars from September through November... is Your Go-To Resource!
Making Meetings Social
Sarah Breymeier

I recently did a presentation for the American College of Podiatric Medicine regarding you can utilize social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn to advance your career. One of the hardest parts about keeping up with social media is creating new, original content on a consistent basis.

One of my recommendations was to make sure you take as many notes and pictures at meetings as you possibly can because if you didn't notice... you're immersed in an environment that is spewing out excuses for you to post on social media.

When you begin posting more on social media you open yourself up to create a stronger buzz with your current and prospective patients; you also create a brand for yourself within the industry which could open doors to opportunities like:
  • Speaking
  • Corporate Partnerships
  • New DPM Partnerships
  • Political Advancements (i.e. boards, committees)

To help, I've create a short list of opportunities for you to generate social media content from a meeting that could help both with your patient population and as well as advancements inside the profession:

Your Meeting Arrival
Take a picture by an interesting area of the meeting space/hotel.
Let your patients know that you are committed to continuing education by showing them that you aren't leaving the office for a fancy vacation, but to enhance their health care.

Selfies with Colleagues and Faculty
Take a picture with your friends that you don't see regularly.
Your friends are friends with people you probably don't know. Begin a domino-effect by tagging your friend in a picture on social media and create a new network of peers on social media.

Your Pearls
Selfies with Colleagues
Take a picture with your friends that you don't see regularly.
Your friends are friends with people you probably don't know. Begin a domino-effect by tagging your friend in a picture on social media and create a new network of peers on social media.

Let Your Hair Down
Take pictures of some of the fun you're having.
Social media is probably the only way to let your patients "in" to a little bit of your more personal, authentic self. Take pictures of the activities you're engaging in during the meeting (i.e. awesome meals, area attractions, meeting social/networking events).

Showcase Product Innovation
Take pictures/videos of the exhibitor booths that you use in your office.
Finding time to create promotional materials for the products you dispense in the office can be difficult. Plus, you might not know exactly how to educate your patients about the products as well as the company representatives do. So, visit their booths and ask them to do a product demonstration on video (using your phone). This is great content to post on your social media channels by letting the product experts do the selling for you!

These are just a few ideas! Be sure to have your "social brain" turned on when you're at a meeting and seek out all the opportunities there are to create original content for your social media channels.
Monthly Quick Poll

Meetings have changed drastically since the end of 2019; and not even in just the way we receive content.

Before COVID-19, many stated that the meeting space was becoming too saturated. Now, we're seeing several meetings that got cancelled or postponed in 2020 to never seemingly resurrect. This could mean a lot of things for the podiatry meeting industry, one being the possibility of fewer general meetings, and more niche meetings.

So we want to know... if there are more niche meetings to attend, which types of niche content would you be most interested in seeking out:
Diabetes and Wound Care
Sports Medicine
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Other Not Listed Here
Helping You Choose Strategic Partners for Your Practice



My Go-To Products for Patient Offloading
Presented by Kevin Brown, DPM
Monday, October 10 @ 8pm EST

Monthly Marketing Tips
Presented by Podiatric Marketing Specialists:
Randy Rosler & Carol Hackman
Tuesday, October 18 @ 8pm EST

Use of the AeroSpring to Offload the Achilles and Plantar Fascia
Presented by Doug Richie, DPM, FACFAS
Tuesday, October 25 @ 8pm EST

The Benefits of Cash Service - Class IV Laser Therapy
Presented by Suzette Clements, DPM
Tuesday, November 1 @ 8pm EST
TRICKS OF THE TRADE - Quick Tips for Vendors
Milk Your Meetings
Sarah Breymeier

If you have downtown during a meeting... guess what, no more! From now on when you are not busy selling and schmoozing, you are going to utilize the time to showcase your products in a way that you can't when you're at home!

When you're at a meeting you have all of your products laid out in a perfect row; this is a fantastic opportunity to go through each product and perform a sales pitch in front of your camera phone. This content will serve as an awesome sales tool to help you provide product demos and quick elevator pitches when you're back at the office and looking for content to help you close a sale or share on social media!

The next time you have downtime at a meeting, take out each product and record a 30-60 second elevator pitch for each and every product.

Next, video tape the ins-and-outs of each product. Later, you can use some easy editing tools to add text to your video to highlight the product specifications and detail all the features and benefits.

