Teacher naturalists lead a workshop for students suffering from social anxiety at Kibbutz Lotan & The Center for Creative Ecology
A Tomato for Your Thoughts
Dear friends,

My dad always said that this time of year, if you left your car door unlocked, you would come back to squash in your driver's seat. The sun is high and the harvest is fruitful: tomato sandwiches with heirlooms warm off the vine, slices of cantaloupe and watermelon with salt and chili, and SO MUCH zucchini. September always comes in hot and busy, and this year was no exception. As you feast on the spoils of your labor, recover from weeks of summer camp sing alongs, and look to another school year full of opportunity, we hope this newsletter offers a variety of resources useful to you. From curriculum guides, to helpful software, to grant awardees -- there is never a dull moment in the world of Farm-Based Education. But what did you expect? It's September.


Lizzie Grabowski
Social Media Coordinator

Upcoming Workshops
Gather with peers at these enriching events. View calendar .

 Farm-Based Education Network
Sept 15 | Prior Lake, MN

Sept 23-26 | Green Bay, WI
Sept 26-29 | Travers City, MI

Oct 11 | Santa Barbara, CA

Farm-Based Education Network Conference Attendees 2016
2019 Farm Based Education Network Conference

The Farm-Based Education Network's 7th Conference is around the corner, and we are thrilled to call Baltimore our host city! With field trips to farm and garden projects in Baltimore, Washington, D.C. and in towns throughout Maryland, followed by workshops at the 
Pearlstone Center in Reisterstown, MD, the conference promises to offer four days of rich learning, relationship building, growth, and inspiration for all. 

United States Department of Agriculture
2019 USDA Farm to School Grant Recipients Announced

Recipients of 2019 USDA Farm to School Grants include 126 projects across 42 states. A special congratulations to FBEN member grant recipients including: Grow Food Northampton (MA), Urban Roots Garden Classrooms (NV), and The Center for Ecoliteracy (CA). We challenge members from Maryland, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Utah, and Wyoming to join the ranks in 2020!
Q & A : Taffy Gwitira of 2019 Farm-Based Education Network Conference (Baltimore, MD)
Learn more about our tireless and amazingly talented FBEN Conference Organizer in this month's Q & A .

Tools for Designing Fall Farm Programs
Autumn is right around the corner and, with it, the harvest season. Now is the perfect opportunity to evaluate farm programming and how you would like to maintain, expland, or rewrite your garden or farm's offerings for the season. Vermont FEED has produced a guide to Quality Farm Experiences to ease the process of developing Agritourism opportunities on your property.

Camp Software to Make Life Easier
Camp season is coming to a close and many of us are jotting down notes on how to make next season even smoother. Consider this: o ne system that works for summer camp, family camp and adult retreats, that gives you a clear insight into your data, and soon, an integrated fundraising module. Want to learn more? Check out CampBrain Read through to the end of the newsletter and you'll see their logo again. We're trying out having newsletter sponsors and they're first up! Let us know if you have any questions about what this means for our news or Network.
Takeover Our Instagram!
The FBEN Instagram account invites you to draft a week-long series of guest posts! Share what makes your organization or program unique and reach new audiences on a wider platform. Check out previous takeovers  @farmbasededucationnetwork  and contact Lizzie at  elizabethgrabow@gmail.com  for more information on scheduling your takeover.

Bi-Partisan Farm to School Act of 2019 Introduced
Left or Right. Blue or Red. We all have one thing in common--food. Thanks to the efforts of congressmen and women  Patrick Leahy (D-VT), David Perdue (R-GA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Susan Collins (R-ME), Marcia Fudge (D-OH) and Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) a revised Farm to School Act Bill has been drafted. Review the details of the bill here and show your support by signing the petition for yourself and your organization.
Photo Credit: Spannochia | Tuscany, Italy
Jobs in the Field
Work in the field of farm-based education! View additional openings on our site.

The Heal Project | Half Moon Bay, CA

City of Portland | Portland, OR

Northeast SARE | South Burlington, VT

Anathoth Community Garden and Farm | Cedar Grove, NC
Bon Appetit
An Overload of Tomatoes
Up to your ears in tomatoes? Us too.
Don't want to turn on the oven? Neither do we.
Try out this s crumptious recipe for tomato fried rice. It will become your new late-summer obsession.

This issue brought to you by 
The FBEN is a free member network established to strengthen and support the work of educators, farmers, and community leaders who provide access and experiences on working farms.  

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