Another challenge - GET TESTIMONIALS!
It's pretty common for your current customers to visit your booth and if they're not there to shop, they will usually sing your praises. Get it on camera! Ask your current customers to take a quick minute to hold the the products they use and describe how they use them in their office for their patient conditions. This is social media gold!

So just remember... there's no such thing as downtime! Make use of your unique environment and milk the time for all its worth!
Bianco Brothers... A History of Providing DPMs with
Unmatched Service and Value

Bianco Brothers Instruments started in 1972 as a small sharpening service in Brooklyn, N.Y. Today, Bianco Brothers is now a leading manufacturer for today’s podiatric physician. It is Bianco Brothers’ commitment to provide you with the best value, at the best price.
SAM23 Registration Coming Soon
Monthly Quick Poll

There are a lot of podiatric suppliers that do not have a large marketing staff to help promote and encourage booth traffic during a meeting.

If we (Ann and Sarah) were to provide more specific consultation and hands-on training to elevate your marketing prowess, would you be interested?
Yes, we are a small company and need more marketing support.
No, we have our conference marketing covered.
Maybe... I need to better understand what you would be offering.
Featured Meeting
Kent State Annual Southeast National Conference
November 17-20 | Walt Disney World Swan Resort in Orlando, FL

Can't watch the video right now?
Scroll down for the video transcript from Patrick Riley of Kent State.
The Southeast national is taking place at the Disney Swan hotel in Orlando, Florida. We are on Disney property.

We have a new setup for our vendor hall this year. We are growing in size, so we have a new layout, which vendors will appreciate the layout driving traffic into our vendor hall. We also have some raffles, our scanning and our break food in the vendor hall to make sure that our vendors are getting the ample amount of traffic.

We offer an alumni reception. That's technically open to anyone. That is going to be at Epcot. We're going to do a fireworks reception.

We usually do a wound care day. We have a surgery day, and then we bring in the Cleveland Clinic through a partnership. We bring in several vascular surgeons from the Cleveland clinic and have a vascular day. We also offer for Florida residents for Florida DPMs, we offer the rules and regulations for them. The content is great from a scientific standpoint.

From a vendor standpoint, we get rave reviews that, in the first 30 minutes of their break, they see more traffic at our show than at entire conferences. I think we do a lot to make sure that vendors are taken care of and that they're receiving good traffic to their booths.

We've got a great menu. There may be a steak and grouper surf and turf for lunch. Don't quote me on that. I know last year we had some lobster rolls. But the food is topnotch for sure.

We do a reception one evening at Epcot. It's a fireworks and dessert reception. Folks can bring their families and enjoy the fireworks. You don't have to buy a full daily pass to get to Epcot, you can just come over with us. If you do attend the conference, there are significantly discounted tickets to the parks.

From a vendor attendee ratio, if you're a vendor, we don't have as many other vendors as a large show, but we may have just as many attendees. From a vendor standpoint, you're getting a lot more return. You're getting a lot more traffic to your booth.

We have doctors that are mainly in private practice but really are all over the spectrum. I would say the average age is probably 40-60.

We do have a lot of attendees that are on the surgery side, but also most are in private practice. 
Click below to see industry events for upcoming months.
Quick Tips for Meeting Planners
Elevate Your Meeting Marketing
with our Favorite Creative Resources
In August we hosted our 2nd PodiatryExpo. This event was jam-packed with tips and tricks for DPMs to "Find Their Path and Implement Their Vision."

Plus, one of the most exciting areas of content that we created was called the "No Experience Marketing Workshop". This was a collection of presentation to help DPMs see new ways they can get make a marketing impact without having any formal graphic design or video editing training.

What does this mean for you?

Well, we know that there are several meetings that are short-staffed. Finding a team of marketing professionals to make your advertisements and promotional materials stand out can be tough!

So, we want to share with you our PART 3 of the NO EXPERIENCE MARKETING WORKSHOP that was aired in August during the PodiatryExpo.

Keep in mind, that our audience for this video was DPMs... but the tools and the way to use them simply doesn't matter.

In the video below you will see our favorite tools including:

Adobe Color Identifier
Clipping Magic
Sticker Mule - Redraw

ENJOY AND GO GET CREATIVE! presents information about upcoming podiatric events, featured podiatry vendors, exhibiting and travel tips, and more!

Contact us by hitting "reply" or email us directly at [email protected]